A new one in the poll

Hey guys, it seems like you guys liked the mogul of culture and it has the highest votes so far, i wrote another book that inspired me, ill add it on the poll, tell me guys if you like it.

Mogul of culture - 28 votes.


Almighty Game Developer

this is also a slice of life with no supernatural nor magic, also an anime mashed up but this one will be more focused in making games.

Chapter 1- In A Regressed World

"Ugh, I feel like dying, I don't like this"

While massaging his temples to soothe the intense headache, Tanaka sat up on his bed, this was the worst feeling, it made him confused because he doesn't drink nor he has a fever, this sudden headache just came out of nowhere.

It took quite a while before he recovered but as he looked around, a sudden shock came into him, because he was now back in his old room.

The room he used for the past 25 years before he left to work in a far place, Tanaka couldn't believe  it as he looked around, that familiar pictures, his trashcan full of tissues, but then his eyes landed on his computer.

"Huh? RG? Wasn't my computer supposed to be LG?"

Tanaka couldn't help but be dumbfounded as he looked at the sticker of his computer, just as he was wondering what was happening, a surge of memories entered his mind and it was the information about this world.

He regressed back 30 years back in to the past, this world is very different from where he came from, popular known celebrities doesn't exist anymore or that they now have a different name in this world, Brands changed into something that he had never heard before, Popular songs doesn't exist anymore, and almost all of the popular games/novels/manga/anime were wiped out.

But even though this news was sad, in this world, a string of technological booms had happened for some reason. Perhaps it was the doings of aliens, or even a transmigrator like Tanaka, but the speed of advancements in computing were beyond belief. The changes happened very rapidly, faster than a rocket.

Before personal computers were even common, top researchers had already invented super computers that could make trillions of calculations a second halfway through the development of computer technology, VR technology experienced a huge breakthrough.

The dream of a virtual world was achieved using personal gaming pods. In three to five years, this world had achieved what Tanaka's previous world had only achieved after many years of work.

Of course, the technological boom was beneficial but it had directly resulted in the stilling of the entertainment industry in this world, as a result of that, the gaming industry didn't have the experience of making pc games. Although VR games had great engines, theories in video game development felt like they were stuck in the stone age.

However, there was an upside to all this: this world viewed the gaming industry very highly!

Video games here weren't viewed as plagues on society or an online drug, but viewed as the ninth form art form, respected and even promoted by certain governments.

Furthermore, video game designers weren't the IT workers of Tanak's past world/ As it was considered a highly technical job, game developers had gained respect similar to doctors, lawyers, or even culturally impactful artists!

In Tanaka's past life, he was a guy who worked in the gaming industry for a few years but only has small achievements that are not even worth mentioning.

It only took a few moments for Tanaka to analyze all of this information and he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Isn't this like those stories in fantasy stories? Isn't that amazing!?"

Tanaka couldn't help but cheer inside, just as he was being happy, he noticed a strange ring on his middle finger, it was designed strangely, it was a rusty silver dragon, Tanaka curiously touched it and the moment he touched it, a sudden screen projection suddenly leaped out from the ring.

"What the!?"

Tanaka was surprised at first but he immediately calmed down and looked at the screen projection in front of him, there were few categories that were in the interface.

[Reputation Points]: 34,569

[Inventory](Only items for the game can be stored)

[Merchant Shop](Not Available)

[Lottery Draw]

Tanaka's eyes widened as he saw this.

"Isn't this a system? Wow!"

Tanaka couldn't help but exclaim in amazement as he looked at the interface in front of him, there was no mistake, it was really a system.

Tanaka got curious and clicked on the reputation points, just after he pressed it, another screen projection appeared beside the first screen.

[Reputation Points]: The increment of reputation is related to the player's fame, exposure, achievement, trust, reputation and other related factors. The items in the merchant shop and lottery can be bought using Reputation points.

Reputation is total Reputation gained since the player's birth until today.

"Oh…. So you mean only 40 thousand people? My whole life? Am I that unpopular?"

Tanaka lamented his past life, he couldn't help but sigh helplessly, 40 years spent in the gaming industry and it only amounted to this? It was really very difficult to see how Tanaka shook his head and looked at the other ones.

His inventory is empty so there is no beginners gift pack or anything, with nothing to do, Tanaka checked the lottery draw.

Tanaka suddenly felt all around him turn dark and then in front of him, a huge roulette appeared. Tanaka approached the roulette and there he saw a few words written on the roulette.

[Consumption Category]: One-time use disposable consumable item.

[Stats Category]: Permanently increasing a stat.

[Skills Category]: Skills' experience item.

