(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 8 { Unkillable }

[Author Talk---]

Hey readers, I know you want chapters faster like before but it is going to change.

Because the Story has reached the part where I would need to make sure not change the information of 'One Piece'

That's the locations and people with their character, I will have to look after that as well which takes time.

One chapter a day will be the pace of publishing but sometimes I will do more.

Also expect some days where I won't upload any chapter because my exams is only two months away.

I re-read the chapters from before and found mistakes which I corrected. I might have missed some, please help.

Thank you...


"Stop! Or you will be killed!, " Warned the female as he jumped down from the tree branch and came on the ground.

With the sword on her waist, the female leaped towards Akuma and tried to cut him.

Walking, Akuma felt like something hit him, turning back he saw the female trying to stab him on his back.

'It's been long since my last fight, ' Thought Akuma, he faced in front and continued to move back on his path.

"HOLD HIM!, " Shouted the female, multiple ropes were thrown on Akuma tying him.

But with his strength, Akuma pulled every single one of them with him by the ropes.

With each step, Akuma would be near his destination but for the other side.

They lose strength on every step Akuma took as they tried to pull him back to no avail.

Someone caught a tree, someone grabbed a giant boulder and someone used her sword on the ground as support.

Everything was tried but the results were completely in acceptance of Akuma.

* * *

"What's going on? Why are there noises?, " Asked Gloriosa while sitting on her empress chair.

Namely that the alternate casual top of the Kuja, which appears to be evening wear, that she wears is blue instead of the pink-bordered burgundy.

Additionally, her Snake Weapon is colored purple. It acts as her staff and the upper body of the snake is curled up.

She is remarkably diminutive in height, with very thick lips, and is wrinkled from old age.

She also wears some kind of sea-green bubble belt apparently meant to hold up the spotted-print short skirt that all Kuja wear.

Also like most Kuja, she wears a cape. Her hair is black with some white on the back and she wears a pink flower on the left side of her head.

"Empress! Someone has invaded Amazon Lily!, " Informed a woman younger than Gloriosa coming inside the room.

"What! Let me see who that person is!, " With her snake staff, Gloriosa hurried towards the location of Akuma.

Jumping from the roof of the buildings, she finally saw a huge man walking towards them.

He was pulling tens of other Kuja women like they didn't even matter to him.

Long beard and hair, muscles that defined him as extremely powerful.

Height of a monster and clothes he wore described him as a prisoner that escaped a prison.

'Impossible!, ' There was only a single prison in the entire world that was located in the calm belt.

Impel Down!

"Who are you and why did you come here, man?, " Asked Gloriosa while she stood a few meters away from Akuma.

"Man! A real man!, " Almost every Kuja woman that surrounded Akuma was surprised.

"Move!, " Not caring, Akuma didn't answer or look at the tiny woman.

"If you don't explain yourself! We will be forced to kill you!, " Warned Gloriosa, she glanced at the other members and nodded her head.

Swords, Arrows, Spears and more of different kinds of weapons were brought by the Kuja tribe.

All pointed towards Akuma without any hesitation.

"Now!, " Shouting, Gloriosa ordered them to attack Akuma with full force.

"That won't be useful!, " A shout was heard from behind Akuma but she was late.

The arrows hit Akuma leaving no marks, the swords cut Akuma without scratches.

Widening her eyes in disbelief, Gloriosa backed and stared at the fallen arrows and spears.

"His skin is extremely tough!, " Informed the female that attacked Akuma ashore.

"Is it? Then use haki!, " Said Gloriosa, hearing her say. Many women understood and held their weapons tightly.

With black armament haki, the women leaped at Akuma with hostility.

Yet, the results were the same. They couldn't hurt Akuma even with their haki.

"Aaaa!, " Bursting with energy, Akuma raised his foot and slammed on the ground.

A crater was formed and cracks appeared around the area, scaring all the Kuja women.

"Don't engage!, " Shouted Gloriosa, she had not expected such a situation to arise.

* * *

Just before the Empress Building, a small stone structure was built.

Standing in front of it was Akuma. Surrounded by hundreds of Kuja Tribe members.

"That's the Godfather's stone! We must stop him!, " Said a woman next to Gloriosa while clenching her fist.

"What can we do? Even our weapons coated with haki is useless, do you think my toothpick can harm him?, " Said Gloriosa with worries in her tone and a bit of anger as well.


The upper part of the stone was crushed by Akuma as something golden was visible inside.

Golden Den Den Mushi

"Is that a snail?, " Asked another woman while clutching her spear.

Akuma pressed the only button on the snail and it rang for a few seconds.

* * *

Hell Realm___

Sitting on the ground near his house, Maba was looking blankly in the air.

It had become his habit to do while spending his day alone with not much work.

Suddenly, he heard something from his house.

Standing up, Maba went inside his house and his mood was instantly changed.


A sound was of a snail which could be said to have never used before till now.

Rushing, Maba opened the chest around a corner and Inside were many things.

Amongst them was a snail in silver color.

The Silver Den Den Mushi is a breed that serves as the receiving line for its Golden counterpart, generating a loud vibrating alarm sound upon receiving the signal.

It is about the size of a standard specimen, and apparently possesses a solid silver shell.

"M-Master?, " Maba's voice was shaking a little because of the shock he received.

He expected his master to return back but didn't know when.

He waited and waited, and was still waiting.

"Maba… Are you still alive?, " Asked Akuma from the other side of the call with his deep voice.

"Y-Yes! Master, I have been waiting for you to return and sit on your throne like before!, " Said Maba with his eyes tearing with excitement and happiness.

"Pick me up from here, " That was the last thing Akuma said before hanging up the call.