Fairy Tail

Book Four

Volume 11

Ch. 149 Fairy Tail



"Ursa. Yeah, what are you stupid, old man?"

"Who are you calling stupid?!" A pink-haired boy shouts

"Oh I think you mean-."

"Who the hell is that?" I step around him after spotting some eye candy at the bar dealing drinks

"Nice talk, son." The old man waddles behind Me before I bump into a Southern elf

"Watch it punk!" She jumps

Around 4'10" if she's lucky, maybe 5'. An absolute snack of a woman, both literally and figuratively.

Actually… she wasn't an elf. She was just pathetically short, or maybe she's a-.

"What?! Didn't see me?! Whuahaha! So original!" She laughs sarcastically

"Hobbit, right?."

"Fuck You!" She kicks My shin before running off. Her feet were tiny so she couldn't possibly be that either

I open My palm to blast her to hell before the front doors swing open

I turn around…

It was…

"K-Kara?" She freezes after spotting Me by the bar.

I at first couldn't tell if it was her.

The crowd makes way as she cautiously joins Me at the bar

"Ursa?" She tilts her head after I set her down

But seeing her now it was apparent that she wasn't…

"It's umm… Erza." She blushes

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah… actually, I tried to tell you way back before we were separated. Thank you." She rests her ear on My Chest

"For what you did back then. You protected me."

"N-nobody knows what really happened. B-Besides Master Makarov that is."

"Oh yeah?"

"Mhmm." She nods shamefully


"Oh my, is this Kara?" The white-haired girl managing the bar steps up beside Me

"This is Mirajane, or Mira. She's-."

"The face of Fairy Tail." Mira extends her hand "Some may say" She twiddles her fingers as if expecting Me to kiss her hand but I settle for a simple handshake

"I model for the Sorcerer Weekly magazine as well as play theater by the Marina. When I'm not here of course" She tilts her head

"Right, I don't suppose you know where I could find a decent meal around here." I smile, making My intentions with her already apparent

"Not here, especially when Erza is behind the counter. She's a terrible cook, you see." She leans in and whispers loud enough to be heard despite the difference in our height

"Am not!" Erza stomps

"Kara, right? I saved Erza's life plenty too, you know." A blonde-haired guy throws his arm around her neck

"This is Laxus. We go on many quests together."

"Oh yeah? What's wrong with his face?"

"What?!" He growls

"Say, Kara, are you going to join the guild?" Mira pulls My arm between her tits. "It'd be very nice to have you around."

"Hmh." I smile

In terms of strength, there seem to be far stronger characters here than in the Land of Fire and the Empire combined.

I turn My head towards the guy sitting by the corner laughing and drinking with the elf girl I bumped into before

"Who's that over there?" I ask Mira

"Hmm?" She gets on her tippy toes "That's Cana."

"Not the shrimp."

"Oh… that's Gildarts Clive. He's the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail."

"Is he now?"

Even stronger than Budo from the seams.

After they explained to Me what their little clubhouse was I decided to join for the hell of it

It was a magical guild where wizards gathered to take on quests. They hand a small portion of the reward over to the guild.

It was unlike anything I'd ever done so I thought the hell with it

I moved into the empty room in Ezra's apartment and took on various jobs and bounties

"Remind Me why exactly you let her tag along?" I ask Mira as Cana runs around trying on all sorts of hats

"Ew, pervert! What the hell are you doing?! Get your hands off of her!" Cana lunges at Me after My hand slides past Mira's waist

I step back and grab her ankle with My tail

"Whoa!" She squeals after I raise her over a puddle

"Let me down! Put me down!" She shrieks

"Alright, Kara. Quite being so mean." Mira caresses My thigh

"Mean?" I smile

"Oh?" Mira giggles as I lead her up the steps, into our motel room after tossing Cana aside

"E-easy, Cana is going to m-mhear." She mumbles in My mouth as I pull her shirt over her head and she slid down to her knees

"So what?" I stuff her cheeks as Cana slams the front door shut

Mira and I have our fun up until she passed out just before 7 pm

I throw on some shorts that just barely cover up My meat that hangs quarters down My thigh before heading into the kitchen for some snacks

Cana was sitting in the living room, sweating bulleted under her blanket and watching a documentary with intensity

She shoves her hand full of popcorn into her mouth and curses after stupidly biting her finger before proceeding to chew aggressively

I step into the living room

She snatches the black cat ear headband off her head before turning her head

She gives Me a dirty look before shoving another hand full of popcorn into her mouth

I smile.

