For professional and personal reasons

Jake's pov

In my entire existence, I had never disrespected any woman the way I did Sabrina today. All it had to take for me to realize my mistake and how far I had gone was the hot slap Sabrina gave me. I was left bewildered not by the slap but by the fact that I disrespected her to the point that she had to walk away so as not to see my face again. That was the level of hatred she had for me. What was wrong with me? Instead of finding a way to reconcile with my long-lost lover and shorten the drift between us, I widened the gap and all it took were unkind words. The tongue is indeed a double-edged sword. With the way things had escalated, would she even believe me when I tell her that I have been miserable without her that I have spent about a million Kenyan Shillings looking for her?

I was impressed by this new version of her. Damn! Her intelligence and business prowess made her all the more attractive and alluring. I tried using statistics in her presentation to make her fail but she exceeded my expectation, she made me look stupid. How could I forget she has always been a better mathematician than I. Her beauty was on a whole new level and it made me so jealous seeing how the men in the room eyed her full cup-sized breasts. I wanted to take my coat and cover her from the stare of these sinful men but instead, I threw her snide, disgusting remarks. I have never been like this, all hot, angry, jealous, frustrated, and happy, all at the same time. She did this to me.

Who would have thought that the once timid and shy Sabrina would put powerful men like me to shame, the way she did with me at the meeting? She had grown to be a great career woman. I wondered how she got to this point and stage in her career and life. She carried out herself with confidence and charisma that deep down in my heart I knew I would invest into this business not once but hopefully more than once obviously for both professional and personal reasons.

Truth be told, seeing her today made me fall in love with her. I don't understand how she got pregnant but she wore pregnancy like a beautiful garment. And I don't care who made her pregnant but I was going to use this business venture as an excuse to pursue her again and make her fall in love with me and above all else make her forgive me for my past mistakes. Now that I had seen her, touched her, felt her breath close to mine, I can't just assume and forget her. No, I just can't let her go now that she's within my grasp. Decisively, I walked out of the ambiance of her office and to the secretary's desk, "It's Zara right? Can I get Ms. Sabrina's personal phone number?"

"Yes, it's Zara. Am sorry sir but I am only allowed to give you her office number. Here is madam's card" she replied.

"At what time does your boss get to work?" I asked.

"She is always here as early as 8 pm sharp.", she replied. As punctual as always.

"Thanks," I replied as I took the card. I was going to make things right. I was going to get my girl back no matter what or how long it took.

First, let me drop by the finest flower shop in town. I have an order to make.