Rules for Level 2

'The Second Level is going to start in 30 seconds, an announcement was announced by G master.

" Second level is going to start. We need to do something. In level 1 there was a way to remove the players from the game. We need to find a way to do the same thing in Level 2 too.", Felicia said and looked at them.

"Ok. There must be a way to do that. But we should be careful this time. Because, If we enter a game we will be killed", Steve said.

" Someone wants to stay here and should try to find clues about the symbol and 25 Gods. It's definitely not me. I know nothing about books. You two are the genius class monitors of your classes. So, decide who want to stay here and who want to come with me and save everyone ", Felicia asked with a serious look.

A few moments later,

"Felicia it's not a good idea to leave a pretty girl alone in a room like that in this situation", Steve said in a different tone.

"Pretty, who are you talking about?", Felicia asked with an angry voice.

" I am talking about Mia. A real-life Angel. There is no word to explain her beauty. There is beauty both inside and outside. She is the most beautiful girl in this school", He said in a romantic tone.

" Oh, I see. I don't know that you have a problem with your eyesight. You should have taken a check-up before", Felicia said and walked angrily.

"I think someone's stomach is burning in jealous", Steve said and chuckled.

The sleeping gas effect was decreased when they came to the Hall. So, they took their gas masks off. They both opened the auditorium door slightly and looked through the small gap. There are many Men in pink court suits and strange glasses were standing everywhere and roaming here and there with guns. All the students were sitting in the seats randomly and sleeping. The count down for Level 2 ended. Everyone in the auditorium wakes up at the same time.

One of the P Master stood on the stage. He took a Mike and started to explain the rules of this game.

" Hello, Players. I am a P Master. Congratulations. you all are going to play the Level 2 of the game. Let me explain the rules for Level 2.

*You can talk with other players but you shouldn't talk with any NPC character in Level 2.

*You shouldn't leave this room.

Each of you check under your seats". Everyone looked under their seats and took unfilled balloons. "Now fill the balloons with air".

Everyone blows up the balloons. The P master continued, "There are 225 players in this room. If you want to go outside alive, kill at least one person in this Hall. A player will be killed if his balloon broke or was damaged in this Hall. So, if you want to survive, save your balloons and break others balloons. The players who didn't kill anyone after 45 minutes will be removed from the game.

The game duration is 45 minutes. After this game batch1 and batch 2 players will have lunch. You are batch 2. The game is going to start in seven minutes", The Man explained everything.

Everyone looked at each other in fear. Suddenly a tabular column appeared on the screen. it contains all the students' names in this auditorium.

The man continued again. "The game will start with the last rule. We will say about the last rule in 5 minutes".

Everyone in the room starts to panic. Felicia and Steve started to think seriously. Suddenly Felicia pull Steve back and closed the door.

" Hey did you have any idea?", she asked.

"Yes. but I am not sure", Steve replayed.

" What is it"

" The Possibilities are The Players will die or survive or removed from the game. they said that 'The players who didn't kill anyone after 45 minutes will be removed from the game'. This means if they protect their balloons and didn't kill anyone they will be removed from the game in the end", Steve explained clearly.

"So, they will become like us. NPC characters. right? ", Felicia asked with a strong voice.

" Yes"

"They can't talk to us. We can't become a player now. If we go inside we will be killed. how can we inform them", Felicia asked.

" I don't know.", Steve said in a sad voice.

Suddenly a noise came from the auditorium. They both looked inside again. The P master said the last rule. What he said, stopped everyone's heart.

"You are going to play the game without a single spark light"

Suddenly all the other P masters locked the doors and turned off all the lights. The whole room was covered in a complete darkness