The Outside

Book Two

Volume 7

Ch. 89 The Outside



My fingers brush through her hair as I pull her head in

We found ourselves a tent where she told me how two men kidnapped her before the riot began and they dropped her off with Levi and our squad

"Y-you're joking.. right?" I hug her tightly

"I-I was so scared, I thought I'd never get to see you again" she sniffs

"I tried to come back.. I swear I did" I say

"I-I know, " she pulls her head back "Hange told me everything"

"Even about…" I stop

"Y-yes" she sighs "well.. the truth is… I've always known about the two of you" she says

"Wh-what do you mean?" I ask

"Sasha never hid a thing from me," she says


"After the Battle of Shiganshina she came crying to me"


"She always said it wasn't your fault, it's why she begged me not to say a thing"


"B-but why? Why did she put up with me?" I ask

"Why am I regretting everything I did to her now?" I ask

"Why couldn't I see it was all wrong back then?"

"Do I… do I even care?"

"Kara.." Historia whispers

"She was always nothing more than a-a thing to me, until now.."

"Am I regretting everything I did because I actually feel bad?"

"Or is it just because I know what I did is wrong?"

Historia pulls my head into her chest

"Oh…K-Kara" I hear the little shake in her voice as she listens to me asking her all these questions, trying to figure out what exactly is going on in my head

"Can you tell me, Historia?"

"Do I really care?"

"Or am I just lying to myself? Lying to… everyone?"

My head was spinning for a moment I couldn't tell if I was awake or not

If I was dreaming or not

Did any of this even happen?

It felt so unreal

Did I really do those horrible things to Sasha?

Was it really me?

Am I really capable of doing those diabolical things?

"Kara, baby" Historia sniffs "it's fine, none of this is your fault" she pulls my head back "you didn't ask to be born this way, just like you never asked to have been treated so horribly"

Her eyes were flooded with tears

Even so I didn't know what to feel

I should be the one bawling in her arms

It's the least I owe Falco

The least I owe.. Sasha

But no

I don't care

Why don't I care?

Is it because she's still alive?

Because she actually made it?

Why is this happening?


My brain..

After Shiganshina it's almost as if it just shut down..

Is that what it is?

"Look, Kara." She raises my chin "nobody expects you to act a certain way, alright? No one has the right to tell you how to feel. Not even.. not even Colt"

"Colt? You talked to him?"

"Mhmm" she nods "he's very upset" she whispers "he says he hates that you didn't shed a single tear after what you did.."

Not a single tear?

But why?

"B-but look, again, it isn't your fault. Who are we to assume what you feel?.. I-I mean look at you" she's looks at my scars

I set a hand on my chest

All these scars

What the hell happened before I lost my memories?

30 years in Paradise and I still have no clue how I even got here..

What I've lived through is terrifying to say the least

And there's still so much I don't know

"You've been through hell, even if you might not remember it all yourself" she smiles


"Everything will be alright, as long as you know to always do the right thing you have nothing to worry about"

"Right…" I sigh

"C'mon, I'm sure Cyrus wants to speak with you"

She leads me outside

"Oi, told ye I knew th'ol bloke, ain't that right, triple seven?" someone says behind me

I turn around

"Th'names Jack, Jack Daniel, rememba? We gotcha lil gilfrien before they got to'ah" he pats her head

"How?" I ask "did you forge the newspaper?"

"Nah none of that" he says "c'mon, let's go see the boss"

I look at Historia

She looked just as confused as I was

How the hell did they get that picture of Historia then?

We had so many questions

We follow Jack back outside, where we found Cyrus sitting on a large rock beside the little pond

"Forgive me for taking so long to come back" he flicks his cigarette aside

"It's nothing, we got by just fine" Historia slides her hand into mine

"I'm sure you did," he smiles

"What is it you want to talk about?"

"Well," He stands up "first things first, we have to get to know what kind you are" he walks over to us

"Lind of what?" I ask

"Mhmm" he hums "outside this continent there are beings that can manipulate elements, the weather, or shoot things from their hands" he holds his hand out holding a leaf "some use hand signs to better link themselves with their energy" he adds

Hand signs?

I remember pulling something like that off in my battle with Eren

"Outside this continent, not once did I ever see another human with a tail like yours" he says as he places the leaf on my palm

"What's this?" I ask

"A leaf" he says

"I-I know that, what do I do with it?"

"I want you to concentrate" he says

"Concentrate what?" I ask

"Your… energy?" He thinks "this is gonna be a headache to explain but please bear with me" he takes a breath "there are five main sources of energy, Chakra, Nen, Magic, Ki, and Haki. Even so, some people may be born with weird abilities at birth, like quirks, the ability to manipulate any of the for elements, or Eldians that can turn into Giants" he explains

"Even so anyone can rightfully fit into a single category, despite the abilities they're born with." he holds one finger up "you are either born with this source of energy, or you can simply learn how to control one" he says

"We all have special pores that only allow your body to control and flow with any one source of energy, once your body is exposed to one it's either easily compatible or through training you can make yourself compatible

"S-so what category do you fall under?" Historia asks

"Me?" He smiles "well, I ate a devil fruit, in doing so my pores became compatible with Haki" he says

"Devil fruit?" I ask

"Mhmm" he holds his hand out "I ate what is known as the flame-flame fruit," his hand bursts into flames "my body has become fire itself"

"Whoa.." Historia watches in amazement as the fire dies out

"Ye, ya mans ate the clone-clone fruit, innit" Jack says "I can clone myself or whoeva I'd like"

