(Vol 3) CHAPTER - 34 { Akuma's Dominance Part-4 }

The gigantic door didn't even budge after Joker used all his strength to push it.

"Ha! Damn it! Fucking hard!"

Joker wiped off the sweat from his forehead and took a break.

"I had enough!"

Joker stood between the door and touched it with both of his palms.

"Fuck you!"

The gigantic door, directly shifted off from the wall to behind Joker in the air.


When the door fell on the floor, a loud sound thundered in the quiet palace.


Joker stared at two pairs of large eyes, which were also staring at him in fear and a bit of curiosity.

One pair belonged to a huge black shark with a white underbelly. It was wearing a shirt from the Criminal fashion line.

The other pair belonged to a giant-sized mermaid. She has very long, flowing pink hair with a taiyaki-shaped hair grip.

Her breasts are large, even relative to her giant-like size, and much of her upper body is exposed. Her broadly striped tail ends in a ruffle around her waist.

"What hell are you watching?"

Joker asked with a confused look, making the two creatures on the bed shrink in fear.

"W-Who are you?"

The huge mermaid asked while her voice was shaking as she tried her best.

Joker raised his eyebrow. Where was all the treasure and weapons?

Only this huge mermaid and that large shark.

Joker jumped in the air, and his body vanished in an instant as it appeared on the bed next to the two creatures.

"Didn't your parents teach you manners? First you have to introduce yourself."

Joker crossed his arms over his chest and stared at the huge mermaid.

"I-I am Shirahoshi. And this here is Megalo."

The mermaid, Shirahoshi, replied back to Joker while she tried to distance herself from his tiny figure.

"Don't be scared. My name is Flier. But you can call me tonight."

Giving a cheeky grin which only caused Shirahoshi and Megalo to be more frightened, Joker introduced himself.


Shirahoshi said. Joker shook his head and didn't try to correct her pronunciation.

"You must be the mermaid princess right?"

Asked Joker as he sat down on the soft bed while giving the surrounding a look.

"Yes, I think."

Shirahoshi was still trying to figure out what was happening.

Someone just blasted out her room door and came in with a creepy and dark aura.

He was very tiny but gave a dangerous pressure which made Megalo extremely scared.

Shirahoshi tried to calm herself as she glanced at the opened door, or the place where the closed doors were once.

"How did you get in?"

Asked Shirahoshi with a puzzled look, there must have been some guards outside.

"Forget about that. Tell me where the treasures are, hurry!"

Joker was very excited as he thought of fulfilling one of his dreams since childhood.

To swim in the pool of treasures, mainly gold coins but silver would also be fine.

In the Devil's Home, Joker didn't get to go inside the treasury because of EX-3 which stood guard.

EX, successful experiments which are then numbered as, 1, 2, 3, and so on by Hamburg.

"I don't know."

Answered Shirahoshi, she rarely got the chance to go out of her room because of a case.

She might have been to the treasury before at a small age, but now she has forgotten those memories.

Or, the treasury might have been changed by her father, King Neptune in the past.


Muttered Joker in a low voice only enough for Shirahoshi to hear.

Tears started forming in her eyes, Shirahoshi tried to hold them back but just couldn't.


Joker frowned. He didn't expect the huge mermaid princess to be so soft and naive.

Also a crybaby.

"Don't cry. It's not your fault."

Joker tried his best to smile after taking off his oxygen device from his mouth.


Shirahoshi wiped her tears and looked at Joker with a sad face.

'What the fuck am I even doing?'

Joker hit himself and sighed. What was his mission for today?

'No mission. I guess I can play for a while.'

Joker looked at Shirahoshi and thought with a thinking expression on his face.

"Let's play rock, paper and scissors!"

Suggested Joker as he took on a more comfortable position on the large football field size bed.

"Okay. But what is rock, paper and scissors?"

Shirahoshi agreed immediately but she didn't know the game as one no other than Megalo was with her to play around in the room.

If only her mother was alive, she would always play with her various games.

"What the fuck have you been doing?"

Joker was very surprised at how knowledgeable Shirahoshi was.

"Fine. So listen, it's played like this-"

* * *

Fish-Man District___


A Fish-Man screamed in pain as his head was crushed between the ground and a boot.

"Where's the boss of this place?"

Asked Rocky as he smoked his cigar while his eyes roamed around the buildings.

Tens of Fish-Men were around, each one carrying a weapon and on guard.

"You dare come here! Are you so dumb?"

A Fish-Man didn't seem to understand the situation and he also didn't recognize Rocky.

Rocky's eyes moved on the Fish-Man and saw him charged forward with a sword.


Rocky pulled out his revolver and shot a bullet straight through the Fish-Man's head.

The Fish-Man fell on the ground without any movement as his life left his body.

"I will ask it again."

Rocky crushed the Fish-Man below with his boot and cracked his skull.

"Where. Is. The. Boss?"

Each word was cold and full of arrogance, but obviously worthy for that with Rocky's strength.


Who shouted that, nobody knew. But it caused an unnecessary fight between the Fish-Men and Rocky.

Bullets shot at him, Rocky blocked them all with his forearm covered in advanced armament haki.

The ones in close range were all either punched or kicked meters away, some to their death.

The front area of the Fish-Man District was now full of fainted and dead Fish-Men.

Some had their bones pierced out for their skin, some had their body deformed.

Not one, out of 300 Fish-Men who attacked Rocky, were able to stand on their feets.

"If it were two years ago, these guys would all have been dead with a single hit. I guess I am also getting old like Whitebeard."

Rocky shook his shoulders and then lit another cigar to smoke.

Lowering his black hat, he stepped further inside the Fish-Man District.

The dark environment matched perfectly with Rocky's personality.

Not long, Rocky reached the middle area of the Fish-Man District where thousands of Fish-Men were gathered.

"It's going to be a bit troublesome. I should have brought some extra bullets."

Rocky pulled out his revolver and checked the number of bullets loaded.

1 in the revolver and 22 in his pocket, definitely not enough for those numerous Fish-Men army.

"I will have to do it in the old fashioned way."