[Special Category]: Adds the purchasing privilege of buying a certain merchant item.


Tanaka couldn't help but exclaim as he looked at this roulette, even though he doesn't understand what things it would give, as a person who learned a little bit of gambling from his past life, he immediately knew these were amazing things.

Tanaka then saw a sign just beside the roulette.

[100,000 Reputation Points to Spin]


"What the f*ck, 100 thousand?"

It was such a big pay just for one spin? Isn't that too expensive? Tanaka couldn't help but take a deep breath as he looked at it, then he turned his head to look at his reputation points, he only has 30 thousand, not even enough to have a single spin.

He couldn't help but lament on his fate, Tanaka dejectedly left the Roulette space and lie down in his bed once again, he then picked up his phone with a a brand called Uppu, Tanaka ignored it and checked the time.

It was 4 AM in the morning, it was still very early but Tanaka didn't have the mood to go back to sleep, he was now thinking what should he do next.


Just as he was thinking about things, his phone suddenly rang. Tanaka was a little surprised at first but he immediately looked at the caller.

[Yu Ishigami]

"Huh? What is this guy calling for this early?"

Ishigami is Tanaka's close friend in school and was an addict gamer, he was a loyal friend who played Tanaka's games no matter how bad it is and he was also a good guy who gives true critics about his game and doesn't flatter anyone.

Tanaka answered the call.

"What are you calling for so early in the morning?'

Tanaka immediately asked in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry about that but listen to me, didn't you say you want to join a contest for new video games, I just found one, I called you this early because there is not enough time"

A hurried voice came from the other side, the moment Tanaka heard his voice, he immediately became interested.

"Okay, tell me more"

"Good, open your computer immediately and visit the site I am about to say…"

Tanaka followed and opened his computer, even though his computer is not the latest, it was quite decent and not very slow, it only took a few moments to open, thankfully, he is not using microsoft or else there will be an update to his computer.

A few moments later, Tanaka opened the browser and visited the site Ishigami was talking about.

[Video Game Contest for Newcomers]

Just like the contest name says, it was a stage for newcomers to show their skills in making games, no matter if it is a phone game, a Computer game or a VR game, the contest lasts for about 2 weeks, and it has been 9 days since the contest started,

"What the f*ck? 2 weeks? Are you f*cking serious!?"

"Hey language! I don't like to hear such profanities alright, I know it's very late but if you want to enter the gaming industry, this is the only stage you have for now"

Ishigami was a serious friend, and if you want to do something, he will fully support you. Tanaka remembered in his past life that he also said those words and Ishigami helped him a lot, but he just simply lacked the skills to do it.

Tanaka didn't speak for a while and just stared at the screen in front of him. There were not many requirements, it only needed a complete game and passed it before the due date.

The winner will receive 300,000 cash and their game will be put on the front page of the Game Store, the brand of play store in this world.

Surely, if Tanaka gets this win, he will get cash and also exposure which will give him reputation points, but 3 days is just not enough time, it was impossi- wait.

"I'm dumb! There are still those from my past life!"

What takes the most time when creating a game? Wasn't it making a game from scratch, from ideas to character modeling, to fixing bugs, those were the ones that took a lot of time, but Tanaka came from a world where gaming is much more booming than this world, even though they lost in terms of technology.

With the knowledge from his past world, Tanaka may be able to do it, he took a deep breath, Tanaka decided to join this contest, now he needed to make some plans, since he only has 3 days to make a game, he couldn't possibly go for the big games or the ones with the stunning graphics, he doesn't have time and he doesn't have the necessary skills to create.

Making a computer game is also a no, since he doesn't have resources to do that, so his only choice is mobile.

Tanaka racked his brains up thinking of the mobile games from his past life. 

Geometry dash? no, he couldn't make that game yet, it may seem simple but the most important thing about this game is music. He lacks the ability to make music right now, so that game is a pass.

Candy Crush? It's a good idea but the game doesn't have enough power to catch some attention, its not a good game for a contest.

Subway Surfers? A good addicting game, but creating the game will need good art skills and Tanaka may be decent, he doesn't have enough time to draw everything up.

Tanaka has tons of games in his mind, as a game developer in his past life, he had played and studied a lot of games for reference, no matter if analyzing how it became popular or the core of the game.

It took a few moments before a game flashed in his mind; it was a game for all ages and was widely popular when it came out. It also has simple art and animation, the gameplay is good, and Tanaka has enough skills to make the game.

