
Book Four

Volume 11

Ch. 145 Ursa

*Trigger Warning*



I slam the closet shut before storming out of the bathroom as the front door bursts open

I'm confronted by four armored men

"Look everywhere!" he orders his men around without bothering to run it by Me

Granted My height and physique gave the impression of a 13 year old boy.

"Hey chump! How about you beat it, huh?!" I jump

These guys were big, and I could smell a whole bunch more on their way

In the state I am now I can't even use My sharingan.

In order to do so I'd have to physically be able to do at the very least ten thousand push-ups in this body

Not to mention sacrificing an organ or a limb to redirect the strain it puts on My body

"Shit." I grumble

Still, I can take these two out. Easy.

Except, My mind was running in circles


All I could think about was the girl hiding in the closet

I have to run, while they're distracted with her at least.

Yes, thats what I have to do..


Why won't My legs move?

I felt so anxious and almost hoping they wouldn't find her hiding in the closet. But why?

What's going on?

Why am I so hesitant?

Before I could do a thing someone wraps their arm around My neck and chokes Me down as the other beats Me with his staff

"We'll need this kid. He looks strong." He pinches My cheeks

He walks around the room before Ursa bursts out of the closet and runs into the bathroom as I struggle to catch My breath

"C'mere little girl" he unbuckles his belt before following behind her

"Kyah!" she shrieks before she began kicking and squealing

I look away as he very clearly tore her clothes aside and slapped her around

I slam My forehead on the ground. Almost splitting My skull in two

My heart began racing and My stomach was turning inside out

I've never felt this way. Not in so long

I slam My head into the ground a second time. Trying to gather My thoughts.

It was some kind of rage. It was rage for someone else.

Almost like the idea of the girl getting raped in the room over unsettled Me for whatever reason.

I couldn't explain it.

I had no idea what I was feeling.

But I had this sudden urge.

This itching fucking urge to tear these pricks apart

"Oh, man." The guy on top of Me grumbles "he's really giving it to her. Isn't he?" He rubs his dick

Oh fuck.


I look around.

I manage to free My arm and dig it under the sofa

"Kyah! Kya! Nyo!" Ursa cries

"I hope he's using her asshole. Wouldn't want to make the boss angry." He grumbles

No way. No way, no fucking way.

This can't be happening, not to Me.

I pat under the sofa for anything I could use to fight this fag

He began fumbling with My shorts before I finally got a hold of something.

"Now show Me your-." Before he could finish his eyes roll back

The moment he had flipped Me around I dug My tanto blade in through his temples

I shove him aside

"Gay! Fucking! Fuck!" I stab his face over and over before hearing Ursa cry in the bathroom

I follow the clapping and shuffling into the bathroom

"Ah-ahh. I-I'm cumming." The guy on top of her moans

His semen was oozing out her asshole and he was using her mouth by the time I stumbled into the room

I stood behind him, wondering what this sinking feeling was.

It was the same thing I felt when I walked in on Sakura and our dead children

Yes, the same one that drove Me to kill Lucy for doing such things

Except now it was far more clear.

"Aw it's okay, girl." He sits her up. Her mouth was gaping open and drooling with semen

The more I looked at it the more disgusted I felt.

He stopped after seeing the look she gave Me standing behind him

He quickly turns around.

As he did I slit his dick off.

He looks down and looks back up at Me

Before he could scream I slit his throat and I dig My hand in through the gaping wound

I grab his tounge and I tear it out through the same slit in his throat

I step back and slice his hands off as he lunged at Me leading to him catching himself on his stumpy wrists

"Gh-ghh." He shakes his head before I take his sight as well

He swings his arms before crawling out the door like a dog

I watch as the girl cautiously crawls over to Me

I sit back, wondering what it could have been that drove Me to come in here and butcher that pig

The best course of action would have been to run while he was distracted and before their comrades came looking

Her bottom lip trembles before she jumps into My arms

I just sat there in silence trying to… understand…

Debating if what I felt was even real


I turn around before someone bashes Me over the head with a bat

How the hell didn't I see that coming?

I was too caught up on Ursa that I dropped My guard this much

I cough

The taste of blood filled My mouth

"Go report half of squad C was wiped out" I hear

"As you wish" another responds

I feel a hand pull My hair back

"Call the medics, see if we can save this one" he lets go of My head after seeing I'm still conscious "he'll fetch us a good price back in the empire"

"Wh-what? Don't you think we should send him to the tower like we're supposed to?" His goon asks

"No!" He growls "look at him he has a tail, I've heard stories of his kind. The last one was said to have ruled over the great Eldian empire if he's related to him we'll have all the money you can imagine" he says

I roll over on My back, trying to catch My breath

Eldian empire, huh?