"So that's what it was" I smile

"And who's that guy?" Historia asks about the other guy that was with them

"That's Pedro-Jose, he's got a whole buncha otha names and last names, but he's full blooded Beana from El Chimichanga, Mexico" Jack says

"What do you call me!?" Pedro growls with a heavy Spanish accent

"Hehehe" Jack giggles

"It's Pedro-Jesus D. Maria" Pedro-Jesus D. Maria shouts

"His sista digs me, ye. She calls me pendejo which is Spanish for big daddy" Jack winks

"Maricon always talking your facken chet" Pedro murmurs

"English, Pedro" Cyrus sighs

Historia giggles as the two went back and forth

"Hehehe," Cyrus giggles "well anyways, let's get to the test" he turns his attention back to me

"All you have to do is focus on your.. well you can think of it as an aura" he says


So like… what I use for my Susanoo

"Okay" I look down at the leaf

Nothing happened for a couple of seconds

The five of us waited for the leaf to do something

Till it finally did

The leaf burst into a blue flame

Everyone except Cyrus pulls their heads back

"Oi that's hot, innit?" Jack says

"That's odd," Cyrus holds his hand out to the flame "even I can feel the heat.."

We all watched in amazement till the flame finally died out

Only.. instead of the leaf being burnt to a crisp it was covered in frost

"Wh-what?" Cyrus asks

"Is it frozen?" Jack asks examines the leaf

"Soo…" I snap Cyrus's attention back

"Oh… well.. what the hell is this shit?" he sets a finger on his chin

"You're the expert.. aren't you?"

"Well.. that's what I thought," he thinks "this was the Chakra Nature Test, it was supposed to tell us if you are already compatible with Chakra and what Nature it'd be" he says

"Oi, but since the leaf reacted, don't tha mean he's a chakra weilda?" Jack asks

"Y-yeah but the leaves burst into an odd flame that completely shattered the laws of physics" Cyrus thinks

"That's so cool, I never see a chakra nature persona before" Pedro says admirably

"Yeah, they are quite rare," Cyrus says "well this sucks I was hoping you'd eat the devil fruit I've been saving" he sighs

"Devil fruit? What kind was is it?"

"It's the gum-gum fruit, pretty sure it turns you into a rubber man if I'm not mistaken" he says

"That sounds kinda lame" I raise an eyebrow

"Maybe, but if you're a rubber man think of all the things you can stretch" he nudges my shoulder

"Hehe, hey you're right" I giggle with him

"I think that's quite enough you two" Historia pouts

"Oh well, guess we'll just have to give it to Pedro" Cyrus clears his throat

"Really sir?"

"Hey that's just awesome, bloke. If you can stretch, think of all the lawns you can mow at the same time, ye?" Jack pats his back

"Hey you're right, this is going to be very fun" Pedro giggles

"Ye, and maybe flip some tacos with your penis or something" Jack continues

"Alright, so.." Cyrus puts his hands together "hand-signs" he says


"Yes people of your Nature tend to use hand signs to summon beasts or weird attacks, I learned a few signs from the great Hagoromo and Humura themselves"

"Hagoromo?" I ask as if I've heard the name before

And Hamura..

They both sound familiar

"Yes" he smiles "though the signs are completely useless for my Haki" he sighs

And these hand signs… I did one back when I was fighting Eren

"Okay" I put my hands together

"This one is called-" before he could begin the iron door swings open

"M-my Lord" a soldier bows his head

"What is it?"

"It's Falco, sir. We've received a radio message from Holst"

"Falco?" I ask

"This way Sire" he hurries back into the bunker

We all hurry behind him, he lead us into a tent where they handed me the mic

"Falco, are you still there?" I ask

But we could only hear the radios static

"Falco!" I shout

"Dad!?" he finally says

"What's going on, kid?" I ask

"Holy shit dad, this is bad, man" he says nervously

"What's going on?" I ask again

"Look, just forget everyone. You have to get yourself and the queen out of there, like right now" he says

"Why? What's going on?"

He doesn't answer for a couple of seconds

"There.." he whispers though half his sentence was cut off

"Speak up, we can't hear you, Falco" I say

"It's Zeke, he and Eren arrived at Holst looking for you. I overheard the MP's talking about how Zeke is planning to turn some patriots into titans to sniff you out"

"Titans?" I ask



This is bad

I look back at everyone

I can't protect them, not like this

We're a long ways from Holst, it'll take the titans about 12 hours to reach us here

If we get going now we'll get to the shore in 15 hours..

That's if Historia and I go alone


That isn't right

These people went back to save me in Shiganshina, I can't leave them all behind..

Damn it..

It's not like I really care though…


I look over at Historia

What's the right thing to do?

Save everyone.. or… don't risk the founding Titan falling into their hands..

Save everyone… or save myself…

Who am I kidding?

"Levi, round everyone up. Tell everyone we're leaving in twenty minutes with or without them"

"You sure? They'll only slow us down. Getting the two of you to safety should be our top priority"

"We're not leaving a single soul behind"

"You got it" he smiles

After he goes on his way someone else's enters the tent

"Colt.." I say in disbelief

"I'm not leaving Falco behind" he says

"Honey, it's too dangerous" Historia steps up

She grabs his hands

He just glares at me, anxious to just let it out

"Kara?" Historia says hoping I'd say something to keep him from leaving

"He'll be fine, I trained him into a fine soldier" I say

"Shut the hell up!" he growls

"Colt.. you promised.." Historia wraps her arms around his waist

"I-I know, but.." he hugs her back

I get ready to head out

"Just take care of yourself, Colt" I couldn't help but wish him luck

He doesn't respond, so I leave and get ready to make an announcement to everyone

-to be continued