(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 22 { Another Beginning }

Red Line, Mary Geoise___

Inside a very big room, five elderly men sat on the long sofa.

On the table before them, a very old wanted poster was placed. It was tattered and torn from every side and most of the contents were gone.

[Wanted Poster]

[1,850,000,000 billion berries]

[Wholeheart Akuma]

Considering that it was a century before, this amount of bounty could still shake the entire world.

"It took the The World Government, Navy, Marine and the two of the greatest pirates of that time.

To defeat this person. Yet, they didn't kill him. Instead, imprisoned him at the deepest floor in Impel Down.

But what's the use? He is still alive and will most probably take his revenge now.

I am not going to give any opinions in this case, " Said one of the elders with a very tired and worried expression.

"Remember, that front line was the biggest and the strongest in the history of mankind.

Three Admirals who could be on the same level as Sengoku and the Fleet Admiral who is also the grandfather of Grap.

The two pirate captains, one of whom has the same devil fruit as Whitebeard, named Queen Merry.

She in her prime is no less than Whitebeard in his prime. And the other one, the pirate with the void devil fruit.

He couldn't be less powerful than Shiki the golden lion. So tell me, can the current world handle that person.

Those guys can be considered the strongest in the history till now.

What was that again? Ah! Devil of the sea, " Said another elder while turning his face to the wanted poster and grunting.

"You said, but have you thought about that person. He has three devil fruit abilities, which should have been impossible.

There was another one, right? A pirate known for his black heart, he also showed two devil fruit abilities.

The most dangerous devil fruit, Yami Yami no Mi and Kaido's devil fruit but much weaker.

What I want to say is, let's wait. Wait until we are ready to kill that man.

Wait until 'she' wakes up, " Said the elder in the middle while tapping his fingers on the table.

"Her? Isn't she sleeping for like a century? In Vegapunk's lab, we don't even know if she will wake up again, " Said the elder who explained the past with his tired and worried face.

"I would like to wait for now, let's not interface with him for the time being, " One of the two elders who didn't speak shared his thoughts at last.

"Yes, for now. Just cover the incidents by creating different ones to distract the people, " And the last one said nodding his head to the former.

"Then it's settled, we wait!".

* * *


On an unnamed island, there was a tall and big building situated on top of a hill.

Inside, multiple workers ran from one place to another without colliding with each other.

In the office, sitting on the chair was a bird with a hat and it also wore clothes.

With his Devil Fruit powers active, Morgans has the form of a very tall human albatross hybrid with small eyes and a large beak.

His body is covered in white feathers, and he has a large tail and wings that resemble human arms.

He wears a blue top hat with a large striped feather in it, a light blue button-down shirt with a yellow bow on the top, red and white checkered pants, a dark cape, and shoes that fit his bird-like feet

In front of him was a ugly man with an old red British Royal dress, he was short with a height of 160 centimeters.

On both of his sides, two very beautiful women sat while stroking his cheeks.

Those two women wore red tight dresses exposing their curves and cleavages.

Their faces were covered with a black garment where there was only a gap for the eyes.

The short man was none other than the Fourth Division Captain of Devil's Pirates, Brick.

"Kikikikiki! So what's your answer? Do you want to take over the position of the President?, " Asked Brick while feeling his hands on the two women's curvy waist

"What would I need to do, if I say yes?, " Asked Morgans while resting his elbows on the table and putting his chin on his knuckles.

"All we need is 5 change tokens. Which mean, we might ask for 5 times in the future for you to change the news, " Replied Brick while smiling at Morgans and staring at him intensely.

"When… Can I be the president?, " Asked Morgans as he took on a more serious face.

"Now, " Said Brick, standing up and clapped his hands.


After a few seconds later, someone knocked on the office door furiously.

"What happened?, " Asked Morgans as he opened the door to find an employee sweating buckets.

"Sir! Something happened to the president!, " Informed the employee while panting heavily.

"What!, " Exclaimed Morgans, he then calmed himself down and turned to Brick.

"You leave, I will be there, " Said Morgans before closing the door at the employee.

"What did you do to the president?, " Asked Morgans as he looked at the side face of Brick.

"Not much, just few drops of poison in his drink. Don't worry, he should already be dead, " Said Brick while checking the time on the wrist of the woman in his right.

"Enjoy, president! We will contact you when we need, " Saying his final words, Brick left the office with his two women.

Morgans immediately rushed to the president's office to find multiple employees already there.

"My God! This!, " Exclaimed Morgans as he looked at the dead body of the president.

All his hairs came off, his back bent in a 90 degree angle. Few of his teeth fallen, his skin dried and his whole body started smelling.

The office was filled with a pungent smell of blood and dirt.

Later, after the dead of the president. Morgans took over and became the new president.

But not for free…

As for why Morgans didn't do this before, it was because of the previous president himself.

That guy wasn't so stupid and careless.

Morgans knew, if someone had the ability to kill the previous president.

He has the ability to an World Government Elder as well.