CHAPTER - 13 { Four Years }

One year later___

Seven to Eight sea kings were rounding on an Island, The island was small, only tens of metres.

In the middle of the island, a half naked man sat crossed legged meditating. He seems to radiate an unknown aura that attracts the sea kings.

Akuam could feel and hear the sea kings around the island. He released a warm breath and stood up.

Walking near shore, a sea king lowered his head and Akuma climbed on its head. Then the group started swimming towards a forest island.

* * *

Two years___


A loud painful roar was heard in the forest island, the huge T-rex that doubled its kind was killed.

Akuma looked at his hand that glowed dark rays, he was successful in performing Advanced Armament.

There was a clean hole in the T-rex's chest that looked like a fist. He suddenly looked back, his Advanced Observation haki sensed a breath coming.

Akuma vanished in an instant and reappeared in front of a huge shadow. He turned left and gave an Armament kick, the creature flew back like a ball.

It was a giant land lizard, it seemed to come and prey on the dead T-rex. Akuma then walked ashore where tens of sea kings roamed.

"Next stop, Town of Happiness," muttered Akuma as his irises turned green and he jumped from time to time.

* * *

In the villa___

Yuki happily stood at the entrance while Christy checked the villa properly once more.

"Master is coming back!," said Yuki excitedly, while Christy also nodded. Then the entrance door opened and the man came in.

Stepping inside, Akuma looked at the two women standing. The two bowed and welcomed him, he nodded and walked towards his bedroom.

After the two women served him, they bathed him and helped him wear his black suit. They sat on the couch in the living room.

"How much money do we have, slave?," asked Akuma. He looked at the devil fruits on the table which were collected in his absences.

"22 billion berries, Master!," replied Christy, she showed him a report of past years.

"Ryu Ryu no Mi(Therizinosaurus), Samui Samui no Mi(Cold Human) and Tetsu Tetsu no Mi(Metal Human), these are the only useful ones. Divide the rest amongst the captains," said Akuma to Yuki who nodded and started her work by calling the captains.

"Give me the money".

Christy and Akuma walked out of the villa and arrived in a storage warehouse where all the money was stored.

A few minutes later___


Name: Wholeheart Akuma

Age: 20

Weight: 212 kg

Height: 437 cm

Race: Half-Human Half-Devil (Stopped)

World: One Piece

Profession: [Devil's Pirate Captain] (changeable)


Level: 7 [63,850,240/100,000,000]

STR- 451

AGI- 389

DUR- 346

INT- 362

State Points: None

Money: 36 billion berries (Belly, Berri, Berry? Whatever)

Ability: [Hypnosis] [See Through False] [Mirror Way] [Memory Feel] [Soul Extract]

[Creation Shop] : You can create your own items and Abilities using money

Items: [Stick] [Black Suit] [Gun] [Ammu] [Hat] [Jacket] [Deck of Cards] [Pack of Cigar] [Lighter]

It's not that I didn't try to create modern equipment, guns and blueprints but the system restricted it.

"Demon… Lord," muttered Akuma in a low voice as he tapped on the [Creation Shop]. A Pending list was shown on the floating screen.

[Creation Shop]

Devil Fruit: Mythical Zoan, Dragon Series, Umi-Hebi no Mi

Description: A special devil fruit with no weakness towards sea stones. The user can also swim without drowning.

Price: 11 billion berries


Purple Poneglyph

Description: This particular Poneglyph tells about the history of the devil and the three realms. As well as the information about the two special devil fruits, Umi-Hebi no Mi and Funka Funka no Mi.

Price: 2 billion berries


Devil Fruit: Mythical Zoan, Hybrid series, Funka Funka no Mi(author made)

Description: A special devil fruit with no weakness towards sea stones. The user can also swim without drowning.

Price: 8 billion berries

* * *

Sitting on the couch, Akuma looked at the two devil fruits and the giant purple Poneglyph with various information on its sides.

He picked up the blue coloured apple with weird designs on it. Eating, he wanted to throw up the fruit.

"Fuck!," cursed Akuma as he finished eating. Then a warm feeling appeared on his stomach and it also disappeared.

"I can feel it," he muttered. Standing up, he walked out from the villa and started running towards the sea.


His body started to grow and his limbs mixed up into his body. His face began to resemble a dragon with wide gills.

Growing… Growing, 6 kilometres long, 30 meters wide even though it has yet to reach its awakened limits.

All the sea kings screamed looking at the new creature. Akuma raised his head from the water and looked up at the sky.


A blue coloured beam exploded from his mouth and went on a straight path through the sky clearing the clouds in the way.

In the town, everyone was terrified seeing this leaving only Maba, Yuki and Christy. They were very pleased with their master.

Akuma then turned back into his human body, his clothes seemed to transform with him.

Looking at him, he also became more durable and grew up a little in size, all because of the devil fruit. Then, Akuma started laughing himself in the forest.

* * *

One year later___

In a dark room, there is experimenting equipment. An old man with white hair played with a knife on the table.

A human body was laid on the table while his heart was still beating. Suddenly the den den mushi his pocket started ringing.

"Yes, Captain! I will reach there in a month," replied the old man as he took off his gloves and mask.

[Wanted Poster]

[116,000,000 million berries]

[Evil Doc. Rony]

* * *

Two giants were fighting on an inhabitant island when the den den mushi on a stone started ringing.

"Yes, Captain! We will start sailing now!," replied the bigger one amongst the two.

[Wanted Poster]

[150,000,000 million berries]

[Right Brother, Crick]

"Let's go!," said the other giant with a smile on his face.

[Wanted Poster]

[150,000,000 million berries]

[Left Brother, Trick]

* * *

On a beach, a black haired beauty was sunbathing. Many men were lusting on her body but none of them seemed to look at her face properly.

Her breasts started to vibrate in front of the men as she dived her right hand in her cleavage and took out a den den mushi.

"Ya Ya… Captain," replied the beauty as she stood up and her breasts bounced. The men felt their pants torn because of it.

But when they looked at her face, their body tensed up. What was in front of them? Her!

[Wanted Poster]

[200,000,000 million berries]

[Silent Killer, Jessica]