The Land of Fire

Book Four

Volume 11

Ch. 147 The Land of Fire



I woke up chained to a chair

"What now" I groan

"Oh look, Yuno. Your little friend's awake" the guy that busted Me up chuckles as he walks away

"Hey there handsome" some bitch with light pink shaded hair chick walks over to me

My head up rolls down to my chest

"Oh, don't be rude" she whispers in my ear as she hugged Me from behind "I just wanted to ask you a few little questions" she pouts "now where did that girl of yours ran off to?"

She got away?

"Oh, how cute." she pecks My cheek "trying to protect her are we?" she raises my head with her scissors

"Hmh, like hell" I smile

"So?" she reaches for the two knives that were sitting on a little table "why not just tell me?"

I raise My head for the soul purpose of looking into her eye as she struck Me with her knife

In an instant she had slashed My body with a thousand cuts

"Oh? Neat trick." She smiles after seeing the ones on My face heal

She digs the knife into My chest before dragging it down.

The blade knocked and bounced off My rib cage until she stopped before she could split My stomach open

She stabbed and peeled Me apart before hanging My wrists to the ceiling and wiping My open wounds with a horse whip

They starved, dehydrated Me, ripped Me apart for months

"N-nmm." She trails the blood trickling down My erection with her tongue

She sucks and pecks the bloody tip which she had previously torched

She then spits it out after hearing a door slam down the hallway

"Kghehe." She giggles

She bites her tongue as she trails the slit across My abdomen with the blowtorch

She was good, consistent.

Haven't been tortured like this in so long I'd almost forgotten one could feel this kind of pain

It was almost… humbling.

But not quite so.

After about six months it hurt to move… to even breath

I hear the cell doors creak open but I make no effort in looking up at my guest

I feel someone pull my hair back getting a good look at my bloody face

"Hmmm… yes" he smiles "still hasn't said a word?"

"That's right! He refuses to give her up." she grumbles

"Loyal, I like that" he turns around "I expect to have him clean and in my office by this afternoon

"Wait, do you want him right now l-like today right now?" She raises an eyebrow

"Is there a problem with that?"

"N-No sir" she bows as she watches him walk off

She removes the chains off my hands

"Alright kid, don't do anything stupid, alright?"

She breaks the chains off my feet

I was in so much pain that I had to oblige, there really was no trying to escape.

But besides that I could sense a bomb made of Budos very being inside My chest. It sat right besides My heart.

They added it some time during one of My naps

"I-I'm s-sorry" I hear a whimper

I turn my head


They said she had gotten away

She was being dragged out of her cell

"K-Kara, I…" she tears up

They made Me carry her as they lead us into a room where we had a prepared bath for us

I lay Esdeath inside the bath and I step inside right after

As she painfully scrubs herself down I did the same

She swims over to My side and began sobbing quietly to herself

"Kara?" she whimpers as I reach for for the bar of soap and a rock

I scrub them together before pulling the rock over My chest


"I-I told them where they could f-find you"

"So what?" I scrub Myself

"You know, I wouldn't blame you… Did you tell them?"

"Not because you mean anything to Me."

"Oh…" she sighs

After finishing with Myself she cleaned herself.

After we were both nice and clean I began biting and licking her open wounds before I buried my erection inside her

She whimpered and cried as I pound her like a rabid beast

Her pride so torn she'd become a shell of the proud warrior that she once was

She did very little to fight back as I choked her, slapped her around, and nearly drowned her. All for the sake of reinforcing My own pride

"Wh-what do you think th-they want from us?" She whimpers painfully as I tie the bathrobe at My waist

"This minister guy seems to have an agenda of his own" I huff

We were lead to the Minister's office where he had a box of cigars sitting on his desk

He offers one up to Me.

I take the cigar and pop it into My mouth before Yuno lights it for Me

"From here on I want you to believe you can trust Me, young Saiyan."

"Please, have a seat"

Despite My skepticism I sit down across from him

"Nice place" I take a puff

"To bad it's not mine quite yet" he lowers his voice"

I nod, seeing where this conversation was going

"I heard from My trusted Budo here that you wiped out his entire squad. They were quite skilled"

"What do you want?"

He smiles

"I'm the Grand Minister Honest"

"In about ten years time the Emperor Makoto is planning to present his Kingdom to the Eldian Empire, under the rule of the Empress Sasha iv."