That brings Me back.

"Noo!" I hear Ursa running over

"Stop it" I groan as she lifts My head onto her lap

"Why" she tears up "I-I'm sowry." She whimpers

Her words fade away as she pressed her ear on My chest and frowns with a boat load of tears dripping onto My face just before the lights go out


I woke up stuffed into cage with Ursa

"Mghk*" I grit My teeth

The platinum chain around My neck was gone but replaced by a weaker iron one

When they finally opened the cage I tried to slither away only to be dragged back and stomped into the ground

Everyone shout and laughed throwing bets around before they kicked us into a larger cage

"Kgh." I dug My claws into My skull as Ursa rubs her nose on My arm, trying to get My attention

"Back k-off!" I choke after pulling Myself off

"I don't need you, alright?! I'm here because of you, you know that?!" I growl

She lowers her head


"What?! I don't…" I stop after she cowers away

"Kgh." I grit My teeth


I can't believe it. Could it really be her?

It's been so long. I forgot her scent, or what she even looks like.

I crouch down.

I brush her darkish red hair behind her ear.

What the hell am I doing?

For so long it's just been women and blood.

I've never made any space for anything else.

That was until Ignia…

Damn it.

How could I let Myself fall this far?

Grow so pathetically weak?

The cage suddenly snaps open

They quickly restrained Me like a rabid dog before leading Me into a muddy ring in the middle of a hollering crowd

"Kgh* shit." I cough

Moments later they brought in another slave.

A teenage boy of the age of fifteen.

It was an even match up as far as they were concerned

The boy lunges at Me the moment they rung the bell

I step aside and I kick his foot

He trips and buries his teeth into the log marking the ring

I stomp on his head. His face splits in two just before the crowd roars

I look around for a way out but the place was surrounded with military sized men

Dudes as big as Thors. Not nearly as strong but there were just so many of them.

They brought another large dude into the ring

I did quick work on him before they brought in another and another.

I was forced to execute and fight for My life for their entertainment.

I stumble around the ring after the cuts and bruises I've sustained began dragging Me down

Luckily My final opponent for the night was in no better shape than I was

I bob just under his fist and I dig My elbow into his chest after he stepped in with a lazy jab

I stomp on his knee as he took a step back

He slips, taking a knee before Me

I shove My thumbs into his eye sockets

The crowd roars and cheers Me on just before I slam My knee into his forehead, shattering My kneecap in the process.

I then split his head in two about as easily as it is to crack an egg

His brains spew into the muddy and bloody water at My feet before I stumble on My ass from the exhaustion

The cheering crowd shoves and tosses money around, claiming their bets as they dragged Me back onto My feet

They kick and shove Me back into My cage.

I lay back against the wall, far from the edges as Ursa dragged the bucket of our drinking water over

She splashed water on My thigh before she began licking the mud off

Too exhausted to even complain I turn My head over to the girl in the other cage.

She had long light blue colored hair and icy blue colored eyes.

She was just looking at Me as she masterbated with a dull pocket knife, disregarding the audiences she had at her door

I fell asleep and woke up the following morning with Ursa shimming around in My arms

"Kgh." I grit My teeth

I shove her aside before crawling away

"Hmh." The girl smiles at the corner where I joined her while Ursa snores on her back in the middle of the cage

"Kara, right?" The girl licks her knife

"I'm Esdeath." She sits on her ankles and squeezes her tits between her arms

"You're hot. I mean really, Hot." She licks her lip

"Yeah, I know." I check her up and down

She had quite a few scars. From the looks of it, she's been here a while.

She was strong, trained, and almost as ruthless as I was. Still, she could refine her technique some

"I'll see you around." She winks before tossing her pocket knife aside and they came for her

I sit back until they came for Me

Some time about mid day they dragged Esdeath into the ring.

I was sitting on My ass, trying to catch My breath.

They've been tossing better and better fighters into the ring so I was more exhausted today.

Esdeath on the other hand looked like she was just getting started after her little lunch break.

We kicked and knocked each other around, dragging it on as long as we could for the sole purpose of rubbing against each other the

She hugs the log as I step behind her

She chuckles and moan before I mounted her like a dog, said fuck it and we began procreating then and there infront of everyone without a single care.

The crowd laughed and cheered us on

I mean what would they expect? They have us caged up like animals and force us to fight the same sex.

They're insane if they don't think we'd jump to straight fucking given the chance

After getting her off a few times and vise versa we were dragged out of the arena and caged up with Ursa seeing neither of us was going to stop

There Ursa grumbled, whined, and tried to pull us apart as our audience tossed money and requested various positions, course I did not entertain as a matter of pride

-to be continued