CHAPTER - 40 { Both Stupid }

[Author Talk---]

Lots of information within the chapter is created by me for some important works.

It's fictional and does not relate to any in the real world.

Please understand it and not search it on Google and make your mind go berserk.

Thank you



Assam being a forest and backward state, was not invaded by the British.

Mainly because of the dense forest that surrounds it which makes it impossible for anyone to come here.

One such forest in Kokrajhar District, Assam is called the Tiger Forest.

As the name says, it's a forest with multiple tigers in it. Ready to kill and maintain rule in the forest any time.

In the forest___

Two silhouettes were visible, a boy and girl walking around with bags on their back.

"Janvi, I think we should return, " Said Birkang seriously while looking at the big trees.

"No! I said it! This way we can find out if we are meant to be together, " Replied Janvi with determination in her voice.

Few days ago, the date of their marriage was fixed to be their birthday.

4th October, which is exactly today.

Since Birkang didn't really like or dislike Janvi, the marriage was not an important matter to him.

But to Janvi, it was her life. Meaning, getting married to someone was equivalent to giving her life to someone.

Seeing his childhood friend, also who is going to be her husband. Not sure about the marriage, it created a feeling of emptiness in her heart.

Yet, she looked forward to it but just a day before the marriage. Janvi had a sudden thought.

If it's going to be like it, then why not see if they are meant to be together or will fall apart.

"We will sneak into the Tiger Forest and live for a week and see if we survive together, " Was what she said while Birkang was dumbfounded.

"So you are taking us to get killed and become animal food?, " Replied Birkang indicating his disapproval about the adventure.

"Why not just break the marriage off? If you want, let me do it, " Suggested Birkang but it was Janvi who disapproved this time.

"If I am going to marry someone it has to be you or I am dying single!".

And that's how it came to what's happening on 4th October.

" Please, Janvi! Let's go back and just let me handle it, " Requested Birkang while following behind Janvi who kept quiet.

After a few hours of walking, the sun had started to fall from its highest position.

"Let's make a camp on this tree, " Said Janvi while climbing on a big Banyan plant.

"Damn it, " Cursed Birkang, he tried but she wouldn't just listen to him about the marriage or about returning back.

"I hope we don't end up becoming raw meat, " Mattering, Birkang made a plank using the branches of the banyan plant.

"It's cold, " Said Janvi while rubbing her palms and looking at Birkang with expectations.

"What?, " Asked Birkang raising his brows and staring at Janvi with confusion.

"Come on! It's the time when a man should come close to the woman and hug each other!, " Said Janvi while doing a facepalm and a bitter smile.

"Yaya, bring to the forest you. Make the camp me, light fire and cook the food me, and then it's also me who is used as a heater, " Muttered Birkang in a low voice as two hands went deep inside his t-shirt.

"It's warm!, " Said Janvi while touching Birkang with her hands and also hugging him.

* * *


A roof also made by the banyan plant branches and banana leaves collected from nearby.

Two people slept together hugging to keep each other to keep warm.

"Hey, Birkang. I know you are awake, " Said Janvi while looking up at Birkang' face in a soft voice.

"What?, " Asked Birkang as he opened his eyes and stared blankly at the branches.

"Who do you think gave us our marks? And why?, " Asked Janvi while thinking about their birthmarks.

"Who knows, but why exactly were it us?

I don't know. Is it really because we are destined to be together or is it the sign of something entirely else.

For that, I have to be alive, " Replied Birkang with a plain voice like his usual but something about it made Janvi nervous.

"Now sleep or I am going to leave you here alone in the night, " Said Birkang while a smile appeared on his face.

Nodding her head furiously, Janvi knew what that smile was actually intended to.

It means he will really do that!

* * *

It's been 5 days since Birkang and Janvi left, their parents were already disheartened.

"Was it because I forced them that they planned to run away from the marriage?, " Asked Pushpa in a sad tone while facing the ground.

"It's not all your fault! It was also us who agreed to it, " Said Bidiyana while holding her head and trying hard not to burst into a cry.

"I just hope they are safe and sound, " Said Somnath while patting Pushpa on her back.

"Yes, just pray they return back safely, " Voiced Swrang, walking through the door and sitting beside Bidiyana.

"Any news?, " Asked Somnath while looking at Swrang in anticipation.

"No, no one saw them leaving the town from the streets or roads. The only way left in the forest but they shouldn't be stupid to take that way, " Said Swrang while massaging his templates.


[Author Talk---]


Today it's a special day so I will publish two new chapters for 'Reality: Summertime Saga'

Please be prepared to see something new which I hope you all will like and ask for more.

Can anyone guess what bike will Dev get?

Thank you and enjoy Christmas!!