Boiling Rock

Book Three

Volume 9

Ch. 128 Boiling Rock



He'd train from sunrise to sunset. Every day without fail

Hestia insisted we watch so I was always there to heal him whenever he pushed himself too hard

Since he began the water in the lake has depleted by about two thirds

We watch as he dives into the water

He was down there for about twenty minutes before a massive explosion evaporates the remaining water in the lake

If he did whatever it was outside it surely would've blown us away

He raises his hands to the sky as the clouds formed above us and thunder began clapping all around us

Lightning bolts strike his chest over and over just before he blasts the stormy clouds away with a roar

"Awesome, daddy is so cool!" Hestia jumps as I feed Posideon his peanut butter and jelly sandwich

"Yah!" Poseidon claps

Kara's hair was it's natural black but it was standing on end

He disappears and in that same instant he appears right before us

"Hmh." He smiles. His aura was flickering all over before it suddenly stops and his hair sets

It was amazing I can't believe just how strong he's become in a few weeks

He even learned how to fly by seeing me do so only once

I was beginning to understand why Iapetus is concerned to leave him roam free

His immense knowledge and thirst when it comes to battle coupled with his ability to learn and adapt to anything

"Who's hungry? I know I am." He smiles widely

"Let's go fishing daddy! Let's go!"

"Fishing? That's gonna take forever." He sighs

"No it's not, look daddy!" Hestia points at the dried lake where fish were jumping around trying to find water

"Cool, c'mon." He throws Hestia over his shoulders and flies down there

I sit tight as Poseidon hurrys behind them and watch as the three jumped and slid around trying to catch their dinner

Every day after training he'd stay up with Hestia for as long as she could

It's amazing how much she's influenced this change of his character

He went from being cold and selfish to loving and caring. All for the sake of his children.

Maybe he came to the realization that he has a family to keep. One he can have forever.

After they catch their fish Kara goes back a second and third time to collect the rest

Using his fire magic he freezes two thirds of them and makes a basket with branches and leaves

He tosses everything on top of Odin who found us not long after he began his training

"Hehe, fishy, fishy, fishy." Hestia waves the three she caught over her head

"Nemot! Nemot! Fishy, Nemot!" Poseidon waves his fish in Kara's face as he rides on his shoulders

"Hmh." He smiles

"Satisfied yet?" I ask as I cook and he makes sure the fish were well preserved in a steel box he found laying in the forest

"No, not yet." He smiles "but this should suffice."

"Do you seek more power?"

"Who is the strongest being you know?"

"You don't come close. Not in the slightest. If that's what you're asking."

"Hmm." He smiles

I supposed it will always be a part of him. This curiosity for battle. It will always hold a special place in his heart

He took the following week off from training. He spent his time with Hestia and Poseidon, mostly bathing in the creek or watching Hestia play out her wild imagination

"Ouch!" I gasp after he shocked me with his finger tips

"Shhhh." He whispers

"You shocked me." I frown

We went out on a walk after we put the kids to bed

We sat on a log and made out under the cloudy sky before he began touching and teasing me till I let him violate my throat

I felt so hot and dirty doing it outside like this but there was really no stopping him from getting what he wanted

Soon enough he mounted me and was nailing me to the muddy ground

"Oh-oh, K-Kara*" I moan painfully

He slams his hips against my ass, almost as if he were trying to tear straight through my cervix

"Zzzh" I shiver as the cloudy sky roars above us

The thunder was in perfect sync with his racing heart paired with the lightning striking the ground every time one of us came almost convinced me he brought the storm itself over this land



"Zzzzh." Rhea quivers

It's been so long since I have even considered it

Maybe when this is all over I'll have something to come home to

I sit up

"Wh-what is it?" Rhea yawns

"I should get going."


"Sozin's comet is closing in. I should catch up with the Avatar before then"


"Hmph!" Hestia's little head pops up right behind her mother

"Hey babe." Rhea pulls her in as I get changed

"You're leaving, daddy?"

"Again? But why?" She sniffs

"There's something I have to do."

"You're always leaving, daddy. It isn't fair." She pouts

"I'll be back. Eventually, right?"

"Hmm." She frowns

"C'mere kid." I open my arms

She jumps in for a hug as she began tearing up

"Don't cry. Not for me, kid." I pull her back after a moment

"B-but I'm really going to miss you."

"Well don't. Cause when I'm back. I want you to give me one of those great big hugs you're always giving your mother."

"Hehehe, okay!" She giggles

Rhea throws on a robe

And they follow me to the door

Poseidon was talking and playing with the fishes he caught in their little fish bowl

I pat his head.

He stands up and hugs my leg before getting back to playing with his fish

"He's going to miss you too." Rhea assured me as I joined Odin outside

"Well, don't miss me too much."

I reel her in for a kiss.

After a moment she pulls away

I wave at Hestia one last time before going on my way

Finding the Avatar wasn't terribly hard. Only problem was they weren't too happy to see me.

