
Book Two

Volume 6

Ch. 86 Titaness

If you didn't see the last notice than I realized earlier today that my dumbass forgot to post ch 82. I posted it just now. It gives contexts on Kara's whereabouts since hes clearly been missing for the last few chapters



"Wh-what are you talking about?" I ask "d-do you mean like a Titan.. Titan?"

"Not exactly your kind of Titan" she responds

"Who is this mommy a-and why does he smell like papa?" The little girls asks

Rhea smiles

"This here is my child, Hestia" she pats her daughter back before she waddles over to me

"H-hello m-mister" Hestia shakes my hand

"And here is Poseidon"

"These are your children?" I ask "aren't you a bit.. well… young?"

"Wait mommy, who is he?" Hestia asks again

"He's our sibling," Rhea gives her a little smile

Hestia face lights up

"Our?" I ask before Hestia lounges on top of me

"Whoa, you're my big brother?!"

"Hestia, mind your manners" Rhea snaps

"Oh… s-sorry mister" Hestia frowns as she sits on my chest

"It's fine" I sit up

"Really?!" Hestia's face lights up again

I give her a little smile before she wraps her arms around my neck again

"Heh*" I chuckle as I hug her back

"You do mean Kara, right?" I ask

"Yes, he is my father" Rhea says

"Mine too" Hestia pulls her head back "and so is yours, that makes us brother and sister" she smiles widely

I slowly stand back up carefully setting Hestia down as I did

"W-wait so if he's your father.. a-and so is your daughter's father…"

She looks to be around 11 years old and the child looked to be around 5 that means she was only 6 when she had her, and six years ago dad was 35

God, this is making me sick

Rhea smiles "don't think about it too hard, child"

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"Kara isn't much older than I am" she says

"Really?" I ask wondering how that was

"I take it that you already met Hisoka?"

"Hisoka?" I ask

That man, she's probably talking about the hooded guy that said he's an 'old pal' of my fathers

"Y-yeah, yeah I did"

"Did he not explain anything to you?"

"No, not really"

"Of course" she sighs "anyways, I'm here to apologize on our fathers behalf, I know he has cause you enough pain"

"Why, what happened mommy?" Hestia asks

Rhea gives her a little smile "nothing, here go show Poseidon the fishies" she sets the child down

"Oh, okay" Hestia takes the boy and waddles over to the corner where the fishes were hiding

"There are things you might not understand, but please bare with me" Rhea says "first your father as well as my own is The Founder, long ago he created everything"

"Wh-what? You're crazy right?" I chuckle nervously

"No, I'm really not" she says in a strict tone

"O-okay if you're saying he created everything, does that mean he's God?"

"Look, it's best I don't try to explain it, all you have to understand is that Kara is the Founder himself"

"The Founder? l-like in my dream?" I ask

"Dream?" She asks "you dreamt of Kara?" I ask

"I-I had a dream of the time Ymir met Th-the Son of Satan" I say still a bit unsure dad really is this being

"Oh… yeah, that's a rather unpleasant story" she says "that's actually what I came here to talk to you about" she opens her hand and a staff appears from thin air

She taps it on the water before the scenery changes around us

And I was face to face with him again

He was sitting on a chair watching the sun set behind me

I step back

If he were to look me in the eye

There's no doubt I'd drop dead just like the other guys I saw before so

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and all the fear completely disappears

I look over my shoulder to see Rhea

She gives me a little smile and I began feeling so warm, almost sleepy inside

After returning the smile I look back at Kara who was still watching the sun set

After a couple of seconds went by the doors behind him suddenly open

"Hehe*" a child giggles as she drags a chair behind the one Kara was sitting on

Not long after, her head pops up from behind his

It was Ymir

She looked the same last I saw her

"Look what I got, hehehe" she giggles as she raises a child over his head before sitting him on top of Kara's chest

"What is this thing doing here?" Kara asks

"You asked for me, so I brought him along" she jumps off the chair and waddles around him before jumping on top of Kara's lap

She grabs the baby and sits down in between his legs

"You still haven't named him?" Kara asks

"No," she rubes her nose on the child's

"It's been a month since it's first breath, why not?" He asks

"I told you, I want you to name him" she looks up at him

"Me? You're awfully persistent aren't you?" He sighs

"I'll wait as long as I have to, you will name our child" she says

"I'm not going to raise him if that's what you want" he says

"I'm not asking you to, I'm asking you to name him at the very least"

She seemed to have matured

Even for as young as she is

"Fine" he sighs "you win" he raises his blade "how about, Susanoo?"

"Susanoo?" She looks down at her child "that's a silly name" she giggles

"Look, I called you here so that we'll begin"

"Begin what?" Ymir asks as she laid her son in the little baby cradle

"You've been crowned as queen not long ago by the people of this nation, yet you still haven't raided a single village"


She isn't much older than Hestia..

