Decaying Reality

"Where are you going, I don't see the difference?"

"Shut up and let me do my thing, boy." 

They had been walking for a long time, Valentine has already stopped bothering about seconds, minutes or hours... he only knows that it has been so long since he saw both Fayette and Vera, the grey world hadn't changed in anything except for the structure, the demon continued to take different paths, apparently random.

Valentine wasn't able to tell how exactly he was choosing which path to take.

In his mind, there were the demon's words from early.


"How do you know my name!?"

"Hmn... I'm a demon from the circle of limbo, you might not have seen a lot like me, we barely come out of our circle, but... we have the capacity to tell someone's identity, just by looking..." The demon's glare sharpened further as if starting straight into Valentine's soul.

"And what else can you see?"