(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 32 { Akuma's Dominance Part-2 }

[Author Talk---]

Hello readers! My exams are over and I am totally free for a few months! Also, it's only a year left for me to graduate from high school!

From tomorrow, daily chapters! And, I might not just publish one but multiple chapters if I am totally bored playing games.

Depends on what you wish from me. Do comment about the number of chapters you want to read daily.

Today I am resting so no chapters for almost 15 hours or so, after all I went through three exams in a single day! can you believe it! Three exams, each one three hours long! Morning, afternoon and evening! I was going crazy, that was why I couldn't publish chapters for a few days.

Enjoy the chapter!


Coral Hill___

It is a port town on Fish-Man Island. The Fish-men and Merfolk, they were completely clueless about the Devil's Pirates invasion.

But will it stay so?

Mermaid Cafe, a restaurant owned by Madam Shyarly in Coral Hill.Several other mermaids work here.

The cafe's employees all live in the same dormitory in Mermaid Cove and are young attractive girls who bring men to the establishment for their charm and beauty like a hostess club.

"Bring me some tea."

Madam Shyarly is a large mermaid with purple nail polish, red lipstick, and blue eyes with slanted pupils that resemble shark eyes.

She has short black hair that covers over the right side of her face.

Her tail is dark blue with a dorsal fin on her lower back where her human and fish halves meet, a white patch below the dorsal fin, smaller fins on the lower front and back, and a lunate caudal fin.


Replied a mermaid as she left the back room where Shyarly sat on the huge couch.


Suddenly, an intense pain entered her head making Shyarly almost scream.

"This! Something big is going to happen!"

Shyarly immediately looked at the crystal ball on the table before her.

'What is it?"

With sweats on her forehead, Shyarly held the crystal ball and closed her eyes.

The crystal ball then slowly glowed in a blue light as multiple shadows appeared inside.

But it was only Shyarly, who could actually understand those things.

She saw the half destroyed port town, Coral Hill, swallowed in the sea of flames and smoke.

Tens of citizens of Coral Hill, lying on the collapsed houses, roads, streets, etc, with a blood pool.

Some begged for mercy, some cried in despair, some angry at the outcome, some stunned by the progress.

There stood a tall man, half his clothes burned in flames as he looked down upon the town.


Shyarly woke up as she vomited blood out. Blood vessels popped on her foreheads covered with sweat.

"No! It's the destruction of Fish-Man island!"

Shyarly wiped the stains of blood off her mouth as she stood up and headed out of the back room.

The restaurant was half full with people and the employees were busy working.

"Via, call King Neptune!"

Shyarly ordered the mermaid behind the counter. The mermaid named Via nodded and called.

Holding the den mushi, Shyarly working behind the eating area and waited patiently for the call to connect.


The other side sounded a bit younger to be King Neptune, and Shyarly knew who it was.

"Prince Fukaboshi! I have a very important thing to say about the future of Fish-Man island!"

Fukaboshi, a shark merman and the eldest son of the royal Neptune Family on Fish-Man Island.

"What! Okay."

Prince Fukaboshi on the other side was surprised but he then composed himself back.

"I saw the future whe-"

Before Shyarly could finish her sentence, loud noises were heard from the other side.

"What! I will be there immediately! Shyarly, I will have to leave for now. It's an emergency!"

The call was cut then and there. Shyarly stood motionless as her face had black lines.

"Is he already here?"

At the back, Shyarly's back was facing the wall while her face didn't look good.

* * *

"Is that all?"

Akuma stepped on the senior soldier's chest and eyed him.

"Y-you will d-die! D-Devil!"

The senior soldier glared up at Akuma's face with his bloodshot eyes.

Blood flowed out of his mouth as he found it hard to breathe because of Akuma's foot on his chest.

"The person who can kill me hasn't been born yet."

Akuma increased the force and crushed the senior soldier's front rib bones.


The senior soldier let out a shout which consumed all his strength as his lungs were squeezed flat.

His heart was completely stepped on by Akuma as white bones pierced out of his flesh with blood.


The last soldier who was alive, saw how the senior had been crushed alive by Akuma.

He gritted his teeth and stood up.

"I will kill you!"

Shouting, the soldier ran up to Akuma with his half broken spear.


Akuma exhaled some air and took a big step forward towards the soldier.


Clenching his right hand into a tight fist, Akuma punched the soldier on the face.

The spear tip hit Akuma's chest but couldn't even leave a scratch on the black suit.


The fist landed on the soldier's face as his whole body went towards the ground at a very fast speed.

Akuma's right arm was stretched hard as he slammed the soldier's head on the ground with his fist.

The ground shook with the impact, a deep crater was formed with the sides cracking up wide.

The soldier's head bursted into fragments, blood, flesh, bones, brain matter and other fluids flew up.

Some of which covered Akuma's half body in red blood paint, very fresh.

Raising his hand, Akuma wiped it clean with a handkerchief in his pocket.

His eyes showed almost no emotions and his face was completely expressionless.

'It feels nice to have my strength back.'

Akuma thought.

It was at that moment-


The explosion was so loud that it could be heard til the far end of the other side of the island.

The sound wave and wind produced pushed the water on the shores with huge waves.

Then tens of ships of the Devil's Pirates were forced meters back due to the waves.

In the cloud of smoke, Akuma's figure slowly became visible as the black smoke flew by.

His upper clothes from the belly were all burned up into black ash.

"I missed you out."

Akuma said in a deep voice while turning to face towards the opposite of the shore.

About 50 meters away, hiding behind a coral reef was a figure in red skin.

Many times taller than normal Fish-Man, he stood at nearly 5 meters in height.

A bull shark Fish-Man in red skin with extremely frightening facial structure.

Raws of teeth grew out of the mouth, giving him another point in deadly looking creatures.

"I thought you would be older."

The Fish-Man walked over from hiding behind the coral reef and came in front of Akuma.

"Who are you? I don't think I remember you in this story."

Akuma tilted his head and looked at the Fish-Man in front of him with a confused and curious face.

As his memories goes, there wasn't any similar looking character in One Piece like this guy in the Fish-Man island arc.

"Are you high? You're bullshitting right now."

The Fish-Man charged at Akuma in full force while his mouth opened to show the razor teeth.

"You will regret it."

Akuma didn't move, instead he waited for the moment the Fish-Man bites him.

Akuma would love to flex his toughness.