CHAPTER - 7 { First Origin in History }

"Ha!... Hah!," breathing heavily, Christy looked at the dead pirates. It took her some time to kill all of them and her left hand got a cut on it.

Not wanting to waste any more seconds, she held a branch and broke it to use as support while walking.

Reaching a safe distance, she sat on the ground and tore her sleeves to bandage her cut and calf.

"Where am I?," muttered Christy, glancing around her but all she could see was trees and trees.

"Oi," a deep voice came from above her. Trembling, she raised her head to see a guy in black suit sitting on the tree branch.

He had a gun pointed at her, his irises were blue in colour and he looked really tall. But the atmosphere was cold like ice.

"W-what do y-you want?," asked Christy in a low voice but Akuma could hear her. He jumped down from the branch and looked at her.

* * *

Christy saw the man jump from the tree and stand in front of her. His gun seemed to vanish in thin air but he himself looked dangerous.

"You are really a cold person. You killed all the pirates while not even feeling sad but looked happy".

She then heard him speak. As the words came out, it hit her in the heart.

"NO! I was not happy! If I didn't do anything, I would have died or even worse! What could I do!," tears started falling from her eyes to her lap, as she looked down while speaking.

"But I could feel it! Your happiness that came from killing them! Should I say you used anger on them which didn't came from being kidnapped but something else!," came a whisper in her right ear. Her body seemed to react at what he said by trembling.

"Anger?," said Christy as she remembered her family, her town. Yes, it should be that.

Christy looked at the man who held out his hand and placed some of her hair at the back of her ear.

He bends down and looks straight at me while smiling.

"Look into my eyes if you want to be free from all those memories, those anger, sadness, hatred, happiness, loneliness! Everything!".

I saw it! Those eyes that looked like a creature who was swallowing me. I felt my body lose energy while my eyes were really heavy.

* * *

[10%]... [50%]... [100%]

[Completely Hypnotized]

"Now slave! Forget your memories of that family you had. Forget everyone you know except me, your owner!".

Christy was in a dazed state. Snapping out of it, she nodded to her master as she remembered nothing except him.

One could see love in her eyes as even the pain was taken over by belief. Akuma lifted her in a princess carry, and went towards the town.

Standing on the roof of the villa, Akuma looked at the endless sea. If you are in 'One Piece' how could you not want to be a free pirate.

"Ship, Crew, Flag and Territory," muttered Akuma as he jumped on the ground near the villa entrance.

As he stepped in, two figures came into view. Yuki and Christy, bowing their heads and welcoming him.

"Master!," said both of them together while giving deep love from their hearts.

"Prepare food," ordered Akuma, he walked towards the dining room and sat on the chair. He then had a refreshing lunch in his villa.

* * *

Stepping in the town, Akuma looked around it while the people were behaving as usual as his orders.

He entered the shop for building ships, in there he saw many shipwrights working on some ship parts.

The main shipwright noticed his master and came forward with a bow.


"I want a large pirate ship, best materials, a devil's head on the front with two curved horns," said Akuma with a plain voice. The shipwrights nodded and immediately stopped their work.

Now what they were focused, is the ship for their master.

Later he met Maba and ordered him to gather all the pirate Captains in the town. Sitting on the couch, he waited for them to come.

After two hours___

Eight pirates came walking behind the mayor, they entered the villa and saw a guy sitting on the couch.

"It better be worth it or I will kill everyone here!," said a pirate while grunting at the sight of the other pirates.

"Wanna fight, bastard!," exclaimed a pirate next to him and raised his hand to punch but he stopped as the guy on the couch spoke.

"Listen here, pirates".

Akuma looked at the pirates in front of him, they had arrogance all over their faces while some also had mischievousness.

[Ability: Hypnosis]

[10%]... [50%]... [100%]

[Completely Hypnotized]

"Now, slaves. I want you all to gather more pirates in the 'new world' in my banner. Start with small pirates that you can handle," said Akuma as he took out a cigar and lit it. Smoking he remembered another thing.

"Also try to gather devil fruit users in your crews and bring me some devil fruits if you get any on the way".

"Now take these and leave," ordered Akuma while he threw some flags at the pirates who caught it.

* * *

Near the shipyard, multiple pirate ships were ready to set sail. One thing was common amongst them, that was their pirate flags.

On the black coloured flags, a white human skull was visible but it had two red horns on it. The two cross bones behind the skull had blood on them.

1393, April 17, the navy started to get news about a new pirate group being formed.

The Devil's Pirate

At first it was not much of trouble and a simple bounty on the pirates was enough but then it grew to a total of 21 large pirate ships with more than 5000 pirates.

But the thing that frustrates the navy is that they don't know who the leader or captain of those pirates is.