(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 2 { New crewmate }

A month later___

Sailing in the storm, fighting against the huge waves was a small ship that looked harmless.

The ship had a jib and a central steer rudder. The ship's armaments consisted of four cannons, one in the bow pointing forward, one in the stern, and two pointing to either side.

The Jolly Roger of the ship was a skull wearing a straw hat with two bones behind that were crossed.

There were some green trees on the quarterdeck, those were orange trees.

"Nami! Do something! I don't want to die!"

A cry sounded on the deck as a young man with a long nose and curly black hair grabbed the mast tightly.

"Shut up! What do you think I am? A God? I am trying my best!"

To his cry, the young woman named Nami flared back. She was on the traveling ships from a month ago which was attacked by pirates.

"Be a little brave, Usopp."

On the head of the wooden sheep structure on the bow of the ship.

Luffy sat while holding his straw hat on his head, there was his usual grin like ever.

"I can see an island!"

At the top of the main mast, a man with short green hair and three piercings on his left ear lobule, shouted.

"Snacks are ready!"

From the ship's kitchen, a man in a gentlemen's suit with yellow hair and curled eyebrows informed.

"Sanji! Meat!"

Luffy extended his right hand like rubber and caught the door of the kitchen.

Directly pulling himself inside, soon. Usopp, Nami and the green haired man entered behind.

"Zoro! Don't you want meat?"

Luffy saw that the green haired man named Zoro picked the sake first.

"Well, I would like to drik-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Luffy sneaked his meat on the plate and ate it all.

"Haha! Zoro, you better not let luffy eat your share next time."

Usopp laughed at the site, but then his eyes fell on his own share of meat.

It was empty, there was not a single piece of meat on his plate which was full a second ago.

"Luffy! That was my share!"

Catching Luffy by his neck, Usopp shook him furiously while the latter continued to finish the meat in his mouth.

"Don't fight! Here's more!"

The yellow haired man named Sanji brought more meat to the dining table.

"Hai, Nami-swan!"

He held a piece of meat and placed it on the plate before Nami with his eyes in red love shape.

"Thank you, Sanji."

Nami ate her fill and came next to a large handle in the kitchen, it was for changing directions.


As they were sailing, the ship touched the island that Zoro had said of.

"Let's wait for the storm to go away."

Nami suggested, as she did, no one opposed her. Being the navigator, she did hold a certain position in the crew.

* * *

Next day___

The storm had gone, the sky now sunny with few white clouds on it.

The tree leaves were covered with water drops, the ground muddy, and a high percentage of humidity.

"Collect some fallen branches and sticks to use for fire, we can dry them later in the sun."

Sanji said while smoking a cigarette, he looked at the three individuals.

"I will go this way!"

Shouted Luffy, he sprinted in the forest of the island leaving behind the two.

"Then I will go to the right."

Zoro walked on the left, behind him were the three dumbfounded crewmates.

"Oi, Zoro! That's the left!"

Usopp shouted but Zoro had already gone deep and was unable to hear the shout.

On the ship, Nami laid down for sunbathing while Sanji stared at her from the railings.

"Sanji, help me apply sunscreen."

Nami held a bottle of lotion, waving it towards the preying Sanji.

"Woo Oo! Hai, Nami-swan!"

Dancing his way, Sanji took the sunscreen from Nami and applied it on her back.

'Ahh, heaven!'

A red liquid flowed down from Sanji's nose as he touched the smooth back of Nami.

As the time went on, Zoro returned back with three to four bundles of wood.

Followed by Usopp who was surprised by the fact that Zoro actually came back before him.

"Hey, Zoro! Look what I found!"

With dust behind, Luffy rushed towards the pirate ship like a speeding car.

He held something, or particularly speaking, it was a ball of fur with some long claws.

"What the hell did you bring?"

Asked Zoro, he walked next to Luffy and examined the big animal he brought.

"I don't know, but it's really funny! It can even talk!"

Luffy shook the animal which was almost the same size as him.

"Leave me alone!"

The animal spoke with his head out, he looked at the two pirates with laziness.

"It can really speak!"

Zoro was surprised by this, he didn't expect the animal to speak human language.

Due to the commotion, the other also came and looked at the furry animal.

"What animal is it?"

Asked Nami, she looked at the long claws of the animal then his face and body.

"I am a human and my name is Goof! I ate the Slot Slot no Mi, I can become a slot!"

Replied the animal, he grunted at the crowd and curled up in a fur ball again to sleep.

"A devil fruit user like Luffy!"

Everyone was shocked, they started their journey not long and already came across a devil fruit user.

"Hey, what were you doing in the forest?"

Asked Usopp, he came next to the furry ball and poked him with his index finger.

"I was sleeping when this person came to my tree and brought me here!"

Goof said, he then stood up, scaring Usopp. Slowly he went next to a tree and climbed on it.

"Haha! You are funny! Join my crew!"

Said Luffy, laughing out loud and also making the rest of the people stunned for a second.

"Idiot! Are you gonna invite anyone you meet in the crew?"

Erupted Nami, she hit on Luffy's head with her right hand clenched in a fist.

"I won't join! Leave me alone! I want to sleep!"

Goof didn't care about the invitation, he continued to rest on the tree branch.

"Why not? We need some more friends to adventure and find the legendary treasure "One Piece", so I can become the pirate king!"

Luffy requested, hearing him talk about the pirate king made Goof have something in his mind.

"Ok, but you will have to let me sleep and I won't fight any battles."

Goof came down the tree and looked at Luffy with his lazy eyes.

"Really! Hurray! Sanji, meat!"

Luffy started celebrating while the rest of the crewmates facepalm themselves.