Kara’s Past ix

Book Three

Volume 9

Ch. 126 Karas Past ix



| Kara's Past | Ch. 29 |

"I-Ignia?" I whimper as his head rolls aside

"I-I'm sorry." I pull his head onto my lap

"I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" I sob hysterically

"Pft-ph-bahahahahaha" Lucifer bursts into tears

"Shut up!" I growl "you did this! You killed him!"

"No-no-no! Don't put this one on me, boy. Gyahahahaha!" He laughs hysterically

"Sh-shut up. Sh-shut up-shut up!" I lunge at him but pass right through his body

Before I could turn around and try again something slams into my shoulder

"Gah!" I cry painfully "kgh-k-kh." I grit my teeth as I glare up at whoever shot me.

It was Riley…

Her arms and legs were trembling

She was just about to pull the trigger again when an officer pulls her arms down and he draws his weapon

I turn around and I stumble onto my feet before collapsing face to face with Ignia

I huff and puff with tears still streaming down my face

"Kghe-hehe." Lucifer crouches down right behind Ignia and he giggles in my face

I shut my my eyes for a moment before falling asleep

I woke up in a jail cell

My wrists were tied behind my back and I had small bandages where the bullet entered and exited

It was pitch black, even so I could see perfectly fine through my eyes

I wasn't the only one in the cell, there was also another girl, laying in the corner

She was older than I was

Listening to her whimper and cry made me do so as well.

I couldn't help but blame myself for everything despite how hard Ignia tried to convince me otherwise

The pain was too much to bear.

Mia, she's gone forever and Ignia.. my best friend…

I… I killed him…

I began kicking my feet

The knuckles on my feet's busted after repetitive hits

I began clawing at my cheeks

I dragged my nails down my neck and struggled to keep from tearing myself apart

I was just so angry

So frustrated that I'd go and done something so-so horrible, so heinous

It was like I was possessed by this anger, this sudden urge to destroy anything and everything

I tear my hair off my scalp and I lay on the ground, helplessly as it grew back to normal

My cheeks tingle as everything I did to my face also turned to normal

After a few hours of writhing in my sorrow I calmed myself and I began to drinking from the puddle of water on the ground

"H-hello?" I whisper

Her breathing stopped suddenly

"Wh-what's your name?"

She exhaled deeply

I shimmy onto my feet

Not a moment passed before I was overwhelmed by the feeling of thousands of needles digging into my feet

"Mmh*" I grunt before stumbling into the girl

"Ah!" She gasps before she began kicking and screaming

"S-sorry I-." Before I could explain myself she kicks me right on my chin, knocking me back

"Please, stop it! I don't want it! Get away from me! Please!" She cries hysterically still kicking her feet

I sit back and watch how she kicked and screamed

I pull my feet's in and I examine the soles

Sure enough.. they peeled them off…

They tore the soles off my feet so I wouldn't run

And they'd done no different to the girl

After she realized she had been dreaming I shimmie a little closer

"Hi. What's your name?" I ask again

But she doesn't respond

"M-my name is Kara."

"K-Kara? S-so you were Mia's husband right?"

"B-boyfriend.. b-but yeah."

"Oh…" she sighs

"S'why are you here?"

She curls up and began lightly sobbing again

"I-I'm sorry. I-I just-." She sniffs

"It-its okay" I shimmy a little closer and I pat her back

It took her a moment before she began crying in my arms

I tried not to think about Mia and everyone but it was inevitable

We both cried together before finally calming eachother down

"I-I was th-the young masters third wife" she sniffs "I was seventeen at the time, just married to my husband who I've known for years.

But that didn't matter to the young master. I-I was divorced and remarried within a year b-before-." She bursts into tears again

I try comforting her without crying myself

She couldn't make out another word for a while until she just fell asleep

Before I could also fall asleep i heard what sounded like heels clicking down the hallway

The lights shot on and I saw a rather tall blonde woman holding a child maybe of the age of three

I check back with the woman I was talking to

She was still sound asleep

Must be absolutely exhausted from all the crying

"Wh-who are you? What do you want?"

