To be in his arms

An unexplainable smile flaunted on Aga's face since he came back to the office with Martina. Everyone was staring at their way until they separated when the short break was over.

In his office, he couldn't get rid of Martina's wet, pleading face. He had never imagined that after a long time, the woman he loved asked a favor that paralleled his plans. His broken, empty heart was filled with joy and excitement.

It felt like warm arms wrapped around his body. He thought he had already reached the clouds and the paradise of loving hearts because of his burning feelings.

Aga Wilson couldn't concentrate on his work as Head Editor. There was a brown envelope filled with documents he must sign before the deadline. It was the most hectic month of the entire year. Even he wanted to be with Martina, he couldn't do so during working hours.

For a couple of minutes, he looked at somewhere distant when the door opened. He didn't bother to lift his head and checked the person who suddenly arrived without further notice.

"Aga," said the woman before him. She was squeezing her palm, waiting for an answer. But it seemed like Aga didn't hear her voice. She then gulped, catching her breath, and opened her mouth once again. "C-can I talk to you for a second?"

Her voice caught his attention as he quickly snatched a piece of paper as an alibi. His eyes twinkled as soon as he met her gaze. At some point, Aga felt guilty.

There was no room for it but he couldn't get rid of it from his system. He then gulped, shrugging off his shoulders that seemed awkward.

Furrowing his brows, he gulped and said in the calmest tone. "W-what brought you here, Dalia? I thought you were busy with your new story!"

It was the most embarrassing moment he had ever experienced. Aga Wilson had never been in love with someone else since his college days. He couldn't see himself with another woman as he only admired Martina Green who never appreciated all of his efforts and hidden feelings.

For a second, Dalia took a deep breath as soon as she heard his voice. She didn't understand why she felt that way every time she was near to him.

Even though she heard the bad news all over the office, Dalia didn't believe any of them. She has no proof that Aga and Martina were dating. As far as she remembered, Martina was still brokenhearted and waiting for the man she had never known before.

Her mind wouldn't be at peace if she won't hear the truth from him. She admired him secretly from the beginning, but Dalia pretended that she wasn't. Yet, actions spoke louder than words and she won't ever escape from this nightmare anymore.

"I-it's not urgent!" She exclaimed. Dalia was surprised when Aga stood up and picked up the piece of paper drifted by the wind. Her cheeks turned scarlet and her heart was beating too fast. "I'm sorry for that, but as I said earlier, can I ask you one question?"

"Hmm, you're quite serious right now." He replied as he caressed his chin.

A mischievous smile showed on his lips. It was the very first he smiled that way in front of her. They were always fighting, but at that moment, everything turned upside down awakened the burning sensation beneath her vulnerable heart.

It surprised Dalia to the point that she almost drowned under the deep, blue sea. She opened her mouth and tried to utter a word, yet her tongue was twisted suddenly.

She wasted half an hour rehearsing her dialogue before she earned the courage to confront him. But it seemed like her efforts only belong to be somewhere distant where no one could reach and hear it. Dalia gasped, preparing herself to speak.

"Is it true?" She asked.

"Say it, Dalia. Don't be shy." He replied while he waited for her response.

She was about to speak for the nth time when the door squealed and a gorgeous, cold woman appeared.

Aga was starstruck that annoyed Dalia. She almost cursed him when she witnessed how his eyes sparkled the moment he saw the other woman's face.

He said, "Martina!"

Dalia was kicked out of the picture when her best friend came without knocking. Hatred stayed within her heart as she couldn't set aside the commotion that took place earlier. She hated childish arguments but because of Martina's cold behavior, she couldn't let it be that way.

"Look who's here!" Dalia rolled her eyes on Martina. She then crossed her arms, trying to be cool and persistent.

But things didn't fall according to her will. Martina walked closer to his table and put the manuscript she was finishing for the past three months. It was supposed to be edited last month but Aga gave him another month to finish what was supposed to be done.

Her face was bright like the admirable sun. Longing for the man has gone because of her new knight shining armor that eager to sacrifice everything for her happiness.

Martina smiled over her shoulders and turned her back on him. But Aga Wilson grabbed her wrist as he thought it was the best way to stop her. However, as things happened unimaginably, Dalia accidentally moved her right foot which led Martina to fall.

Hurting Martina was not her intention and she would never attempt to hurt her despite everything that happened between them.

"What are you doing? You shouldn't have moved your foot, for heaven's sake!" Aga yelled at Dalia shocked the two women in his office. No one either believed it.

They didn't know he was capable of doing insulting things towards a woman. It upset her as she prayed to be vanished because of embarrassment. Dalia didn't say a word.

In the same spot, she watched how Aga cared for Martina. He gently helped her walk to the vacant chair and knelt to check her leg and ankle.

It was her greatest dream for the longest time. A promising love story with the man she admired secretly. Unfortunately, the man she loved had someone else in his heart. It was supposed to be her. She was supposed to be in his arms.

And while she was staring at them, her heart was slowly shattering.