"Well, I had to worry about Susanoo didn't I?" She sits on her ankles in between his legs

"When I told you I'd give you the power to rule the seven seas, I meant it" he stands up before stepping over Ymir

The sunset suddenly disappears as he summoned an army of tens of millions of colossal titans

"Wh-whoa" Ymir's gasps in disbelief

Kara holds his hand out

The muscle fibers from his arm started crawling out of his wrists one strand at a time slowly forming into a heart that hovered over his palm

"Eat this, it's made of my very own muscle tissue, so it'll either kill you, or it'll give you nine strengths and grant you command over these giants

"Giants?" I ask Rhea, wondering why Kara didn't call them titans

"A Titan, like myself, is one of 13 immortal beings that look over this world"

She's immortal?


Would that mean dad is too?

"Since Ymir's power came from the Founding Titan himself, your people naturally adopted this term into all her creations" she explains

That's right..

'The Founding Titans power'

This power was given to her by the Founding Titan

But then, what's the point in telling me all this?

"What? Really?!" Ymir takes the heart without hesitating

"I'll be super strong if I have an army like this" Ymir raises the heart over her head "nobody will ever bully me again" she smiles widely "a-and all my new friends will be safe because all the meanies will be too scared to fight me" she adds

"Exactly," Kara smiles, "you shall rule by fear alone. Squash your enemies just like the one before you"

"Okay, thank you for the meal" she says before she began devouring it

Kara caresses her head as she did

And not long after she was finally done

She sits still for a couple of minutes waiting to see if anything happens

"Hey!" She opens her arms "hehehe* I'm not dead" she giggles before throwing herself at Kara

"Yes I can see that," Kara sighs disappointingly "these nine strengths will grant you 9 lifetimes" he adds

"Whoa, like a cat" she giggles

"Whether, you want to live that long or not is up to you, you can also share this power by removing your heart and handing it to eight others of your choosing,"

"Remove my heart?" Ymir asks "won't I be dead if I do that?"

"No, another will grow back the moment you do, that is until you run out of lives" he says

"What? That's cool, hehehe" she giggles

"Do be wary, whoever consumes this power will get 33 years 3 months and 3 days taken off their original lifespan, no matter how long their original was"

"Th-three?" Ymir asks

"No mere human can withstand a single strand of dna from that of a Founding Titan for more than 30 years, but of course I made an exception for you" he smiles

"Hehehe" she giggles

"Anyways, I'll be off now" he stands over the edge

"Make this world fear your strength, do not disappoint me, Ymir. I expect great things from you" he vanishes before she could say a word

She sets her hands on her chest

"With the power papa lent me. I'll make a paradise for all my people"

"Thanks… papa…" she smiles


"The Founding Titans power…" I repeat once more

Rhea had this look in her eye

What is she trying to tell me?

Why won't she just come out and say it?

"That's quite enough" I hear a male voice coming from behind Rhea

Her eyes widen

He was at least 9 feet tall

Just massive

"O-Oceanus…" Rhea says too terrified to face him

"You and Hisoka alike are a pain in the ass, you know that?" he sighs

"Big brother!" Hestia lounges on Oceanus

"I told you not to call me that, child" he pats her head

"It's okay, Cronus' mean butt isn't here" she puffs her cheeks

"I'll be taking the three of you home now, before you get carried away" he says

"What?! Aww" Hestia frowns

She jumps off his leg and waddles back over to me

"Bye, bye, big brother" she opens her arms

I crouch down

"Bye-bye" I chuckle, as I hug her back

"It was a pleasure finally being able to speak with you, Falco" Rhea bows her head as Hestia joins her side with Poseidon thrown over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes

"Hehe*" Hestia giggles, waving at me as a yellow glow formed at their feet

"Likewise," I bow my head as well "thanks for everything" I smile

Rhea gives me a little smile

Her smile was so heartwarming

"Poseidon?!" Rhea gasps, finally seeing how Hestia was holding the poor child just as they vanished

After thinking everything over, the door suddenly opened

"What?!" Kenny shouts

"I said" Levi raises his voice "it was actually nice seeing you again, Uncle!" He shouts

"I'm just kidding, I heard you the first time" Kenny chuckles

"Ghk* stupid old man" Levi grumbles

"Ahha, there he is!" Kenny opens his arms after seeing me beside the lake

"That was a pretty long nap of yours, Falco" Levi sighs

"Yeah.. well I couldn't get much sleep last night" I sigh "anyways, I was thinking we could bring Kenny along to escort Historia out of the capitol, if that's fine with you"

"What?!" Levi growls

"What?! Haha, count me in!" Kenny laughs

"You gotta be joking!"

"What? He may have a limp, but even so I bet he can hold his own against Mikasa" I smile knowing that was probably a stretch

"M-maybe… but" he looks at Kenny

"Hehehe* What is it, nephew? Too shy to introduce me to all your buddies?" Kenny giggles

"No, you already tried to kill my them once, remember?"

"Oh… y-yes, yes I do actually" Kenny frowns

"It'll be fine, your obviously a changed man" I smile

"Thanks kid" Kenny smiles

"Now, let's head on back to camp"

-to be continued