The Eldian Civil War ii

Book Two

Volume 7

Ch. 92 The Eldian Civil War ii



It's been two days since they managed to breach the gate

They've been playing it smart by sending five thousand troops in groups of twenty five hundred at a time

Our numbers have dropped down to just under fifteen hundred troops I'd say

Since then they pushed us back to the shore where we managed to hold our own thus far

I raise the rifle over my head before smashing it onto his skull I stumble around before I felt a sharp pain on my hip

I jerk my body around, bashing whoever it was that managed land a their shot with their handgun

The rifle snaps so I smash my fist into whoever came next

"F-fuck" my knees buckle and I fall on my ass

I'm exhausted

It's about time they gave me a break

They just kept coming

I sit in the back of the room near a window as I watched their soldiers run by the door before getting annihilated further down the street

They occasionally peeked inside but moved on after not seeing anyone in here

"Mgh" Mikasa groans beside me

She quickly sits up after realizing she had been asleep

"Where's everyone else?" She asks

"I don't know, but I'm sure they're fine"

About eight hours ago she got hit in the back of the head

It wasn't anything serious she was just far too exhausted to keep it up

"S-sorry" she sighs

"Don't be," I smile

We've been at it for days

It's only a matter of time till I drop from exhaustion as well

"C'mon, let's rally up with everyone else"

I help her up and we managed to find everyone without running into any problems

From the looks of it things were dying down

There was only a couple hundred left

"There you are" Connie sighs

"What happened to Jean?" Mikasa asks

"He's resting, Levi and I just woke up" Connie says

"Connie was the first to drop, we've been taking turns ever since" Levi says

"Right" I sigh though I was trying my best to keep my eyes open after finally finding myself a bed to sit on

"You should try getting some rest" Mikasa helps pull my shirt over my head

"I can keep fighting with some painkillers" I raise my arm as she began cleaning the bullet wound on my side

"She's right, it's time you get some rest" Hange says

"You need me out there"

"That's why we need you at the top of your game. We'll hold them off for ten hours" Levi argues

"Mgh*" I grunt after Mikasa tightens the bandages around my abdomen

"F-five" I grunt

"Eight," he head out before I can protest again

I was so exhausted that I fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow


| Kara's Past | Ch. 15 |

"Haha I got one, I finally got one!" Mia laughs

"Lemme see, I wanna see" I peek over her shoulder

She was putting the fish she caught inside a plastic ziplock bag

"Here I got some water" Ignia brings a cup of the water he got from the stream

I help hold the ziplock open as Ignia poured the water inside

After he finished I zip it closed and I hand it to Mia

"Yay now we all have fishies" she raises the bag over her head like a trophy

"Hehe" I giggle

The three of us head back home where we put our fishes inside a big fish tank

After that we set up a tent in the backyard

We were eating our s'mores, looking up at the night sky and the humongous planet the satélite we lived on revolved around of

We were there for hours

It was so fun

It's like I'm happy every single second I'm with the two of them


It's been so long

I can't believe I'm actually happy

"Hehehe" I giggle

"You guys?" Mia whispers

"Mhmm?" Ignia and I both answer

"We're like best friends aren't we?" She asks

"You're my sister, Mia" Ignia says

"I know-I know, but like the three of us. We're like the three muskineers"

"Musketeers," Ignia corrects her

"Hehe, same thing" she giggles

"Time to go to sleep, you two have school tomorrow!" Paris, their mom, shouts from inside the house

"Aww man I don't want to go to school" Mia frowns

"Really? I wish I could go" I sigh

"What? You're lucky you can stay here with momma" Mia says

"B-but if I go with you guys we can play together all day"

"Trust me after only a week you'll be wishing you could stay home all day" Ignia says

"That's fine by me, hehe" I giggle excitedly

"Alright, I'll tell my teacher first thing tomorrow so let's get some sleep" Ignia says

We head into the tent and we lay down inside of our sleeping bags side by side

They fell asleep almost right away

After a couple of hours of waiting to see if their mom would do anything I fall asleep as well


"Oof, sorry Kara" Mia whispers

"Mgh" I rub my head as Mia puts her other sock on

"You're leaving?" I ask

"Yeah for school, remember?" She says

"Oh.." I sit up

"I'll talk to my teacher and see if you can start next week" Ignia says

"Okay" I watch as they head out

I follow them to the bus stop and I wave as they finally left

"One more week" I kick a tiny rock

Maybe if I go to school she'll stop bothering me

After about an hour of taking my time I arrived home where Ignias mom was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee

Her job is to clean houses for rich peoples

She usually makes me help her and does things to me there but from the looks of it she isn't going today

"Ignia told me you want to go to school" she finally says


"Do you?"

"I…I do.."

"What? Trying to get away from me?"

"N-no that isn't it"

"I'm sure it's not" she smiles

"Can I?"

"Well.. I don't want my them getting suspicious" she thinks "fine, but only if you stop complaining and do as I say"

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"Will you?"


