Forsaking the Curse II

Valentine was astounded, it had been perhaps a week since he left that accursed room with both corpses, for a few days, a deep stomachache impacted his body, he knew something was wrong.

But it stopped several days afterwards, not leaving a trace.

He assumed it had been the angel's core... the only thing that he had consumed that was 'suspicious' but nothing happened afterwards, leaving him a feeling of bewilderment.

In front of him lay the reason for his recent happiness.



"Is this even working?" He followed the path of the signs created by the demon Sadaceus, starting from Zero... 203rd cycle.

But this time he found the trajectory to be unexpectedly smooth.

The path ensued in front of him like the cause of a river, every single time he crossed a junction, there would be a room filled with glyphs awaiting.

'...' He didn't say anything, afraid that opening his mouth would finish this streak of luck.