Ikusei High School ii

¡Disclaimer! The following depicts explicit and triggering imagery

Book Three

Volume 10

Ch. 137 Ikusei High School ii



"Huh… that was a waste of fucking time." I sigh

"Only thing we got out of that is the size of your penis." Ayanokoji sighs

"Yeah, can't believe we forgot we recorded that" I pull Sakura in

"Y-yeah." She whimpers, still beat red with embarrassment after the video I took of her taking backshots played for the entire student council

"I know you liked it, Sakura. All those people seeing just how dirty you are." I pull her head in

"Mmh." She moans after I slide My tongue down her throat

I unbutton her shirt and pull her knee up to My hip

Completely disregarding Ayanokoji who was completely indifferent with the fact

Before I could escalate things further Horikita finally returns with their final say on the matter

"Mm-m-what?" I pull My head back before she began kissing and sucking on My neck as I examined the files they handed Horikita

"Due to your narcissistic, nonchalant, and possibly sadistic, personality it was difficult to say if you started the fight."

"Even despite the pictures, huh?"

Horikitas face turns beat red

"Yes, they proved that the boy hospitalized for brain damage really did fall on his face." She said as Sakura reaches into My pants

"Alright-alright." I grab Sakuras wrist before she could whip it out

"So what now?" Ayanokoji asks as I flip Sakura around and she grinds all over Me

"We do what we should've done."

"Oh yeah? And what is that?" Horikita asks

"Mm-Mmh." I mumble after Sakura turned around for a kiss. "We bluff."

"W-we what?!" Horikita growls as I lead Sakura away

"Ayanokoji." I wave, knowing he would understand what I mean before shoving Sakura into the bathroom

Only way to really get off expulsion now is that if they believe that there were cameras recording their confrontation

Sakura unbuttons her shirt as she follows me to the largest stall

I proceeded to manhandle her till schools end

Then I take my belt and wrap it around her neck before I walk her to My room in the empty hallways, like a dog in her nakedness.

We stopped just outside My dorm where I fed her some dick

Her head thumps on the door as I pound the back of her throat

"Gh-ghr-ghk." Her eyes rolled back. She slaps and fingers herself before her body went limp

I grab her hair before she could damage that face on the ground

I drag her into My room where I kicked and stomped on her until she woke up

"You want it?"

She nods

"Do you?"

"Mhmm." She moans

"Go on, clean up." I toss My clothes aside before hopping into the shower

Moments later she joined Me and we dog it out covered in soap and the running hot water

After that I step out of the shower after patting Myself down with a towel and she does the same on her knees beside Me

I head over to the living room before sitting on the couch and patting My lap for her

The next day she woke up on the floor and we got ready for school

Ichinose was sitting on My lap and we were making out when I suddenly caught a whiff of a detestable stench

"You smell that?" I look around

"Wh-what?" She huffs


That slob from the camera store.

"I'll be right back." I set Ichinose aside before heading over to an open window

After making sure nobody was watching I jump out and land right behind the bowl of shit

"Whoa.. Sakura, is that you?" I tilt My head after seeing the ugly cuck with a knife to her throat

Her shirt was torn open and her skirt was pulled halfway down her thigh

"What is he doing here, Sakura? Y-you said he's nothing to you. So why-." The slob trembles

"Gross dude. Seriously, I thought you couldn't get any more pathetic."

"Shut up! Tell me, Sakura! Who is he to you?! Tell me, who are you?!" He growls

"I Am who I Am." I smile, "Now, how about you try to get her to sleep with you first. Trust Me, Fatty, it's far more thrilling that way."

Especially when she realizes for her own stupidity of falling in love with such a divine specimen of a man. Who turned out to be their very end…

"Hmm?" I raise an eyebrow after smelling his tears

"Y-you…" he tears up "you love him don't you?!" He brings the knife to her face

I erase his knife with My Kamui, ultimately sacrificing My kidneys in exchange to use this power

Seriously, I wouldn't want him to ruin her adorable face.

"That's it. You've just crossed the line, tubby."

I go over there and I stomp on his face, sending him crashing into the wall

"You?!" He looks Me dead in the eye before falling flat on his face after I subject him to Shuushinkei-Amatsukami

A mangekyo sharingan technique that casts a genjutsu that haunts them with a never ending nightmare of his greatest fears.

The only reason to really escape it is by putting a shotgun in your mouth.

"G-Gh-Grahh!" He cries "wuahhh! Whuahhh! No, Sakura no!"

He runs around like a retard before bashing his head into a wall. He stumbles with his pants down to his ankles and falls into the street

"Bahahahah!" I laugh hysterically "Whuahahah-hagk?!" My laugh was cut short after My organs explode the moment they received the strain of using that genjutsu technique

Sakura pulled her clothes back together

"K-Kara." She tears up

"C'mere baby." I open My arms

I crouch down as she crawls over like an insect before I take her into My arms

"Scared, darling?" I caress her head

"Mhmm." She whimpers

"Don't be." I slide My hand into her shirt and I grope her tit.

"Mmh." She flinched before I shove her on her back

Can't lie, playing the hero might be My new forte

"You're safe now." I smile as I spread her legs "Safe with Me." Sit My cock on her belly

I shove Myself inside her and I pound her about as hard as that cuck probably would've if I hadn't heroically save her

That same night I was informed that I'd be suspended for the following week.