Tanaka immediately moved his hand and opened the paint. He then drew a small round fat bird with red feathers. Yes, the game Tanaka had in mind is Angry Birds, a popular game that was played by many players in his past life,

Though the game first came out on computers and few people have computers so ‌not that widely popular but in this world, phones are a daily necessity for people already, just walk around the streets and you will ‌see people walking around with phones on their hands and even  a 3-year-old holding a phone while playing with the sand in the sandbox.

If Angry birds came out at this day where everyone has it, then surely the game will become very popular, so without further ado, after Tanaka drew the first bird character, he immediately opened a game engine.

*Game Engines are the software used to create games. People don't ‌have to make it code by code with this.

Though this game engine was in his computer, Tanaka was extremely unfamiliar with this game engine. It differed greatly from the past, it was much more advanced and had much more new features, so before Tanaka started, he familiarized himself with it first.

It took quite a while but Tanaka finally got the hang of it. Without further ado he started making the game. He first created a 2D plane, then added the bird character and turned it into an object, after that, he added the gravity feature in the game which is nice because he doesn't have to play with the codes to get the right gravity as he could just adjust it with numbers.

After that, Tanaka added the controls of the game which is the most important, since he is going to go for the mobile platform, he made it much easier to play and smoother. It took him a few hours to finish all of this.

Then after that, it was time to draw the characters and backgrounds, and other objects, they were quite cartoonish and very easy to draw, by the end it was already 10 am when he drew the half of it, still has a lot of work to do.

"Hmm, oh shit, I forgot about school"

Tanaka only realized it when he saw his high school uniform, he still hadn't adapted to his new life so he forgot about school, but anyway, it's much more important to finish drawing the things for the games first, it was just a single day.

"But before that, I'm hungry"

Tanaka rubbed his belly as he felt it grumble, Tanaka stood up and made his way towards the kitchen, he has a family of 5; he has a younger sister and brother, his parents go to work early, they weren't that rich, they can be ‌considered an average family,  Anyway, they were but a simple Japanese family.

Since it was already late, the house was practically empty with only Tanaka left, he made his way towards the kitchen table and there he saw the breakfast that was left for him, Tanaka immediately ate it before making his way back towards his room to continue drawing.

By lunch, Tanaka finally finished drawing everything, it was quite faster than he had thought. Tanaka didn't eat his lunch as he continued making the game, he was now in the gameplay trial, in this stage, he would ‌ see if there was some gameplay he had to adjust.

This one took a lot of Tanaka's time as each character had different abilities and speed, Tanaka also had to fix some bugs that he found, even though he had the knowledge from his past, it still wasn't easy to create a game.

In the end, the sun was already starting when Tanaka felt it was all good. He was quite exhausted, but there are still a lot of things to do. Tanaka then felt some activity outside his room and immediately knew that his family was already home.

Tanaka stretched his body before making his way outside.

Tanaka went to the living room and there he saw his father, Komi Masayoshi, he was a handsome middle-aged man wearing glasses. Near him, his two younger siblings were sitting watching television, Shouko and Shousuke. 

Just as Tanaka was passing by, it seemed like his little sister noticed him and immediately turned her head towards him. They both stared at each other.


Tanaka knew most of their family had some trouble speaking or something so he just nodded at Shouko  as a greeting before making his way towards the kitchen. Shouko, who saw Tanaka, immediately stood up and followed after him.

Tanaka arrived at the kitchen and there he saw his mother cooking. Her name is Shuuko, the moment she saw Tanaka she immediately rushed towards him.

"Tanaka, why didn't you go to school today? I received a call from your school. Are you sick? Do you not feel good?"

She immediately started checking up on him which made Tanaka feel a little emotional when he saw this.

"No, I'm fine, there was just this contest that I wanted to join in and was rushing to make it"

"Okay, but take care of yourself okay, go take a bath, dinner will be ready soon"


Tanaka nodded but before that, he went towards the refrigerator to get some cold water and drink some, just as he closed the door of the refrigerator, on the other side, his sister came out of nowhere staring at him.

She seemed to be looking at him worriedly, seems like she also knew that he didn't go to school today, Tanaka patted her in the head and smiled.

"I'm okay, don't worry"


Komi nodded in confirmation.

Tanaka took a bath and felt his fatigue leave and ate his dinner with his family. After that, he didn't go to sleep immediately and continued making the game, what he needed to do now was create levels. Tanaka remembered some levels from angry birds, but not all of them. After all, there were a lot.

So to coup up with this, Tanaka added some of his ideas and by 11 PM, Tanaka decided to stop as he already made about 30 levels, which is still not enough, a single guy can only do this much for now. He was exhausted now and felt sleepy. He also has school tomorrow, he can't skip it since his parents didn't like it.

