Battle of Marley vi

Book Two

Volume 6

Ch. 76 Battle of Marley vi



"Uncle?" Pieck asks

"Why are you here?" I ask Eren

"Me? Oh.. well I was out to find your father.. but it looks like Hange stepped out of line. Seriously, that woman never did listen."

"Hange?" Pieck asks

"What is it you want from him?"

"Hmm? Are you serious? Well… I'm sure the fact that I decided to move on my own was obvious enough"

Last time I saw him was when we sent a letter to paradise three years ago telling them dad was willing to work with them if they were ready to launch an attack

Eren and his men were the ones who met us half way across the ocean to deliver our message to Hange

A month later he came back saying they refused which was odd since the technology advancement in paradise was faster than what we had anticipated

"Tell me, what did you do with the message we sent to Hange?"

"Message? What message?" He smiles widely

"Son of a bitch" I clench my fist "three years ago we had the perfect opportunity!" I growl "this would all be done and over with had you come with some back up!"

"Back up? C-Colt.. what are you talking about?" Pieck asks

"Three years ago? I don't remember a damn thing about your so-called message" his eyes widen "all I remember is the strength I lacked to stand against that devil you call your father." He says calmly, "but now I got all the power I need" he holds his hand out "since your father isn't here I guess she'll have to do" he points at Pieck "once her power is my own I'll take that of the war hammer and I'll beat your sorry father into the ground"

If I wasn't sure about him before. I know I am now

"You try to do what you want with my father… but your not laying a finger on my woman" I return the nasty flare he was giving me

"Yeah? Well after I'm done here with you, Kara is up next"

"Is that right ? Alright Eren…let's see what you got"

"Yes, It'll be my pleasure, Colt" he launches at me

I slam my knee onto his cheek

"Ghrr" he growls before grabbing my leg

"Ghk*" I grit my teeth

He's strong as shit

I cross my arms as he does a 180 and throws me at the wall

My back slams onto the brick wall and I jump to my feet as he charged at me

I raise my hand beside my temple managing to block his foot

I stomp on his stationary foot and I step forward digging my fist into his face

"Aghk!" he stumbles back before coming at me again

I see his fist heading for my face so I cross my arms bracing myself before I felt his fist smash into my gut

I suck it up before I grab his wrist

I swing him around ready to slam him into the wall

But he kicks off the wall doing a backflip and lands right behind me

"Fuck." I curse before he elbows me in the face

"Agh*" I stumble back, covering my gut but he faints again and goes for my face

I lean back managing to dodge his fist and I let my weight pull me down as I see him going for a roundhouse to my chin

I fall on my back but before he could stomp me down I push myself off the ground smashing my heel right on his chin before landing right beside Pieck again

"What is he talking about, Colt?" Pieck asks

"H-hey, sit outside for me yeah?" I smile painfully

"Colt, what the hell is he talking about?" She asks again

"Pieck.. please.. just stay back" I huff

"Is that Eren? Th-the Eren, from paradise?"

I don't respond but I guess the look I gave her was all she needed

"How do you know him? M-more importantly why'd he say your father is.." her eyes widen

"Stay back!" I growl as Eren charges at me again

I was bracing myself before I see Pieck slam her fist on his temple, completely blind siding him

"Colt," she looks me in the eye as Eren stumbled back "you're going to tell me everything" she says

"Hehe, yeahh" I giggle nervously before we both charged at him

"Nghk" Eren grits his teeth before holding his hand out in front of himself showing us a deep cut in his hand

"Haha* do it and everyone here is dead" he smiles widely

"Eren.. get the hell out."

"Who do you think you're talking to?"

"That's enough, Eren" someone in the crowd of people who were watching says


"That voice.." Pieck says under her breath


It's got to be

That bastard was with Eren all this time

"Ugh" he sits up "fine" he pats his clothes before he jumps onto his feet "it should be about time" he wipes his mouth

"Time for what?" Pieck steps forward but I set my hand on her chest holding her back

"It's alright, Pieck. ur time will come" Eren backs off

We watch as he and Zeke get inside a car before driving away

We both stood there for a couple of minutes still baffled as to what had went down

"L-Look Pieck we have to-" I stop, feeling the knife she put to my throat

"Be very.. very careful with what you say next, Colt" she whispers

"Pieck.. please" I gulp

"Is all that he said true?" She asks "are you really.. His son?" She doesn't even dare say my fathers name

"Look, this doesn't change anything" I

"This changes everything. You've been plotting against Marley all this time? Why Colt?"

"You tell me, Pieck. Why not, huh? Tell me what is freedom to you? Is it being treated like dirt, laying down our lives in hope we will one day prove we aren't monsters? Or being treated as equals, being treated fairly, not because of the blood coursing through our veins but the "

"This world will always see us as a threat because of people like you, Colt."

