(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 4 { Dangerous Island }

[Author Talk---]

Hey readers, this fan fiction novel is about to reach 1 Million views which I never dream of.

So let us welcome this 1 Million views with this chapter.

As for why this chapter? Because it will be a trailer for our new and a very important character in the Big Battle.

Thank you!!



The Straw Hat Pirates sailed for two days, the weather was really pleasant.

"I thought GandLine will be scary but it has been sunny since we came here."

Nami held out her hand and looked at the sky. It was light blue with few white clouds.

"Nami! I see a big island!"

From the top, Zoro shouted as his hand went over his forehead to block the sun.

"Let me see."

Taking a binocular, Nami looked towards the direction where Zoro pointed.

"It's really a big one!"

Exclaimed Nami, this island should be even bigger than her home island.

As they docked their ship on the shore, Luffy came out with a furry bag on his back.

"Please leave me on the ship! I want to laze!"

Voiced the furry bag Goof, his hands were used as bag stripes to hold on.

"No! We have discovered this island so we must also explore!"

Luffy blew air through his nostrils and his eyes shined with a new energy.

"All of you, be back before night!"

On the ship, Sanji sucked his cigarette while looking at two mountains.

They looked soft, smooth, round, firm and big. Shaking his head, Sanji looked at the island.

"Usopp! Let's race!"

Excited, Luffy sprinted in the forest leaving dust behind.

"Wait! Wait for me, Luffy!"

Usopp shouted from behind as he followed Luffy's trails. Nami and Zoro, her bodyguard, went on the right.

Since it was his turn to look after the ship, Sanji couldn't accompany Nami.

* * *


The sun set, the island came into darkness while Luffy and Goof had yet to return to the ship.

"I will search for them."

Zoro went back into the forest to look for Luffy and Goof, but Sanji, Nami and Usopp left something wrong.

"Why do I feel like we shouldn't have let Zoro go alone?"

Confused, Usopp asked. Nami shook her head while Sanji was making dinner.

As time passed, Nami was getting more and more tense.

Suddenly, she went out on the deck and looked up at the sky. Some black clouds were floating towards their direction.

'It's bad! A storm is coming! And it's really big!'

Nami was alerted, she ran inside and immediately informed Sanji and Usopp about this.

"What should we do? They still haven't returned."

Said Usopp, They sat on the dinner table to eat dinner but now the situation was different.

"Don't worry. I can say that nothing has happened to them. We must trust our stupid captain."

Sanji tried to calm down Usopp and Nami, while he looked out of the window.

His eyes caught a movement in the forest, he narrowed his eyes.

"I think they have made it back."

Nami and Usopp went next to the window and saw Luffy, Goof and Zoro running.

But there was something else behind them. It was big and looked somewhat black in color.

As the moonlight fell on the huge figure when it came out in the open, Nami and Usopp had wide open mouths.

Their eyes were almost popping out of their eye sockets due to fear and shock.

It was a big fat wild lizard, the size was even bigger than their pirate ship.

It had only two limbs, and a very long tail, even loger than its own body.

"Those stupids are bringing that beast towards us!"

Cursed Sanji, he kicked open the kitchen door and leaped on the ship's deck.

"Stop it!"

Shouted Sanji, he jumped off the ship and ran towards the beast.

"It's all your fault! You shouldn't have peed on the beast's tail!"

Scolded Goof, he turned his head to look at the beast behind them.

What he saw was a huge open mouth with two sets of razor sharp teeth, a long tongue and the throat.

Saliva dripped down those teeth making Goof get a chill down his spine.

He clenched on Luffy' back tightly not wanting to fall back and be a snack for the savage beast.

"We must stop it for this thing will destroy the Going Merry!"

Said Zoro, he slide on the ground and stopped. Taking out his swords from the waist, he got ready to fight.

Luffy also stopped, his eyes narrowed on the beast while Sanji made his way here.

"I will cut its left leg!".

Zoro ran on the right and positioned his swords to slice the beast's left leg.

"I will take care of its mouth!"

Luffy extended his hands on the upper jaw of the beast and lowered his body.

"Leave the other leg to me!"

Sanji rushed towards the right leg of the beast, he pulled his left leg behind to kick.


Zoro cut the leg only to find one centimeters deep cut on the skin.

Luffy pushed the beast back with his headbutt but that was it, no other effects were seen.

Sanji kicked very hard but could only leave a mark on the skin, instead it was him that suffered pain.

"Damn it! It's skin is very thick!"

Cursed Zoro, he leaped back multiple steps to avoid a stomp from the beast.

"Is this the beast found in GrandLine?"

Said Sanji, he retreated and held his left leg in pain while staring at the beast.

"I can't knock it!"

Luffy looked serious, rain drops started coming down heavily.


The thunder sounded, it fell on one of the tree near the beast.

"How do we kill this thing?"

Asked Luffy, he looked towards Sanji to find him shaking his head.

While Zoro immediately turned to look at his right side. Behind the woods, something definitely moved making Zoro flick.


The beast roared, the ground trembled lightly due to the beast's stomp.

"Hey, I think this guy is not alone!"

Zoro said gravely. Loking at his line of sight, Luffy and Sanji found themselves surrounded.

Not one, but more than ten of this beasts came out of the woods.

"We are dead."

Goof looked at the site of multiple beasts, his sprite was very low.


The storm was still going, Nami was not sure about how long will it last.

Due to heavy rain, Nami and Usopp couldn't see the fight in the forest.

They were inside the ship waiting for Luffy, Zoro, Goof and Sanji to return.

On one of the mountains, there was a cave were a fire was visible.

"This time, who is it?"

The person inside spoke, his voice was a little weird to listen to.

It was as if a monkey tried to speak the human language.