Maybe Just Maybe

Sabrina's pov

I could not understand why the moments when you wanted to be strong, are the moments when you became weak, feeble, and pathetic. Just like right now. I wanted to stand up for myself against that man but what did I do, I just looked at him with tears rolling down my cheeks as he insulted and degraded my being. I wanted to get up, punch him but my heart, emotions, strength, and mind weren't coordinating today. This wasn't the first time someone had insulted me in the streets because of their distorted view of what had happened to me. I have suffered in these streets. I was glad and grateful that Marcus and Jake were there to defend my honor.

On our way to my apartment, I could not stop crying, Marcus cursing under his breath as he always did when he was angry. Jake on the other end was in a war within himself trying to hide the tears forming, clenching, and unclenching his fists on the steering wheel. He occasionally looked at me from the corner of his eyes and I realized that my tears affected him that much and for a moment, I started thinking that maybe, just maybe, he really cared about me and maybe he was still in love with me. I was drifted from my thoughts by the car coming to a halt.

As we took the stairs up to my apartment, Jake held me at the nape of my back and I was too weak to reject him so allowed him. When I opened the door and sank on the sofa, with Marcus next to me, I was startled by Jake punching the wall in anger. I rushed to his side and realized his arm was bleeding from the bruises of the impact. "Sit down, as I bring the first aid kit.", I said.

I took his arm to clean it and disinfect it until I noticed his intense stare on my face. When I looked up to him he said remorsefully, "Am sorry Sabbie for what happened today. If I had known that would not have taken you there. It's all my fault. Am sorry, please forgive me." How could he think it was his fault? He can't control what comes out of people's mouths. How would he have known that uncouth man was going to be there? So I replied assuring him, "No Jake it's not your fault, you wouldn't have known he was going to be there. Also, you can't control what people say. Am glad you and Marcus were there to protect me. Thanks, guys. Besides I am used to this, it happens to me all the time."

"What! It happens all the time? You can't be used to that. I swear I will kill them all. From now if you want to go anywhere, I want to be there with you to punch their faces."

"Whoa! Come down Mr. bodyguard. You are not going on a murdering and punching spree!" I replied as we busted out laughing.

"When you are done with your lovey-dovey, these knight in shining armor moments, can we please eat now, because the worms in my stomach are done with my stomach and they are going for my heart.", Marcus said and before he could finish his statement pillows were flying to hit him as he successfully evaded them

"Look who is talking, Mr. single there's no woman for me out here. What happened to you and Mimi by the way?" I asked as I took about of my chicken wing.

"It's a long story. I don't want to get into the details," Marcus replied despairingly.

"Please tell me everything. How did you manage to break up with that vicious woman? I swear if you had continued dating her, we were going to find your corpse hanging from the balcony." Jake added.

"Let's just say, she was so jealous of my friendship with Zoey after you left Sabrina. It was always Zoey this, Zoey that. I couldn't take it anymore. We broke up and Zoey also moved away and refuses to pick my calls." Marcus replied.

"Oh my God, you have a thing for Zoey!" I exclaimed.

"No am not! What makes you think that! Am just a man tired of loving the wrong jealous women." Marcus defended himself.

"You have always had a crush on Zoey, confess Marcus. You are not sad about breaking up with Mimi. You are sad that you kissed Zoey and she left and refuses to take your calls. You love her," said Jake.

"Says the man whose phone wallpaper is Sabbie's picture and password her year of birth." Marcus chimed in.

What! He still has my pictures and remembers my birth year. Maybe just maybe he loves me. Also, Jake's confession about Marcus and Zoey explains why anytime Zoey calls she keeps asking if Marcus has said anything about her. Those two are meant to be together and I was to make sure it happens.