You are my man

Jake's pov

Once everyone had left it was just, Sabrina and I, just the two of us and I enjoyed every bit of being with her. Since the DJ had left the music system at the hotel so that he could pick it tomorrow, I took the opportunity to steal Sabrina for one last dance of the night but in a real sense, all I wanted, craved for was my body next to hers, my breath intermingled with hers to hold her in my warm embrace as we danced our troubles, past, and difficulties away.

She was seated at the corner, rubbing her feet that were sore from wearing high heels for so long. I wonder why women even wear these shoes when they are so uncomfortable. I must admit though, that for a woman like Sabrina, the heels made her sexier, alluring, and confident and there was nothing that attracted me to a woman, than her confidence. I approached her and when she saw me, her face lit up and I knelt before and asked pointing at her feet, "may I ease your off your pain.?" She nodded and I wasted no time as I expertly rubbed her feet and she leaned back on the seat to enjoy the comfort and relief that my hands provided. I was in the middle of massaging her feet when Major's 'This is why I Love you' song came up and being the hopeless romantic that I am, I requested her for a dance and she obliged.

As I held her close to my chest and she leaning on my chest swinging to the song, under the starlit sky I wanted to tell her so badly that I loved her but it was too soon. I wanted to do that after taking her on many dates so for now I was going to let my actions speak. She lifted her head off my chest and asked pouting, "why didn't reply when I called or texted? I thought you hated me or were you punishing me?" I was amused by her pout so I replied in all honesty, "I could never hate you and I wasn't punishing you, I wanted to give you some time to forgive me for going behind your back for a DNA test. Even though it hurt being away from you, I wanted me coming back to your life to be on your own terms but after today seeing you in this sexy dress, I can't stay away from you, am stuck like glue with you." She burst out laughing, saying, "I want you in my life so long as I don't see you with any bimbos around." I burst out laughing and bantered back, "Ms. Zawadi are you jealous that someone might steal me, your man away from you?" She stopped dancing and I thought I had just ruined our perfect moment until she looked up into my eyes assuring and said, "Yes, I am jealous of any woman around you and yes, you are my man, my only man."

It was refreshing to hear her say that and I couldn't resist the urge that was swelling up inside me to just kiss her ravishingly. Without thinking any further about how it might be the wrong move and yet still the right one, I cupped her face in my arms and kissed her soft, delicate, pink lips and in the heat of the moment, she kissed back until I came back to my senses that maybe there were journalists still lurking around so I withdrew from her and still in shock she touched her lips like she did not want the kiss to end like she wanted to forever stamp my lips on hers. I stood there wondering what her next move would be. She broke the silence saying, "Don't traumatize me with your kisses again until you have put a wedding ring on my finger." She said as she walked to pick her shoes and bag heading towards her car, I followed her running with my coat saying, "wait a minute missy, we can get married even right now but can I first date you before that," she nodded. I continued, "Also I am not allowing you to drive home alone, I will drive you home and hopefully see how my little boy has grown."

When she nodded, I opened the passenger door for her, started the ignition, and drove her to her apartment, our home.