"You're kidding right? You sold us out to the fire nation"

"And you put a target on the Avatar's head." Zuko adds

I see, they must've heard it from him.

Looks like everything went as I planned

"You're kidding right? Azula would have leaped at the chance to strike him down whether I asked her to or not."

"We could have defeated Ozai once and for all but you-."

"Where's Suki?" I cut the Avatar off after seeing she wasn't with them

"She was captured. After she heard about the kyoshi warriors she went off on her own." Sokka sighs shamefully

"Except she was caught trying to bail my uncle out." Zuko backs off

"She must've been looking for you." Katara adds

"Probably heard where they were keeping her little friends and came looking for Me to help."

"But you weren't there."

"No, clearly I wasn't."


"No, how about you stop blaming me for every little inconvenience, Sokka."

"Is that what she is, an inconvenience?!" He growls

"Yeah, cause if you hadn't been so against helping her find her friends. Then she wouldn't have had to break into a prison."

"You smug little-." Sokka draws his blade

"That's enough you guys!" Toph shouts as Zuko holds Sokka back "he has a point… we shouldn't have let her go off on her own…"

"Right." I smile

Sokka clenches his fists but ultimately gets overwhelmed by the shame of leaving Suki on her own

"Still, we can't trust you just yet." Aang breaks the silence

"It's your fault we're still at war after all." Zuko adds

"Yeah-yeah." I sigh "I'll be over here, if you need me."

I got some shut eye for as long as I could before Toph dropped by for a visit.

"Who are you? I mean really?" She asks

"A God." I shrug

"Seriously, who do you think you are?" She slams the door shut behind herself"

"I just told you." I sit up "A God."

"Tch*" she rolls her eyes

"Toph," I slowly get out of bed, completely uncaring of the fact that I didn't have a strand of clothing on

"Have you heard of the Emperor who granted Sozin the knowledge of a thousand Kings?" I reach for my gi

"Wh-what? I-I-…" She stumbles on her words, still shaken amidst examining every square inch of my battle hardened and absolutely perfect physique

"Well…" I step into my gi and leave the top hanging at my waist

"N-no… th-the Eldian Emperor… it can't be…"

I smile

"Th-that explains just how terrified my father was.. A. & Beifong… d-don't tell me you."

"Yes, and they were more than happy to add you to the equation."

"Wh-wha… b-but why?" She tears up

"You tell me, kid." I shrug "Imagine, one day birthing My child. He practically begged me to return you baring an heir." I tease, despite not having a slight of interest of procreating with the likes of her

"B-but…" she tears up

I leave her be in a crying mess and I join Odin outside

I lay back, and look up at the night sky

I couldn't help but wonder how the kids were doing

I could go now.

I sit up.

Get it over with.

There's no doubt I can do it.

But then, I'll never get to see it.

This power of Sozin's Comet.

"Hmm." I sit back and relax

"We'll take my war balloon." I hear Zuko

"I told you, I'm doing this alone." Sokka insists

"It's designed to keep prisoners of war and psychopaths in. You're going to need help fighting your way out if it comes down to it"

"Sounds like you can really use my help." I sit up

"What? No way!" Sokka whisper-shouts

"Yes way-guey, heheh" I giggle before hopping off of Odin

"I'm going to find my father, not-."

"What about Suki?" I ask as we follow Zuko to his balloon


"She was traveling with the Avatar and she's the head of the Koshi warriors no less."

"It's Kyoshi. You really think she's in there?" Sokka asks

"He's right, there's a good chance your friend is there." Zuko says

"Fine, but I'm calling the shots." He says as we readied the balloon

"Yeah-yeah" I grumble

The prison was located inside a sleeping volcano

The excess rain created a boiling lake inside, hence the prisons name The Boiling Rock

"Why am I the prisoner?" I ask after they got prison guard armor and brought back a red jumpsuit for me

"Because we're going to think of a way out while you look for Suki and my dad."

"Right." I sigh

After they took me to the courtyard, I began looking for a females scent

Once I finally did, it lead me straight into a woman guard

She was rather hot so I tried my best to mind my tongue

I asked about Suki but she quickly began twirling her fingers through her hair and asking me about myself

I said whatever bullshit and soon enough she was leading me to a secluded cell where i asked about Suki once again

"S-Suki? Y-yeah, I know her" she moans

"Really? How come I haven't seen her." I slow my hips

"Sh-She was transferred into cell block D."

"What for?"

"W-well she was being harassed b-by the dogs on this block."

"Dogs, huh?"

"N-no, no n-not you b-baby. Y-you're a stallion." she moans as she began shaking her ass, clearly getting worked up over how slow I was taking things

"A stallion, huh?" I pin her wrists to the bed

"A stallion!" She cries after I thrust my hips

"Kehehe." I giggle

I proceed to absolutely dominate her in ways she'd never imagine

So after rocking her around and leaving her in a comatose mess. I took her uniform which was thankfully unisex and a one size fits all type shit before heading to Cell Block D

-to be continued