Her face turned beat red and I could hear her heart pounding from way over here

"You're pathetic, but I'm sure you already knew that." I scoff before joining Mira in My bed with a bucket of ice and some whiskey

I pour Myself a glass of whiskey as Mira stuffs her pussy with ice cubes to numb the painful railing I just gave her

After falling asleep with her neck in My arm I woke her up the following morning with another dicking. 

"Mm-Mmf." She sucks on My thumb with her arms wrapped around My waist and My dick snug between her tits "w-we should go." She huffs

"You want to?" 

"Mm-Mmn." She shook her head as she kissed and outlined My abs with her tongue

After pulling her head back we hopped in the shower right after Cana and we got ready for our journey home

There I checked in with the Rune Knights to see if they had any more bounties up for grabs.

"Dead or alive, huh?" I smile

"Yes, this Erigor is a commanding officer of the infamous Dark Guild of Eisenwald." 

"Is he strong?"

"Very much so, this guy is a borderline S rank assassin."

"Oh-ho. Just perfect." I wave the wanted poster before spotting My own plastered in the corner of the room

"What about that kid over there? A bounty that high, how come I don't see his poster all over town?"

"Hmm? Oh yes, Akuma Kara of Rome. Since Fiore is a neutral continent we're only allowed to have that poster on government property."

"1.5 billion, huh? For a kid."

"Indeed, goes to show just how dangerous this world is."

I headed back to the guild where I had to check in with Makarov about My cut for the guild

"Twenty thousand for your first month is plenty. Have you been taking on bounty jobs for the Magic Council?" He organizes the money into an envelope

"What's it to you, old man?" I cross My arms

"Although it is within your right to sign up for bounty hunting under the name of the Fairy Tail guild I strongly advise against it among my children."

"Children? You're kidding."

"Here in Fairy Tail, we're a family, all of us. That includes you, my boy."

"Oh please." I scoffed "You expect Me to buy into your pathetic little carebear crap?"

"Regardless of what you think. Everyone here is willing to risk even their own life for one another. Could you say the same?"

"Well, I'm not a fool."

"Love is foolish?"

"No, What one does in the name of such is foolish."

"I believe that even for one who has walked the path of darkness for as long as you have, there will always be room for love."

"Yeah, right."

"It is what you seek, no? What you have been seeking for years I'm willing to bet."

"How so?"

"How many women have you been with, my son?"

"Too many." I smile


I shrug

"You so desperately want to be loved. But you are afraid, terrified even to love, yourself."

What the hell is he saying?

I couldn't respond. My heart was beating out of My chest and the air grew thin

I haven't felt anything like it, at least not for so long

All I could think about now was the gruesome scene that I walked into Kei and Sakura, our children, and even Sasha and the woman protecting her child during the Uchiha massacre

For what? They all laid their lives to rest. For what?

This… motherly love?

What the hell is it?

I think back to the time Paris stopped struggling after being told Mia had taken her own life

How can someone other's life ever be more important than your own?

"Sure it may always come to an end. Everything does. But what we do with our time together is up to us."

"Whatever old man," I grumble

Spouting the same high and mighty bullshit I heard from Thors

Can't kill him even if I try.

I don't see why I should ever change. I am basic human nature after all.

"No! No! No! No!" Someone shouts as I wander around Magnolia

It was that little shrimp, Cana.

"Hahahaha, I win again" Gildarts laughs

After turning the last corner I see the two sitting at a table

From the looks of it they were playing some form of poker

"Hahaha place your bets old man!" Cana laughs

"Choice poker," some guy beside the dealer whispers in my ear "you ever play?" he asks

"Yeah, with my son, Falco."