So I put Sakura on a leash and walked her like a dog to the nearest gun shop in her nude

There I bought Myself two Smith and Wessons and a sawed off shotgun

For the following week I just stayed in My room and had Sakura worship My cock and drink My semen for nutrition till My suspension ended

She got so high off My cock that I even recorded a video of her sucking on My Smithy just before blew her back out and practically split her cervix

I choke her down.

My hands and My arms were trembling

It was almost as if I didn't have the strength to snap her throat

"Kgh." I choke

I played Myself the moment I let Ignia take Me down.

But I was tired of being so outrageously strong…

But, it's not like it matters.

I've been this creature for about as long as I can remember.

I've always acted on My own impulses without a regard for mortal life.

So why now?

The love of a-

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"Brrh-." I cough up some blood before being forced to decorate Sakura's back with it

I couldn't wrap My head around why Ignia would even consider doing what he did.

Surely I didn't deserve it. Not one bit.

I puke another load of blood over her back.

It was like My insides were tearing themselves apart

I felt so sick and confused all of the sudden.

Disgusted and even embarrassed of all the heinous things that I've done.

My mind was aching …

I felt like my brain wanted to tear out of My skull just trying to wrap My head around the things that I've…

I've done…

I felt so small, weak, and pathetic.

I could see myself back there… a child covered in semen, curled into a ball, and crying by a river.

I dig My claws into My skull

On the other side of the river was a man. Holding a girl by the hand as if waiting for me to cross.

The girl's hair was so long it reached her ankles.

I sit up. Even as much as I felt that crossing that river was what I had to do.

I was too scared to even touch the water.

"A-are you okay? K-Kara?" Sakura smiles after she managed to turn around despite My cock buried inside her

She throws her arms around My neck completely oblivious of the fact that I tried to snap her neck

It was rather dark so she couldn't even see the blood all over her

"Seriously, how pathetic can you get?" I sit back

"Hm?" She tilts her head as I hand her the smith and wesson after cocking it back, putting a bullet in the chamber

"Wh-what?" She whimpers after I aim it at My chest and I force her finger on the trigger "wh-what are you doing?"

"Do you have any idea what I've done to you?"

"Wh-wh." She trembles

"I treat you like a slave, at the very least, Sakura. Tell Me, how do you feel about that?"


"Tell Me, Sakura. How badly do you want to pull this trigger?"

"N-no why would I-."

"Oh please." I scoff

"I love you, Kara. I would never-."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I growl "you're My dog, Sakura. A fucking pet!" I pull the barrel up to My throat

"A-am I?" She whimpers "is that what you want me to be?"

"That's what you are." I glare at her, "nothing more."

Her bottom lip trembles

"So do it. Pull the trigger."

I grab her throat, pin her to the ground and I rest My chin on the barrel

"Pull the fucking trigger!" I growl, slowly tightening My grip around her throat so she'd do what I'd say

"Agk-gh-." Her eyes roll back

And I could finally see her finger pulsating on the trigger

"Kghe." I smile widely till she unconsciously squeezes the trigger

I felt the bullet travel up My skull and excited through the back of My head


I didn't die.

Such was My fate. I had almost forgotten

No death by suicide. No matter how it happens.

Instead of dropping dead My body slumps over from exhaustion

The following morning.

"Kara, Kara!"

I open My eyes

"Kara, oh thank God." She tears up

"I-I had the most horrible dream last night. Th-then I saw all this blood a-and I thought-."

"It isn't real." I sit up


"The blood. I got carried away last night. It's fake." I shrug

"Oh… s-still. L-last night, I thought I-." She stops after I shoved the Smith and Wesson into her chest


"Wh-what? Wh-what do you want Me to do with it?" Her eyes widen

"In case you run into another creep."

"Oh…" she sighs

"Go on." I shoo her away to clean the bloody mess

"Okay!" She giggles before doing as she was told

I watch her ass jiggle and her tits bounce around. Mostly wondering if anything's changed.

The way I feel about her I mean.

But nothing. She still seems as disposable as ever.

I reach into the cabinet at My bedside as Sakura jumps on My lap

There I had a box of some Cuban cigars rolled with the finest tobacco leaves you could find on the market

This little habit flowered back on Paradi.

I wonder why.

I snap My fingers and light the cigar

"Whoa, how'd you do that?"

She opens My hand.

"Magic." I puff

"Hmm." She frowns

"Why are you still here?" I blow into the air


"I treat you like dirt, Sakura. Explain to Me why?" I ask again, only this time with a level head and without a gun in her hand

"Oh… w-well." She shimmies on My lap

"I-I.. uhh. I-I don't know. Y-you're…" she blushes "w-well you're s-so handsome. Y-you're so strong. Y-you're muscles" she squeezes My pecs "you're so perfect. You make my stomach flutter every time I look at you. Y-You're intimidating. I-It makes me feel safe around you."

"Right…" I nod

In essence. She's just another woman infatuated with My strength and charisma.

I can tear her arm off and she'd grovel for forgiveness

I expected no less.

After our little chat we kissed and cuddled before we had to get ready for school

There I pretty much sat back and examined the girls run around, playing they're 'in love'

By the end of the semester I slept with pretty much every girl in the school. Except a handful in My class

By then Sakura went into labor and had a baby girl. As well as about fifty other girls I linked up with

Most of which I wouldn't bother to learn their names.

Still, each of which I granted access to about half a million dollars for food and baby supplies to avoid any unwanted lawsuits

Luckily for Sakura, the school has always had a baby daycare for moms while they study in school

Currently we were on our way to an island where I could only assume will be our next test.

-to be continued