(Vol 2) CHAPTER - 43 { Whitebeard's Move }

The Spade Pirates then headed to Fish-Man Island, and Ace went off to a cheap cafe.

There, he talked with Aladine about Whitebeard and Jinbe protecting the Ryugu Kingdom from uprisings.

He then returned to his crew and ship, and Deuce revealed to him his new bounty, which was now greatly above 100 million berries.

Ryugu Kingdom, there he saw the flag which hung high letting everyone see.

Whitebeard Pirates' flag, Ace burned it to declare his intention of taking down all the Four Emperors.

He and his crew quickly left Fish-Man Island for the New World before anyone saw what happened.

New World___

As soon as the Spade Pirates came, there was a ruckus they caused.

And it was not just a small matter that can be ignored. Ace burned five of the Devil's Pirates ships.

Fortunately, there was not a Division Ship amongst those ships.

Yet, it couldn't be unseen. Those ships belonged to the First Division, they were Rocky's.

Unknown to Spade Pirates, Rocky already set sail and was searching for them.

Ace headed towards Wano, not caring about the affairs around the sea.

As he searched the seas for Whitebeard, he plotted to take advantage of another attack on the Emperor to strike at him while his crew was weaker.

He and his crew went to one of Whitebeard's islands which they had heard he was heading for.

However, they were confronted by Jinbe, who had been following them around.

Angered at Ace burning Whitebeard's flag on Fish-Man Island, Jinbe intended to battle him to prevent him from going after Whitebeard.

The battle lasted for five days and ended in a stalemate, with both combatants collapsing from exhaustion.

Whitebeard, who had heard that Ace intended to take his head, arrived with his crew and Moby Dick just after the battle between Jinbe and Ace.

Whitebeard told his crew that alone would be enough, and proceeded to attack Ace's crew.

Still exhausted from his fierce battle with Jimbe, Ace got to his feet and cut off Whitebeard from his crew with a wall of flames.

Though his battered crew protested, he commanded them to run while he stalled Whitebeard.

The older pirate accused Ace of being a coward now that he was actually face-to-face with the world's strongest, but Ace clarified that he just didn't want his allies to get hurt in a fight that he had been seeking.

Whitebeard easily defeated the rookie. On the brink of death, Ace was offered by Whitebeard to join his crew, becoming one of his 'sons'.

"I refuse!, " Said Ace, he grinded his teeth and tried to stand up on his own when a very big ship docked near Moby Dick.

"What the hell is he doing here?, " The Whitebeard Pirates were surprised and also alerted by the person who stepped in.

"Gurararara! What do you need?, " Asked Whitebeard, he already knew that someone was approaching them.

"Portgas D. Ace! Do you know what you did a few months ago?, " Asked Rocky, he stood in front of Ace not even glancing at Whitebeard.

"Hey! Pops asked something to you!, " From behind, Marco flew up and shouted at Rocky.

"I will leave after I take care of some grudges, " Said Rocky, turning to look at Whitebeard, he sucked in the cigar.

"Fuu… Do you remember the five pirate ships you destroyed when you newly came to the New World?, " Asked Rocky, his eyes glaring at Ace with anger. He clenched his fist and cracked the knuckles.

"Yes, I do! So what?, " Replied Ace wiping the blood off from his lower lips and staring at Rocky.

'You should least learn some things about the big pirates here, ' Thought Whitebeard, he held his naginata and was ready to interfere.

"So what? You will regret it!, " Said Rocky, he walked closer to Ace with his fist in armament haki.

Rocky was preparing to beat Ace to death today when his observation haki caught the movement behind his back.

With his left hand, Rocky blocked the attack from Whitebeard in a perfect time.

"You are picking a fight with Devil's Pirates for this kid? I thought you were smarter than this, Whitebeard, " Said Rocky, he looked at Whitebeard to see him grinning.

"Because he is my son!, " Declared Whitebeard, he pulled his weapon back and cut towards Rocky again.

"I already refuse that!, " Voice Ace staring at Whitebeard with anger while holding his injured arm.

"Gurararara! I said you are my son, then you are my son! No more debate!, " Said Whitebeard as he pushed Rocky backwards with his strength.

"Y-, " Ace was knocked out by Marco before he could finish his sentence.

"You better be ready at any moment, Whitebeard! I will be the one to kill you!, " Said Rocky, waving his hand towards his ship indicating to set sail.

Due to him being alone, Rocky decided to leave instead of fighting a lost match.

"Don't come back! No one wants to see your face!, " From the sky, Marco shouted at the leaving site of Rocky and his ship.

"Let us go as well!, " Commanded Whitebeard, soon the Moby Dick also left the island.

The news about Rocky's retreating back from the confrontation of Whitebeard was not published.

The second token was used by Maba, not wanting to let the world know anything about it.

Whitebeard Pirates were amazed by the power of Devil's Pirates because they could even block news.

Everyone knew what kind of person Morgans was, it's impossible to hide something from him.

And it's even harder to make Morgans not publish the news about some events.

But one thing was that, the New World won't be silent for long.

Someone made a move on the Devil's Pirates, and they will never escape the chase.

And Akuma himself would come, if no results were made in the given period of time.