"Your son? Aren't you like 16?"

"My brother, I meant."

"You have a brother?" He asks


"Right.. sorry" he apologizes

"Anyways you joined fairy tail not long ago right?" He asks

"Yeah, why?" I ask

He smiles "The name's Macao" he extends his hand 

I shake his hand "Kara"

"It's a pleasure, I've noticed you've been busy taking on so many quests," he says

"Got nothing else to do." I shrug

"Why don't you hang out around the guild? Get to know the family? Besides, I hear Mira is as good behind the bar as she is in bed." He nudges My arm

"Oh yeah?"

"Are you sure about that, old man?" Cana asks after he throws a pair of queens on the table

"What? Go on just place your bet already" he smiles

"You asked for it" she throws in three more coins "alright" she giggles

"What is this charity?"

"Be quiet you old prune!"

"Bahaha!" Gildarts laughs

"Would you like to place a bet, Gildarts?" The dealer asks Gildarts

"Nah, I'll let Cana pick," he says

"Alright then, since Cana placed the final bet, may you tell us your choice," the dealer says

"I'll take the stro-" Before she could finish I bumped her chair "Hey!" She turns around

She looks up at Me as I glare at Gildarts

If she takes the stronger hand she's sure to lose

It was obvious Gildarts threw in the two queens earlier to make her believe he had the weaker hand

"What was that Cana? Say that again?" Gildarts teases

"Shut up! I-I said.." she hesitates "The weaker hand. I'll take the weaker hand!" she says

"Alright, may you reveal your cards, Gildarts?" The dealer says

"Heh" Gildarts cracks a smile before setting his cards on the table

Cana's face brightens up

"Hey! Hahaha I finally beat the old man!" She laughs 

"Hey, I'm not old!" Gildarts shouts

"Hey, you finally did it!" Macao congratulates her

"Hah, of course, I did. And it won't be the last time either." she crosses her arms

"Alright guess it's time to get going" Gildarts yawns

Cana's eyes widened "Wait! You promised we could talk if I won" She jumps to her feet

"Hmm?" Gildarts turns back around

"Oh.. right, what is it?" He asks

"I..I uhh.." she hesitates

"C'mon spit it out!" The pink-haired little kid shouts

"Hey, calm down Natsu," Gildarts pats Natsu's head "What is it you want to talk about Cana?" He asks

"I-I.." she looks around, seeing all the people that had gathered, "nothing.." she sighs

"Nothing?" Gildarts raises an eyebrow "Well alright," he giggles

"C'mon, old man!" Natsu pulls him away

"I said I'm not old!" He shouts

"Alright guess I'll be seeing you around, Kara" Macao says

I wave before going my way

Cana clears her throat behind Me 

"Alright, this is your share" she flicks a coin at me "How'd you know?" She asks

I sigh "Like I'd even bother explaining it to an idiot" I turn around

"Fine." She grumbles before realizing what I said "Hey!" She jumps in front of me "What is that supposed to mean?!" 

"It means, you're an idiot" I flick her forehead

"Nghk*" she grits her teeth

"Now off you go kid, I've gotta go" I push her aside

"I'm not a kid!" She shouts "I'm 15, just like Mira!" she points at My chest

"Really?" I ask "don't look like it," 

"What?" She jumped in front of Me after I stepped around her "Cause I'm short? Haha very funny, haven't heard that one before," she crossed her arms

"No, it's cause you're annoying" I stop

"Ghk*" she grits her teeth

"Listen, are you planning on following me home, or like what's your deal?"

"What?! Like hell! You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that if you're trying to get lucky!" She turns her back to Me 

"Annoying is an understatement" I sigh 

"What?!" She growls

She jerks around to face Me again but I manage to spin around her back and hide inside the alley in front of us before she'd see Me

"Wh-what?" She looks around "Whatever" she mutters

"Thought I'd never see the end of that" I sigh

I climbed onto the rooftop and from there I jumped onto the next and then the next up until I reached my balcony 

-to be continued