(Vol 4) CHAPTER - 37 { Ouroboros! }


Akuma let out a cry as he held Rose by her wings and threw towards the sky.


Rose flew up in the sky, her body was like a missile launched from the ground.


Her body seems to hit on a hard surface, blocking the environment from getting sucked by the open space outside.


She spit out blood, her body then started falling down towards the ground. Akuma grabbed his metal bat and jumped towards her.

He twisted his body and was preparing to swing the metal bat at Rose when she spread her wings and flew away.

"Don't run!"

Akuma flapped his bat wings and flew behind Rose. His speed was not much slower than her.

Mid air, Rose stopped and slashed her sword. Akuma was prepared, he swung his bat and blocked her attack.

Both of them continued to race while attacking each other in the sky.

* * *

Six months later.


Akuma flew from the sky to the ground, his body was severely injured.


In the center of the huge crater, Akuma coughed out blood. His right hand was broken, the bones inside were shattered by Rose.

Both his wings were cut off. From the sky, Rose descended. She was also in a bad shape, her right hand was broken, her ribs cracked, and one of her eyes was dug out.

She landed before Akuma, her legs almost giving up on her a few times already.

Rose held the golden sword, which was broken from the middle, and stepped towards Akuma.

But she couldn't feel her legs, so she fell to her knees just before Akuma.

"Y-You, you shouldn't have… done this. You leave me with no choice but to kill you."

Rose breathed heavily, she was barely able to keep her eyes open and moved her mouth.

"Hah… Hah… I, I don't regret what I did…"

Akuma's weak voice entered Rose's ears. His dead eyes stared at her with sympathy.

Why would he look at her like that?

Before Rose could make a guess, she widened her eyes in disbelief. Her legs, from her toes to her knees, turned into crystal.

"What! What's happening!"

Even her exhaustion paused, she tried to move her legs but couldn't. It was as if she had no legs.

Akuma's blood that had got on her body was the cause of this crystallization. It was due to Akuma injecting the purple fluid before.

"The moment we fought, everything was within my expectations. I knew I couldn't win against you in a fair fight."

Akuma gritted his teeth and stood up with great difficulty, his entire body let out weird sounds.

"As long as I seal you, my life is in my hands! You will not die, and will also not live!"

Panting, Akuma stepped in front of Rose, who was kneeling on the ground with no strength to get up.

She raised her head and her eyes stared straight into Akuma's eyes. There, she saw something, which made her realize.

Was she really the one at fault?

Thinking about it, it was always her who searched for Akuma and fought against him. It was always her, she stood on the bright side while Akuma was pushed into darkness.

What if it was Akuma who was chosen to be an angel and not her? What would have she done in that situation?

Tears formed and flowed down her eyes, Rose wiped them but the tears seemed to be endless.

Akuma was surprised, he watched as Rose lowered her head and cried.

"Hey, what are you doing? I won't fall for these cheap tricks."

Said Akuma. Rose finally stopped crying, the crystallization had reached till her chest and rising.

She raised her hands and offered the broken sword to Akuma, her face revealing a bitter smile.

"I am sorry but we-…"

With these as her last words, her entire body turned into a crystal sculpture. She looked beautiful, no one could deny it.

Minutes passed, but Akuma didn't move from his spot. He looked at the crystal sculpture with empty eyes.

It was over, he got what he wanted.

But for some reason, her last words made Akuma hesitate to continue. Taking in a deep breath, he calmed his mind.

The dimensional space, starting cracking and shattered into void once again.

Akuma touched the crystal sculpture and vanished from the space.

* * *

Twenty years later.

The sky was dyed red, the clouds were completely black and emitting dreadful auras.

The sea was violent and huge waves would flow from time to time. Thousands of pirate ships sailed on these seas.

All of these pirate ships had the very same flags, the very same Jolly Roger.

On the black flag, there was a human skull with two red horns giving off the vibes of a devil.

Behind, two crossed bones that had red blood splashed on them were present. This was the Jolly Roger of the ultimate ruler of the sea and land, Devil's Pirates!

Humans were now savage, like wild beasts. They cared only about themselves.

There was only one law in this world, the Devil is to be listened to and obeyed.

If one doesn't, they can only expect a quick death or painful one.

The Devil was the overlord, no one could challenge him in a fight. If someone did, they would only see torture forever and death at last.

On one island, which was very well hidden from the outside world, there was a small village.

The people there were living peacefully until this day when a pirate ship from the Devil's Pirates found them.


A cannonball blasted one of the villagers' hut, killing the family that were resting.

"Ahh! Run!"

"Pirates! Pirates!"

"Mommy! Daddy!"

The village was in total mess, the pirates rushed in and killed some of the villagers as soon as they came.

"That one is my!"

"No mine!"

A very beautiful girl, about 15 years old, was captured alive. The pirates fought against each other to find who the girl would belong to.

"Idiots! Just share that thing! We can buy more of such when we return!"

From behind, the ship's captain shouted. Hearing him, the girl paled even more in fright.

She saw that the pirates fighting over her changed their expressions, they all agreed to share her.

"No! No! Please! Let me go! Nooo!"

No matter how she screamed and begged for mercy, the pirates were unaffected.

They ripped her clothes and took turns to use her body. The pirates stayed in the village for three more days before getting ready to depart.

The girl, from before, laid under a tree. Her body was unmoving and her eyes dead. Her body had purple marks and fractures caused due to rough treatment.

"Hell… Hell… Hell…"

The girl muttered, her lips opened and she continued to repeat the same word again and again.

The world really had turned into Hell.

* * *

Inside a huge room, there was a beautiful crystal sculpture in the center.

It was of a woman, kneeling before someone, and offering a golden broken sword.

Tak! Tak!

The sound of shoe soles hitting on the hard marble floor resonated.


The double door opened and a tall man entered the huge room. He was very handsome, with black hair and multi-color eyes.

He wore black long pants and white shirt with the top two buttons opened to show his collar bone.

He walked and stood in front of the crystal sculpture, his face lacked emotions.

"I lost…"

Muttered the man, he clenched his fists and then loosened them.

"I feel empty."

The man moved his hand and held the golden sword placed on the crystal sculpture's palms.

'I achieved everything… But I am missing one particular thing.'

Thought the man as he inspected the golden sword with a pained face as the golden was very dangerous for him.

Just touching it made his hands bleed. Black smoke rose from his palms.

"I don't have a life to live."

Said the man, he kneeled down on the floor. His chest touched the crystal sculpture's chest.

The man then positioned the golden sword in his hands and pointed it towards him and the crystal sculpture's back.

If the sword pierces, then it will go through the crystal sculpture's back and come out of the man's back.

The sword, even though broken, was long enough to accomplish it.

"I now know what you wanted to say…"

The man said in a weak voice, he hugged the crystal sculpture tightly and felt the coldness.

"I am sorry but we, we can do nothing…"

The golden sword pierced through the crystal sculpture as it was butter. Then it continued to go further and cut through the wall of flesh.

Tearing the skin, muscles, blood vessels, organs and bones, it tore open and came out through the back.

On the cold marble floor, a drop of blood fell and hit, it splashed then more followed.

Very soon, there formed a pool of blood.

—---The End.