(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 20 { Dream Dead Pirates Vs Straw Hat Pirates }


The pirate screamed loudly as his leg was crushed by Sanji

Staring down at the pirate, Sanji showed no emotions as if they had died.

After hearing about the death of Nami, Sanji was stunned and unable to believe it until he saw for himself.

"All of you… Will die here."

Raising his feet, Sanji stomped the pirate's head causing red blood, brain matter and various fluids to splash on the deck.

"Ha… Ha… Ha…"

Goof, he gasped for breath while clawing a pirate. The sharp nails cut through flesh killing the pirate slowly.

"Damn it! I only wanted to sleep but now. I really don't have a chance left!"

Goof took in a deep breath and closed his eyes, his sloth body started transforming.

Or should it be said that he was returning to his human form.

While he in his sloth form was only 1.7 meters in height, he now in human form came to 2.5 meters.

Long black hairs, a slim and lean body with less muscles for agility, sharp eyes and a complete change in personality.

His aura had turned upside down, if he was like a bedridden old man before now he was like a man in his early twenties full of energy.


The pirates around him could only see a shadow moving incredibly fast.


Every single pirate got their head twisted in the opposite direction which killed them instantly.

The bodies could only stumble back and fall on the deck. Even Sanji, Franky and Chopper, who were fighting the pirates on the deck, were surprised.

It was the first time they ever saw Goof in his human form.

After Goof joined in, the extermination of all the pirates from Dream Dead Pirates were a piece of cake.

* * *


Luffy once again, was pushed back in the air while Doraemon held on the red cloth.

"I can't go on like this. I need to hurry!"

There was some desperation forming in Luffy's eyes. He didn't know that one of his crew members, his comrade, the navigator, Nami had died fighting.

"Mode: Observation Body!"

Shouting, Luffy's body released a thick amount of gas out of his skin as the body started shrinking.

The black marks like tree branches all over his body gradually reduced but some portion still remained.

"Agility Shot!"

Luffy's body was thin, little muscles were left on him which covered his bones and blood vessels.

But seeing this, Doraemon wasn't happy in the slightest. Instead, he felt danger.

Suddenly, Luffy's body disappeared from his spot. Doraemon still wasn't able to react as a fist punched him on the back.


Doraemon was blasted, his body had a huge dent on the back where the fist had landed.

Doraemon gritted his teeth and turned around to face Luffy but he had already disappeared.

"Not ag-!"


This time, a hard kick slammed on Doraemon's hands. Due to it, Doraemon's grip on the red cloth loosened and Luffy snatched it from him.

"What is this exactly?"

From just the view, this red cloth was nothing different from normal clothing.

Luffy shook his head and put it inside his pocket, his eyes then focused back on Doraemon.

"Energy Gun!"

Doraemon pulled out two weapons out of his pocket on the belly. These were modified versions of the Air Gun.

The design more flashy and better looking with a longer and thiner barrel which had green glowing lines in a spiral pattern.


Luffy saw a glimpse in the future, that when the energy shot hit him on the shoulder, it immediately melted down.

Be it the flesh, bones or blood vessels, nothing could withstand the energy shot.

Cold sweat ran down Luffy's spine as he shifted his position and avoided being melted down by the energy shots.

"Don't think you can escape!"

Doraemon took out another item form his pocket, it was thick glasses with no temples.

Putting it on his eyes, many numbers and words appeared on the glasses.

The glasses then locked on an empty spot in the air where Doraemon quickly fired the energy shots.


The energy shots pierced through the air, Luffy who had come to that empty spot sensed the danger.


Bending his body, only one of the energy shots could barely touch him.

But even so, Luffy's belly side was wounded as the skin turned black charcoal while the end portion glowed in red fire.

The blood which flowed out immediately boiled and stuck to his skin causing intense pain.

If the energy shots had successful hit him, Luffy for sure knew he would die.

Even his devil fruit is useless again this. Doraemon then continued to rain energy shots on Luffy.

The latter could only dodge these energy shots while adding distance to him and Doraemon.

* * *


Down on the ships, Usoop fire a bullet which hit a pirate who had stepped in with mistake.

The bullet went through the pirate's left eye bursting it and coming out from behind the skull.

"How long do you think you can last?"

Behind the secondary mast, Suneo held his pistols as he finished reloading them.

He took in deep breath and calm himself. He tried to taunt Usopp into making mistakes but wasn't able to.

"I won't fall for these stupid words. Why don't you face me head on?"

Usopp's voice sounded right behind Suneo, or on the opposite side of the secondary mast.

"How about it? A death match between you and me. We both walk ten steps then who can shot first obviously win?"

Suggested Usopp, Suneo pondered for a while before agreeing as he also wanted to check his own skills.

Both of them walked away form the mast and faced each other. Usopp had a grin on his while Suneo showed complications expression.

Then they walked forward and face away from each other. There back touched and they prepared to walk.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5… 10!"

The first person react was Suneo, he turned around while doing a dive on the floor.

In his vision, he saw that Usopp had yet to turn around. This was a great chance for him.

'Hehe! Idiot."

Suneo shot two bullets out of the pistols which spun in the air heading towards Usopp's head.

"I won! Haha!"

Suneo laughed as he landed on the floor. But all the act came to a stop as a gunshot rang.

A bullet ripped inside Suneo's forehead tearing his brain and all the nerve connections.

Suneo stared with wide eyes as Usopp just tilted his head and dodged the two bullets easily.

He didn't even turn and face towards Suneo to make a shot.

A pool of blood formed around Suneo's head, Usopp walked and looked down at the corpse.

"17 wins, 0 loss."

Muttered Usopp. He then walked on the Dream Dead Pirate's ship while killing piartes.

* * *

"So you are the one in control…"

Zoro held his blades, his eyes which flashed in red light stared at Nobita.

"Roronoa Zoro. Aims for the position of the World's Strongest Swordsman."

Nobita adjusted his glasses and looked at Zoro with indifferent face.

The ring on his right hand finger shined as Nobita raised his right hand in the air and pulled out a long katana from the empty space.

This ring that he wore had a special ability to create potable dimensional space anywhere.

"A katana? So you are a swordsman as well?"

Zoro narrowed his eyes at Nobita. Nobita was indeed a swordsman, but rarely used swords to fight.


Nobita swung the katana. A line formed and cut towards Zoro with incredible speed.

Zoro brought both his swords in front and blocked the cut but the room couldn't.

Zoro glanced and saw that there was a line of the walls and machines in the room where the cut had hit.

'So thin cut! Only a person who had completely become one with the sword can do it!'

The cut was so thin that Zoro had to use observation haki to careful inspect the walls.

"A strong foe! If I can beat you, I will be a step closer to my goal like you said!"

Zoro grinned and increased his strength on the legs to dash forward at Nobita.

Three katanas clashed, Zoro and Nobita stared at each other's eyes.

Nobita's katana was really long, the length was even longer Zoro's height.


Zoro gripped the floor and then started pushing Nobita towards the wall.

"I won't lose!"

Nobita erupted with power and quickly hold on to Zoro's strength.

They came to a stalemate.

If it was pure swordsmanship, Nobita knew he didn't stand a chance against Zoro.

But in a real fight, many factors came. Due to it, Nobita saw hope in beating Zoro in sword fighting.