"People like.. Open your eyes, Pieck, how long have you eldians of Marley tried to prove you aren't a threat? War after war it's a never ending cycle. When Marley gains power over this Continent, who do you think will be at the front lines when they decide to invade other Nations?"

She doesn't answer

"Us Pieck, then it'll be our children, and then our grandchildren, and then their children and it'll go on and on and on till there isn't an Eldian left and when that happens they will lose their greatest weapon"

"B-but what you are trying to do now is kill thousands of innocent lives"

"Tell me, how else are we supposed to find freedom, Pieck? b'cause for the past thousand years it's been the same for us Eldians. Please, join us, my father will enforce equality. Nobody will ever suffer again if you just give in"

She doesn't respond

"It's no wonder I fell for you.." she tears up "you do know how to talk don't you?" She pulls her knife down

"Please listen Pieck" I beg once more

"I heard you loud and clear.. but.." she takes a deep breath "anyone who wishes death upon my people I can not forgive" she turns her back to me

"Dammit, Pieck!" I growl as she began walking away

Before I could grab her shoulder she turns around and throws her knife right at my thigh

"Nghk*" I grit my teeth, dropping on my knee

"I love you.. far too much Colt.. but your father.. is a monster, and you know it.. I can never forgive him for what he did to Annie."

"Don't do this Pieck.. y-you'll die" I groan

"Goodbye, Colt"

"No, idiot.." I force myself up

I drag my foot over to the door

"Sir p-please you should really wait for medics they should arrive shortly" the manager of the restaurant says as I push the door open

As I look up at the sky I see two massive explosions one accompanied with purple lightning

That was dad for sure. The other was yellow who I could only assume is that bastard, Eren

A few seconds went by when a third and forth explosion erupt both accompanied by the lightning.

From this distance Pieck hasn't arrived yet

"Listen" I grab the managers shirt "everyone has to evacuate to the shore" I tell him "Marleyans will be evacuated into Liberio and they'll surely push you guys out of the city so just get going now" I say

"Wh-what's going on?" He asks with a terrified look on his face

Before I could answer there was a massive rumbling that shook the entire city

"Go!" I growl before heading out

There was a Marleyan soldier crossing the street

He began starting his bike

It took him three tries but it finally turned on

He was turning his bike around

"Hey!" I shout "where the hell are you going?!" I growl as I stood a few feet in front of him

"What? Are you an idiot?" He shouts "there's a battle of Titans raging on in the heart of the city. I'm getting the hell away from here" he began accelerating

He was going around me when I extend my arm getting a tight hold of his throat

"Aghk" he gasps as I raise him off his bike

"Ghk*" I grunt, having to put weight on my injured leg before I slam him on his back

"I have no time to deal with garbage like you" I rip his tretchea out of his throat

I raise his bike and I start heading into the heart of Marley

The ground was shaking as their battle raged on

Not long after there were two more eruptions accompanied with lightning

Those were Pieck and Gilliard for sure

I turn the final corner to find Erens attack Titan fighting Gillard's in his Jaw Titan

Zeke was knocked out but his nape was protected by the buildings so nobody could get to him

Then there was Pieck, heading straight for my father who was fighting The War Hammer

"REINER!" I hear a painful cry


Was that him?

What's going on?

I sprint straight through the open field managing to get to the other side without getting stomped on by Eren

"Falco!" I shout

"Wake up idiot!" Falco shouts

I quickly begin throwing all the rubble aside till I finally came across a large pair of hands cupped as if they were holding something inside

"Falco!" I shout

Falco turns around

"Colt!" His eyes widen "Colt we have to get him out of here. I can't let him die here."

"Stop being an idiot, Falco. We have to go, now! Eren has betrayed us!"

"Yes, I know!" Falco shouts "even after Eren made me tell him who I really was, Reiner still didn't hesitate to save me."

"Please, Colt.."

"Shit," I curse "fine help me through!" I try squeezing through the hands

"Get away from Reiner!" I hear Gabi

"Gabi?!" I turn my head before I hear a loud pop and something slams into my arm

"Hnghk*" I stumble back seeing Gabi holding a .32 with the barrel steaming

"God, what the hell, Gabi?! You shot me!" I shout painfully

"Shut up, Devil!" She growls

"Ugh shit, shit, shit" I groan, feeling as the adrenaline wore off and I could feel the wound on my thigh, along with this bullet in my arm

"Who the hell do you think you are, trying to live amongst us?!"

"Ghk* now isn't the time" I force myself back up

"Gabi, please. Just stop!"

"Falco.." she turns her head just realizing he was inside

"You rat," she sets the barrel to his forehead

Falcos widens his eyes "do it" he says

"Gabi don't!" I trip over my feet trying to get to her

A tear rolls down Gabis cheek before she just.. pulls the trigger…

-to be continued