Flowers and chocolates

The following morning, I had to get to work a bit early so that I could prepare for the next meeting with Jake and Sons scheduled for Friday. I woke up in a jolly mood today, I danced in the bathroom to my favorite song by Zoe Wees, cooked pancakes for breakfast and I even did my make-up today. Feeling good about yourself is one of the greatest ways to have a good day. I hoped it was going to be a great day.

As I climbed the stairs to my office, the other workers were awfully noisy today. There must have been something interesting that might have happened, something that took away their attention that they didn't notice my presence. I didn't want to get into whatever hullabaloo they had going on, so I walked straight ahead to my office. As I passed by Zara's desk I realized that today she was extra smiley and giggly. What's happening to everyone in this hotel? Someone might have sprinkled a magic portion in here. As we exchanged greetings I realized there was something mischievous about her smile. I didn't put meaning to it and walked to my office. As I opened the door, in the middle of my office there he stood in his dark grey suit that looked as if it was personally made for him, carrying a bouquet of yellow roses with an apologetic smile. Maybe I was dreaming so I took steps back and closed the door. It took five minutes before I re-opened the door and he was still standing in the same position he was. I wasn't dreaming after all.

Gaining my composure, I greeted him, "Good morning Mr. Jake? To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing your face this early morning? What brings you so early into my office? Aren't you going to get late for your date?"

He chuckled deeply and replied, "Good morning Ms. Sabrina. I am here to see you. And here, these are for you," as he handed the bouquet accompanied with a box of Cadbury dark chocolate.

As I took them I asked what they were for and he replied pleadingly, "These are to apologize for my disrespectful behavior towards you yesterday. Please receive them as a sign of my heartfelt sincere apology. I hope that we can start on the right foot."

The maliciousness in me couldn't let this slide. I wanted to spite him just like he did to me yesterday. I took the flowers and chocolate and dumped them in the dustbin. I then took the sanitize on my desk and sanitized my hands as if I had just touched the dirtiest pathogen in the world. When I sat back in my chair, I told him coolly without breaking a sweat, "Mr. Jake, flowers and chocolate cannot buy my forgiveness, and neither can they change what happened and how you made me feel yesterday. If that is all, you may leave now, I have some work to do."

You should have seen his face, he felt so dejected that I nearly rose to my feet to comfort him but he had to learn that he can't always have his way. I thought I had won this today until he confidently said before he walked out, "Sabrina I don't care what you do or how many times you will reject my tokens of apology but you will forgive me Sabrina and you will be mine again"

That promise sent shivers down my spine. So I did the next insane thing, I went to the dustbin, took out the chocolate, and devoured it mercilessly.