She just glares at me before holding her hand out with a razor sitting on her palm

"Use this."


"Go on, use it."

"That's right. I gave her the razor." She says without a hint of remorse


"Only because she asked for it."

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you serious? She belonged to the Prince, who's from another world. Today would mark the very last time she saw any of you."

"But more importantly, with in a year from now you're pronounced dead on the scene of a motorcycle incident"

"What? How could you possibly-."

"Because it's the same little sob story each and every one of us had to go through before inevitably 'falling in love' with the young master."

That monster.

So his plan all along was to kill me. Whether or not I got away with her or just peacefully complied. It would all be the same.

"I offered a way out and she took it in a heartbeat. Now, here's yours" she offers the razor up once more

A way out?


No… I can't.

I'm going to tear him to pieces.

For tearing my family apart

He's going to pay.

"No? You do know what's waiting for you, no?"

"There's no doubt you'll be publicly humiliated only to be sentenced to death."

"I-I can't." I whimper

"Fine… suit yourself." She shrugs

I listen to her heels click away before ending with the door being shut

I tuck into my little corner and I cried myself to sleep

The following morning I woke up to a pot of boiling hot water poured all over my back

The guards laugh and joke as I gasped for air

The strongest of them unlocked my hands

As I began clawing at his face another smashed my head into the ground until they managed to tie my hands in front of me

They dragged me out by my ankle before doing the same with the woman I was with

Outside they tied us both onto a single horse which dragged us across town

She cried hysterically through the entire way

We constantly bumped into each other and the horses occasionally trampled on our legs

She somehow managed to get on top of me and I held her in my arms as I let my back drag across the rocky streets

She kept apologizing over and over but I assured her it was nothing I couldn't handle

When we finally arrived to the destination they locked us in a cramped little locker

We were silent for the most part

I was constantly groaning and squirming, trying to find a more comfortable position

"M-My name is Lucy." She finally breaks the silence

"I-I'm so sorry. You don't deserve any of this." She whimpers

"I do… actually"


I shake my head, too ashamed to say it again

"Y-you're also very handsome." She smiles, clearly trying to lighten the mood after seeing me down


"Oh don't act like you haven't heard it before." She tilts her head

"Hmm." I blush

"You look strong as well. I'm sure your mother is very proud"

My mother?

That's right.. I murdered the closest thing I had to a mother…

"I-I know I'd be." She nudges my shoulder

"Hmm" I give her a little smile before the door opens

"C'mon you." A large man yanks her out by her hair

"Hey!" Before I could protest they drag me out as well

They kick and beat me until I was too weak to resist

They dragged us to what sounded like a large tent with music blasting and people shouting and laughing

They tied a chain wrapped in barbed wire around my neck before shoving me into the tent

"Nghk*" I grit my teeth

It was absolutely disgusting

There were maybe about fifty large military men and plenty of other slaves some even younger than we were

Many were eating but there were tables where these men were doing dirty things together or doing things to the slave boys or girls

My knees buckle and I puke all over the ground at the realization

"Kara!" Lucy cries as she tries calming me

After my second barf I felt another coming before they yanked the chain around my neck back

I had to choke everything down before I could breathe again

Lucy quickly cleaned me up and handed me a bottle she snatched from a table

"Drink it, quickly!" She says before they kick her in the face

"Who the hell said you can have that?!" He growls as I quickly down the entire bottle

They beat us senseless again then we had to get up and serve drinks in our nakedness

I kept my head down the whole time, hoping they'd see right past me but I kept getting comments about my member.

They'd pinch my butt occasionally.

I just wanted to burst into tears but my anger and resentment against these people won me over every time

It was only a matter of time till they pounced on both Lucy and I

I fought with every fiber of my being so long as I was conscious but Lucy just cried and let it happen

Every so often I managed to tear them a new one

Which only resulted in a beating that left me drenched in a puddle of blood

Before we knew it by the end of the day we were stuffed back into a tiny cell

-to be continued