"Good, now turn around." she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a pair of handcuffs "I want you to put these on"

"W-wait what? Why?" I blush

"I told a friend about you, she's coming over in a bit, and she's a little kinky" she winks

"B-but that's…" I stop, remembering I just said I'd stop complaining if she lets me go to school with Ignia

"Okay" I take the cuffs

"Get undressed in my bedroom, she'll be here in a bit"

"Okay" I do as she says

I put my pants and socks into the pile of dirty laundry in her bathroom before I sat down on her bed

She cuffed my wrists together

I was falling asleep when I finally heard the front door close

"Mgh" I groan

This is going to be so embarrassing

And I hope she's pretty. Like Paris, but maybe not as rough and scary.

Maybe she's nice.

"He's right over here" Paris leads her to my room

I sit up as the two walked in

"Wh-what's going on?" I crawl back as the big bulky man throws a bag onto the floor

"Fifteen-racks in fives and tens just like you asked" he says

"Beautiful" Ignias mom sits down and unzips the bag

"M-Mrs. Wh-what's going on?" I ask again

But she doesn't respond

"Hmm.. how much for this one?" He grabs a picture of Mia from the counter

"She's off limits" She says

"So are you going to join us or what?" He asks as she tosses the bag into the closet

"Yeah-yeah" Ignias mom began undressing as I fidget with the handcuffs behind my back

They were on way too tight

The only way I could get them off is if I rip my hands off

But I don't have that kind of strength

My body began trembling

I've never felt so helpless and terrified in my life

Ignias mom finally crawls onto the bed

"I-I can't do this Mrs." I close my legs as she reached for my meat

"Oh honey," she sets her hand on my cheek "if you won't who will? Ignia? Mia?"

"Wh-what are you saying?"

"I'm giving you a choice. I'll have Mia do it if you won't" she tilts her head

She's lying

She would never do this to Mia

I try shimmying away again but she grabs my ankle and yanks me back

"Agk* D-don't do this Mrs." I choke as she crawls onto my lap and the man got on the bed behind her

"Don't worry this won't kill you" she smiles widely


"Ghk-k-k" I choke

"It's been four days, it's probably cause you haven't had anything to eat" Mikasa rubs my back after I throw up the first meal I had in days

After rinsing my mouth off I brush my teeth

It was bad enough they let me sleep for ten hours

And then I wake up to that shit

"You should eat the banana slices at the very least" Mikasa follows behind with the oatmeal she prepared

"I'm not hungry" I grumble

"But you should really.."

"God, are you stupid?!"

"Y-you haven't ate a-a thing" she whimpers

"Well I'm not hungry!" I slap the bowl aside

"Hey!" Jean storms over "she went out of her way to make that for you!"

"J-Jean it's fine, honestly" Mikasa steps back

"Kghk" I grit my teeth "I'm just about ready to kill anybody, so get out of my face" I raise my chin and I glare down at him, fighting the urge to pummel him into the ground

"How about a drink, Kara?" I hear Levi in the room over

Jean backs off

I watch as he storms outside before slamming the door shut

I join Levi

"Since when do you drink?" I ask

"Around the time I realized we're fighting a hopeless battle." He serves me a drink "Against our own people. What about you? Bad dream?"

"Tch* bad dream.."

Every time I shut my eyes it's as if I'm there again

Whether it's being tortured every way imaginable or another piece to the puzzle

Every time I fall asleep it's absolute hell

I take a drink

"We've been gaining ground on them" Levi says

"Is that why no one's fighting?"

"They stopped sending troops" he takes a sip "Hange is with our men clearing out the rest of the town as we speak"


"Yeah, could only mean one of two things. Either Eren and Zeke are ready to annihilate every last one of us, or…" he thinks "no… that's probably just it"

I sigh

"The alcohol's getting to you, you should get some rest while you can"

"Yeah? Maybe I should" he sighs

After finishing my drink I decided to take a quick shower

After I got out Mikasa helped clean out my wound and patch me up again


"Yeah" she wipes the little sweat off her forehead

"Finally" I grumble

She grabs my shirt before I could put it on "actually.. there's something I wanted to ask you"

"What is it?"

"Eren… what are you going to do once you capture him?" She asks

I pull my shirt back

"He tried to kill me, and wants to slaughter everyone in the Continent."

"Wh-why?" She asks

"I just said why."

"I-it isn't.. it isn't his fault"

"What isn't?"

"You wouldn't understand, you were gone for twenty years"

"Thirteen" I correct

"It was twenty on this island and you know it!" She stands up

I quickly get up as well

"We wouldn't have had to wait this long if my plan wasn't turned down, so how is this my fault?"

"You ran off on your own, you let your pride make you believe you could do it all on your own"

"I KNEW I could do it on my own" I raise my tone to match hers

"That isn't the point" she stomps her foot in frustration "we were family and you abandoned us, you abandoned Eren when he needed you most.." she lowers her tone

"What are you talking about?"

She stops to think probably regretting having said anything

"Tell me"

"It's Carla, three years after you left.. she got sick and she…"


I've been wrapped up in this war for so long I haven't had the chance to worry about anything else

"She what?"

"She died.. and you weren't here…"

-to be continued