Re-encountering the Thorny Rose

His desolate steps resonated in this grey world, now truly feeling the entire brunt of abandonment.

Valentine Wagner is no saint... he loves Fayette Blanchet and Vera Sidorov; who aren't saints either...

'We're in this netherworld because we are sinners.' He thought deeply, clutching that wretched crystal tightly in his hand; deciphering this world's path.

But his mind was muddled, there are people he can accept, those that can cause pain and suffering for the sake of their goals; in order to achieve one's ambitions, pain is necessary, whether it be suffered or inflicted.

In order to achieve his goals, he had killed thousands perhaps even hundreds of thousands of innocents, just in order to slaughter a single corrupt politician, a single tyrant, a single drug lord.

But he would absolutely never condone those that cause pain and suffering, for the sake of their own fun and ecstasy.

And Elizabeth Bathory is the peak of that behaviour.