(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 1 { Roger Pirates }

Year- 1491

Devil's Home___


The sea waves were going wild, the roars of the black clouds turned to lighting.

Each wave became bigger and higher as the big pirate ship went through.

The figurehead of the ship appears to be a pair of mermaids alongside a forward facing cannon.

The ship had three masts, with red sails and a jolly roger on the foremast.

The sails also have a vertical stripe design. In the center of the ship is a large polka-dotted egg.

If seen by any others, it would appear that the ship belonged to a mighty pirate.

Oro Jackson, as the name of the ship. This ship's Captain was Gol D. Roger, or the future Pirate King.

Roger was a tall and very muscular man. His most prominent physical features were his curved black mustache, a fierce grin he almost always wore, and his intense eyes. He also had thick black hair and a short, thick neck.

Like many other high ranking pirates, he wore a long red captain's coat. Beneath his coat, he wore a blue shirt and had a yellow sash around his waist.

He wore a white cravat around his neck, dark blue pants, and what appeared to be black sea boots.

Roger stood at the bow of the ships and stared at the storm with his never ending grin.

A flash of red light passed in his eyes as he held his sword 'Ace' and unsheathe it.

"Rayleigh, you feel it too?, " Asked Roger as he took a fighting stand, getting ready to battle.

"Yes, it's like they are guarding something passed this storm!, " Said Rayleigh as he looked at the whirlpools that appeared on the sea surface.


As if the ship hit something, it stopped sailing any further even when the winds were strong.

"We are going to dieee! I don't wanna die!!, " Screamed Buggy while running around on the deck holding his head.

"Stop it, Buggy! Captain will not let us die!, " Said Shanks as he climbed on the bow beside Roger and laughed.

"Haha! Scared as usual, Buggy?, " Asked Gaban as he held Buggy by his collar and lifted him up.

"W-Who is scared! I, the great Buggy? Haha!, " Laughed Buggy trying to hide his fear and averting his eyes of Gaban.

"By the way, whose idea was to pick these two kids?, " Asked Crocus as he stared at Buggy and then looked at Rayleigh.

"Captain's, " Replies Rayleigh as he pointed his sword tip at Roger's butt.

"Haha! Aren't these two very funny!, " Said Roger, he took his straw hat off and put it on Shanks hat.

"Get ready, they are here, " On the sea surface, with the large waves and thundering storm.

The whirlpools enlarged and something came out of each. Different shapes and sizes, the creatures were in varieties.

"Sea Kings!, " Shouted Rayleigh, everyone on the ship was a little worried.

Because it's a sea king, each one was ten times larger than their ship.

"Let us pass!, " Shouted Roger, an aura burst from within him and engulfed the entire storm.

The sea kings were stunned one after another, each one had different thoughts.

Roger looked at the sea king on the front, his eyes narrowed when he listened.

"They want us to prove ourselves and defeat them so we don't die out there, " Said Roger, this time his grin was low but not gone completely.

"What do you think is out there after this storm?, " Asked Gaban as he put the little Buggy down.

Buggy had already curled up in a ball, closing his eyes and ears.

"Whatever or whoever is out there after this storm, is many times stronger than these sea kings, " Replied Roger, who now stood with a serious face.

"What do you say, Captain. We retreat back?, " Asked Rayleigh while looking at Roger's expression.

Almost everyone on the deck stared at Roger while Shanks lowered the straw hat with a smile.

"Of course not! We are here to adventure! If we retreat now, it's over!, " Said Roger with a mighty voice as his grin returned back to his face.

"Hahah!, " Instantly, everyone started laughing. And then, the Roger Pirates had a battle with the sea kings which lasted a day.

* * *

Hail, Rain, Thunder, Snow and Strong Wind, everything was included in the storm.

After a week of fighting against this storm, the Oro Jackson finally saw light.

"Hey! I can see light! The storm is over, ahead!, " Shouted Shanks while looking forward with his spyglass.

"Wooo Huuuu!, " Rejoiced everyone, then with their last strength. They sailed to the end of this storm which was not conquered till now.

As the end of the storm neared, Buggy and Shanks stood on the bow looking completely shocked beyond belief.

A very large island was floating in the sky, and it was not the only one.

Above it, there were two more islands. But they were smaller compared to the former.

Huge mountains, rivers that flowed out of the island, green forest and a city are visible.

"Wow!, " Both Buggy and Shanks had their mouths wide open because of the amazement.

"A floating island? Is it Shiki? No, I don't think it's him, " Muttered Roger, he was surprised as well.

'It's definitely not Shiki, we were the first ones to win as the sea kings told us. So is it really an actual floating island like the sky island?, ' Thought Roger, he nodded and then looked ahead.

It was not just him that noticed what was in front, Rayleigh was a few seconds faster.

"Don't want to take your eyes off the island but we are in a little trouble, " Said Rayleigh, he pointed at the front and everyone followed.

All the sea water was going towards the waterfall that was in a very large circle that was a hundred times wider than the floating island.

"Aaa! Heelllp! We are all going to dieee!, " This time screamed, both Shanks and Buggy as they held each other due to fear of death.

"Prepare for the fall!, " Shouted Rayleigh, everyone clenched onto something.

The Oro Jackson fell from the waterfall, there wasn't any options to begin with.


[Author Talk---]

I need a little help, can I get the date of Roger's execution and at what year was Ohara incident took place.

And a what year Luffy set sail.

It's really hard to find the year date in one piece.