(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 28 { Successful Attempts }

Hell Realm___

In the laboratory, two huge chambers were built in with metal and sea stones.

Inside those two champers, two individuals were captured.

The two chambers were like cells, but with glass walls strong enough to even block Akuma from coming out for a while.

"When do we start?"

A tall and slim woman with light brown skin, long red hair, dark green eyes, a nose similar to Robin's, and a red tattoo on her lower left hip of a spiral snake with a star in the middle, said.

She wears a black backless dress with a white stripe on the left, black gloves, large crescent-shaped earrings, purple-tinted sunglasses, black stiletto heels, and a belt with a star-shaped buckle.

"Are you ready?"

Asked Hamburg with a questioning look as what they were going to do will be a one time event for years.

"I am loaded with luck."

The woman, Baccarat, gave a smile to Hamburg and walked to one of the chambers as her hips shook.

Hamburg looked towards the controls and nodded his head to the researcher.

The researcher then pulled down one of the two levers which connected to the chamber.


Charlotte Oven, who was chained inside the chamber, suddenly screamed in pain.

Purple gas was released inside the chamber which was made by the most deadliest poison in the world.

Just a second as Oven inhaled the gas, his breathing stopped as he lost his life.

Baccarat looked at the numerous small fruit trees with tens of fruits in variety.

"Which one shall I pick?"

She pondered but soon came to a conclusion as Hamburg urged her.

Just as the fruit joined to the tree was about to snap, its color, shape and looks changed.

"It still feels like a dream…"

Baccarat muttered as she examined the devil fruit which was once Charlotte Oven's.


Hamburg snatched the devil fruit from Baccarat and searched it on the devil fruit book.

Matching the patterns and some special features of the devil fruit in the book, Hamburg laughed even louder.

"It really is the Netsu Netsu no Mi! Hahah! This really works!"

It was not their first time doing this, they had already managed to get the Soru Soru no Mi from Big Mom after her death.

Joker brought the dead body of Big Mom as soon as her chest was burst open by Akuma.

Even before Big Mom, Joker brought the fainted Oven here together with one of his sisters.

Charlotte Smoothie.

Inside the other chamber, Smoothie watched what had happened with her big brother Oven.

Her eyes didn't show fear or anything, instead, she was somewhat anticipating her death.

"Any last words, beautiful lady?"

Baccarat put one of her fingers on the glass wall of the chamber where Smoothie was and asked with a smile.

"I hope all of you rot in hell."

With that said, Smoothie fell silent as she stared at Baccarat without moving her gaze.

"Finish her."

Hamburg ordered as the researcher pulled the other lever down which caused the release of purple gas in the other chamber.


Soon, Smoothie also followed her brother's fate as she fell dead on the floor.

Baccarat looked at the dead body Smoothie with mockery as she picked another fruit from the trees.

This one, also changed and as Hamburg searched and compared it to the one in the book, he grinned again.

Shibo Shibo no Mi.

This devil fruit was also now in the hands of the Devil's Pirates.

If one counted, Devil's Pirates now had the highest number of devil fruit users amongst the pirates in the New World, Grand Line.

* * *

Totto Land___

Above the Whole Cake Island, another island floated as multiple pirate ships came down.


The Sweet City was half destroyed by the bombs from the Devil's Pirates.

Hundreds of people living there have already been exterminated like insects.

The rest have given up and kneeled to the Devil's Pirates as they took over the territory.

Not just the Whole Cake Island, other locations like the 100% Island, Biscuits Island, Jelly Island, Liqueur Island, etc, all have been conquered by the Devil's Pirates in days.

Inside the Whole Cake Chateau in one of the bedrooms with a wide balcony, two figures were present.

Wick, sat on the edge of the bed with a disappointed face while looking out.

"Why don't you just accept it. I will talk with my father. You are my wife after all."

Wick said with a sad voice. He turned his head and looked at the other figure tied to the bed.

The figure was none other than Wick's wife, Charlotte Amande. Her legs and arms were tied tightly to the bed supports.

"Just kill me."

Amande said with a grunt as she closed her eyes and tried to cool her head.

Wick sighed and stood up from the bed. He walked to the table and lifted the plate with meat and curry.

"Then have the food at least."

Wick brought the plate near Amande and said with a little worry.

But Amande didn't reply, the silence in the room was very heavy. Wick placed the plate beside her and opened the metal locks.

"It will be no use as you won't be able to escape."

Wick then turned around and left the room leaving Amande alone on the bed.

* * *

"I can't believe that you have fallen in love. And for real."

Joker leaned on the wall as he looked at Wick who walked out of his bedroom.

"Shut up. I am in no mood to joke."

Wick was looking very serious and a little angry as he saw Joker with a grin on his face.

"You know. We can just brainwash her and she will forget that she belonged to the Big Mom Pirates. No, you can even give her new artificial memories."

Joker suggested as he stepped near Wick and followed behind him with soft footsteps.

"Have you loved someone before?"

Suddenly, Wick stopped and asked a question to Joker in a straightforward way.

Joker stood quiet and stared at Wick, this time, he had no grin on his face.

"See. You won't understand my feelings. Better be quiet or I will stitch your entire mouth."

Wick continued walking. Joker still stood in the same place without following Wick.

"Love you say…"

Turning around, Joker started hopping while his face regained that creepy smile.

"Love you say… Ha Ha Ha Ha!"

Tears of blood flowed down his eyes, but not one was there to witness that site.

"Hah ha ha ha hahha!"

The laughter echoed in the whole building, each soul trembled in certain uneasiness because of it.

Joker's figure slowly mixed with the dark corridor as he vanished in the shadows.

"No one knows love better than me…"