(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 15 { Death Comes Part-2 }

In the slums, inside a very small house just barely enough for three people to live in.

The house had a kitchen and bedroom, that was it. The bedroom was also used as a dining room, living room, etc.


The door to the house opened, a small figure holding a pack entered the bedroom.

"Father! I brought medicine! Now you will be fine!"

It was the very same little girl who had encountered Akuma on the streets.

Lying on a mattress, the father who now appeared like a living skeleton moved his lips but was unable to speak.

Because of being extremely poor, the father and light girl sometimes couldn't eat a single meal in a day.

The father was not getting enough energy, starting losing all his fats and muscles which replaced the needed energy to keep him alive.

"Just wait for a few minutes! I will prepare the medicine and feed you, after that you will totally be fine. The uncle said that you will even play with me again."

The light girl had teary eyes, she held the pack of medicine dearly as she headed to the kitchen.

Taking out a glass, she filled it with drinkable water from the tape near the house where most of the people of slums come to get water.

Then she tore the pack and poured all the medicine which was in powder state in the glass of water.

Mixing it up properly, she came next to her father and sat down.

"Here, please drink this."

She raised her father's head and pushed the glass to his mouth as her father slowly started drinking it.


The glass was emptied. The light girl placed the glass on the side and caressed her father's forehead.

𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘎𝘰𝘥, 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘺! 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦!... Warm tears dropped down the little girl's eyes.

Putting her father's head on the mattress again, she stood up with the glass and was about to enter the kitchen when a sound came in.


The light girl turned and her eyes became wide open in shock and surprise.

Her father, who was just lying on the mattress, had raised his upper body. He had woken up.

"Father! Yes!"

The little girl was unable to control her happiness as she dashed to him and hugged.

But unfortunately, there seems to be something weird about the father. His eyes were dead, yet he was alive.


A huge pain assaulted the little girl on her neck, she looked at her father who bit her.


No, the man had turned to a living dead. He tore open the little girl's flesh on her neck.

The ligaments and blood vessels all ripped apart by the teeth as the neck was broken in half.

The little girl couldn't even scream before her eyes also lost the light of life turning dead like her father's.

Red warm blood splashed on the cold floor. The sound of bone breaking came in from the small house in the slums.

Unknown to the people, a very dangerous entity has been born from the various experiments of Hamburg.

A zombie should be the best word to describe this living dead in a single word.

* * *

Auction House___

This particular auction house was famous in the entire world as it attracted even the Celestial Dragons.

This auction house, which was very huge, auctioned almost every race and extremely valuable artifacts.

"And this here is item number 34, it is devil fruit with unknown powers. If you are daring enough, why not try to eat it and find out? The starting bid is 50 million berries!"

The auctioneer, a beautiful and seductive female, spoke fast but also slow enough for the bidders to understand.

"50 million!"

"52 million!"

"60 million!"

The bidders sitting on the respective seats all bid one after the other.

Very soon the bids started reaching the final price which was 110 million berries.

"200 million berries!"

Suddenly, a voice spoke up from the very front seat of the auction house reserved for only VVIPs.

"Respected Celestial Dragon has bid for 200 million berries! Anyone else to make his bid?"

The auctioneer said loudly but not a single person responded, it was to be expected.

After all, the person who bid was a Celestial Dragon. Someone who sits at the top of the world in these people's perspective.

"Hurry up! Don't waste time bitch!"

The Celestial Dragon who made the bid spoke with an annoyed expression. He was a middle aged man with few white hairs.

On both sides sat his new wives. They were snatched away from their families and forced to marry him.

But of course they couldn't resist him, only the stupids would do so if they wanted to die.

"Ah! We are extremely sorry! 200 million ones! 200 million twice! 200 million-"

But before the auctioneer who was slightly scared because of the Celestial Dragon's aggression could finish, someone interrupted.

"I will bid 2 berries, and this devil fruit shall be mine."

Everyone, including the Celestial Dragon and his wives, turned to look at the source of the voice.

Far at the end of the seats up at the top, was a small group of unknown people.

In the middle sat a man smoking a cigarette which was already half. He wore black suit which made him look neat and very handsome.

Around him, three men and a female stood with nonchalantly faces except one.

"Y-You! You dare bid after me! You will be punished! I will make you my slave and torture you everyday!"

The Celestial Dragon was enraged as he shouted while pointing his finger at the group.

"This devil fruit doesn't seem to be worth much compared to a Celestial Dragon right?"

The man as he smoked his cigar, asked one of the three men around him with strange marks on his face.

"Yes. A Celestial Dragon should amount to at least a few devil fruits."

The man with strange marks replied in a low voice but because of the silence in the auction house, he was heard clearly.


"Did you hear that!"

"Who the hell are these guys?"

The people in the auction house were dazed for a while before bursting into conversations.

"Guards! Capture them! I want them alive!"

The Celestial Dragon had his eyes turned red due to intense rage. Multiple guards ran up to the unknown group of people.

"Surrender or you will be forced!"

The head of the guards declared loudly as he pulled out his sword and held it tightly.


But then as soon as the head guard finished his sentence, he fell on the stairs. His body rolled down the stairs.

His eyes were white, the head guard was completely knocked out in just a millisecond.

"Lancelot, just leave the Celestial Dragon alive. I don't want the rest."

Akuma threw the cigar and said with no emotion. He didn't care about the lives of the rest except the Celestial Dragon in the auction house.


Lancelot almost vanished from his spot and reappeared behind the group of guards.


All the guards were cut and killed directly and the cut wound was just too deep.

Nobody in the auction house reacted as everything happened too quickly for them to comprehend the situation.

And so, Lancelot didn't spare anyone in the auction house. One after another body fell on the floor with a deep cut wound either on their chest or neck.

It took Lancelot only a few minutes to wipe the entire auction house leaving only the Celestial Dragon and his wives alive.

He was so scared that he even pushed his wives to make distance from him and Lancelot.

"You dare threaten a Celestial Dragon! Kneel before me now and I might not kill you when I torture you."

The Celestial Dragon spoke with fear visible on his face. Beauty frowned at the ugly sight of this Celestial Dragon.

"Hehe! A Celestial Dragon! It's my first time to see one from so close!"

Joker had appeared next to the Celestial Dragon giving him a fright.

"Joker, take this guy to the ship. Our work here is done, let's return home."

Akuma stood up and headed to the exit. He was closely followed by Lancelot, Beauty and Hawkins.

Joker already vanished together with the Celestial Dragon. As for the two wives, they were killed.

The world famous auction house, now was completely silent with not a single sound.

The floors and walls were dyed with red blood and many dead bodies laid all round.

It was truly gore and unsightly for any average person.