Eldia, huh?

Sounds like Falco really came through.

"But, I have long since allied Myself with the Alvarez Empire and the World Government."

"Is that right?"

"First, I want to create utter chaos before taking the head off the beast."

"You want us to overthrow an entire government, huh?"

Sounds like fun actually.

"You can have, Esdeath. From this moment on she will belong to you." He said as Budo chained her and kicked her to her knees beside me "You will answer directly to Me and earn your freedom once this Empire is wrapped around My finger."

"Tch. Yeah whatever." I grumble

Although there wasn't much I could do with this bomb in My chest

After being dismissed I joined Esdeath outside

"M-My clothes? Wh-what for?" Esdeath blushes

"Just do it." I begin removing My own

"Oh- j-jeez." She whimpers after seeing the state My body was in

I then pierce her ears, her nipples, her arms, her wrists, her belly, her thighs and her ankles with a little bell hanging by a thread

"What are these for?" She raises her arm

They were more so sensitive than any other bell so they jingled with every little breath and movement that she made

After that I pierce My wrists, elbows, ears, and knees with these same bells

"Whoa, how did you do that?" She leans in and flicks the bell after not hearing them jingle

"You're going to be accompanying Me in our mission to overthrow the king. The last thing I need is an ameture holding me back."

I pat the open wound on her belly, she stumbles and gasps for air after dropping on all fours

10 years later-

By now she has pretty much got used to not making much noise with the bells, so the only ones that she wore were the ones dangling on her ears

"Gsh-shh-shk." She jerks and slurps on My cock

I clear My throat before nutting all over her face

I sit back and she cleaned Me up before the ship suddenly jerked to a halt

"I-I think we're here." She huffs

"Yeah." I grumble

We toss our clothes aside.

I throw on some shorts as she ties her bikini at her chests

We sneak off the ship. She jumped on My back as I concentrated My energy into the soles of My feet

I walk on the water's surface until we were near the shore where we swam the rest of the way to blend in with the people

"This is fun. We should do this more often." Esdeath hurries behind Me as I crouch down where we had left our things last we scouted the area

After digging up our things we head straight for the land of fire

After ten years everything has been set and ready for the assasination of the Emperor

He traveled the seas into the Land of Fire to introduce industrialization to their people as a last ditch effort to save his nation from the hell that we brought upon it

"This place isn't half bad, don't you think?"

"Definitely more interesting." I look around

The leaders of this nation were powerful and the soldiers were definitely stronger on average

"Kehe." She giggles as I jump on My chair.

"What?!" I growl

"Nothing, I'm just glad you stayed nice and cute." She winks

"Bastard!" I jump on My feet, "I already told you I'm older than you!" I growl

I haven't changed My appearance, despite being able to hold it for over a month now.

It was a precautionary measure, just in case.

"I know-I know. You're over a thousand years old, blah-blah."

Older than time itself actually, but who would believe that?

"Yeah, so you better watch it before-." I stop, after I sense a large presence behind Me.

"What is it?" Esdeath pokes her head over My shoulder

"Hmh." I smile

"What?!" Esdeath tugs on My arm

"That boy over there."

He contains a fraction of the power that was extracted from Rhea long ago.

"What about him? I think he's cute." She giggles as he scurries our way, pickpocketing anyone and everyone that he bumps into.

"Hey mister, nice tail!" He smiles widely.

"Awe, you're awfully cute. Aren't you fella?"

"I-I wh-what? Y-you think I'm c-c-cute?"

"Yeah, what's your name?" Esdeath pinches his cheek

"M-My name?" He looks up at Me

He jumps back after seeing the look in my eye

"Bye! Have a nice life! Bahahaha!" He scurries of with My empty wallet

"Awe that was awfully cute." Esdeath giggles

"C'mon. It'll be time soon enough." I stand up

"Could've eaten him right up." She follows Me to our hotel room where we waited for the man that was going to take the fall for tonight

"Remember, the boy lives. Minister Honest needs-." She freezes after being subjected to a illusory technique from the seems

I turn My head to whoever it was that put her in that illusion

Sure enough it was some kin Igneel

I glare him straight in the eye with the My Sharingan

"Akuma, of Imperial Rome. Can't say I'm surprised my sharingan has no effect on you."

"Who might you be? Son of Igneel." I glare at the young man

"Itachi, of the Uchiha clan."

-to be continued