There are still a lot to do, he also couldn't forget the background music for the game, he might ask the music club for some help with that, and with more levels for the game, he should bring Ishigami for this one since that guy was the one who invited him, it didn't take long for Tanaka to fall asleep.

The next morning, Tanaka was woken up by his little sister Shouko as she shook him hard enough to wake him up. Tanaka woke up and changed to his school uniform before making his way to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

But before he left, he put the files of the game into his USB. Before making his way to school, Tanaka went to an elite academy called Shuchiin Academy. He could enter this elite school for some reason.

The school was quite close and Tanaka arrived in 30 minutes by taking a train. He arrived at his classroom where he immediately sat on his seat, which is ‌at the back of the classroom near the window.

Just as Tanaka sat, the first one to come to him was his friend Ishigami, along with a few more of his friends, Hachiman and Shirogane. They are a group of 4 that go along together.

"Why were you absent yesterday, Tanaka?"

Shirogane immediately asked, he was part of the student council and was an upright guy, he was a good friend.

""I overslept"

Tanaka replied.

"Are you sure you didn't stay up late  because you were playing games?"

Hachiman asked. This guy is a little doubtful to everyone, but he is a loyal friend.

"As if I have time to play games, its just I started created a game lately, I already finished about 70% of it"

"Eh? That fast, You just started yesterday right?"

Ishigami was surprised.

"Yeah, did you bring your laptop, go test play it here"

Tanaka threw the USB to Ishigami, who caught it. He then immediately took out his laptop and inserted the game, this one is a package so after Ishigami installed the package, he then transferred it into his phone and installed the game.

It only took a few minutes before the game was ready to play, Tanaka had already completed its menu interface and also level selection.

Hachiman and Shirogane also became interested. They already knew Tanaka wanted to be a game developer, so they were interested in the game he created, Ishigami then transferred it to Hachiman but Shirogane doesn't have a phone so Tanaka let him borrow his phone.

The three then started the game, the game was quite dull because it has no sound effects or BGM, but it seemed like the 3 who were playing were very invested in it, they were so focused that they played all levels, and since it only has 30 levels, it was a cliffhanger for them.

"What? That's it?"

Shirogane, who didn't play that much, exclaimed.

"I told you, it's not done yet. I still have to create a lot of these levels"

Hachiman didn't speak and just looked at Tanaka and the others.

"This is a very addicting game, but I feel like there is still a lot of things missing"

"Yeah, there is no BGM and sound effects, and I haven't added the other characters yet due to it only having 30 levels"

"Eh? Are you going to the music club for the BGM and Sound effects?"

"Yeah, they have complete equipment, so might as well use them. There is no problem, right? President?"

"There is no problem as long as the adviser of the club agrees"

Shirogane nodded but sternly reminded.


Tanaka nodded, they talked about the game a few more minutes before they stopped as the teacher finally have arrived; the class was quite boring for Tanaka as he already learned most of his in his past life, he may not be a genius like Shirogane, he was still quite good with his studies.

Break time, Tanaka and the gang made their way towards the faculty to talk with the music club adviser, her name is Sawaka Yamanaka, she was a fairly young teacher with glasses.

It was quite easy to talk to her since Shirogane was with him. Shirogane has high prestige in school and many teachers trust him.

After that, they made their way towards the clubroom of the music club. There, they met the president of the club, Kaori Miyazono, she has blonde hair and plays violin.

"So what can I help you with?"

Kaori asked as she looked at the boys in front of her, she had a good impression of them because this group is fairly popular.

"Yeah, so I am making a game and I need some help to compose a background music for my game"

Kaori didn't answer immediately and think about it first.

"It's going to be hard to compose a background music for you game, it may take even a week to make one"

"Oh, actually, you don't have to compose one, you just have to play it, I already composed one in my mind but I don't know how to play instruments so maybe we could try feeling it up first , its just basic instruments, it won't be too hard."

"Okay, let's try it first"

Kaori then turned towards her group members, it seems like the music club is full of girls, they have a total of 6 club members and Kaori is the oldest while the rest are 1st years, they were a very cheerful group and talking with them was quite easy.

Tanaka then started humming the BGM of the Angry Birds, this song is very addicting when playing the game, it just goes on and on in your mind when you play the game, just thinking of Angry birds, this BGM will play on someone's mind.

It was a simple music and Tanaka had already given them the whole of it, so it only took a few minute before they got it.

"Good, we can record it later after school if that is okay?"


Kaori nodded.

After that, Tanaka and the gang returned to their class.