The alpha's scent

Everyone was walking straight to the parking area with some of their fellow workmates. And for the first time, she was alone and empty inside.

No one dared to be friends with the head editor's soon-to-be girlfriend. Even Dalia always asked her to eat in the nearby pasta restaurant after work.

Martina missed the old, good days with her. There was no longer a sassy woman who loved to disturb her during working hours and afterward.

Before she admired everyone's laughter but as the situation changed Martina found it bitter. She didn't want to be that kind of person who lived in vain and despair.

She tried. She hoped. She prayed. But the clouds didn't grant her wishes.

For three consecutive months, there was no single day she remembered his cold, yet perfect face. Blue's alluring eyes remained in her mind and it was impossible to get rid of them.

Unfortunately, it was a forbidden love between a human being and a disturbing creature. Blue Dobinson is a werewolf. If she persisted before, there would be massive chaos.

In the end, both of them would live lifeless life. And even they loved each other genuinely, true happiness would impossible to get.

While she waited for a taxi, a white, luxury car suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It surprised everyone when Dalia crossed the line as she didn't notice it was coming her way.

Martina quickly ran towards her best friend. She tried her best to block the car from hitting Dalia even her life would be on the edge of a cliff.

She would sacrifice herself even if it was the only way to obtain someone's forgiveness. Taking risks sometimes led lonely people to the right path until they finally found their true happiness.

At that moment, Dalia was saved from danger. Martina was grateful that she dragged her away from getting hurt. Will all her strengths, she grabbed Dalia's wrist and pushed her back to the pedestrian lane.

In return, she was hurt. Her right foot was badly injured. But at that moment, Martina felt nothing aside from being embarrassed and exhausted.

As she fell into the cold ground, crowded lane, the people around screamed and asked for help. The irresponsible driver escaped like a man with supernatural power.

His car was nowhere to be seen as no one knew where did the suspect drove into.

"Help! We need help!" One of her workmates called for help. Yet, no one has the knowledge and capabilities to give Martina first aid.

They were ordinary passengers who were waiting for the bus and taxis when the incident took place.

As many people gathered around Martina, Dalia couldn't move her feet from the ground. It was difficult for her to describe what she felt.

There were no exact words that would illustrate it. Her heart had stopped beating as if the time halted as well. Because of her ego and pride, she put Martina on the brink of death.

Her lips shivered. There were no words that came out of her mouth while Martina endured the pain by herself. Dalia watched Martina from a distance and even how determined she was to treat her injured foot, there was nothing she could do with it.

"M-Martina," she murmured as she turned her gaze to Martina. "I... I am truly sorry. I am s-sorry."

It shouldn't be that way if she had set aside her feelings for Aga, if she didn't blame Martina, things would be different.

She was jealous. As it led her to be a cold-hearted person in a snap of her fingers.

While Dalia walked towards Martina, her knees trembled but she didn't want to leave her friend in this kind of situation.

Her eyes watered when Martina smiled at her sweetly as nothing happened. Her white, perfect set of teeth flaunted that made Dalia emotional.

Martina was bleeding internally. Her injured foot became darker as it took too long for the rescuer to come.

"Don't blame yourself, Dalia. Can't you see my smiling face?" It was a fake smile but it was made up of pure love.

Martina looked exhausted. Her face turned pale and sweated profusely like a person who ran thousands of miles. There was no trace of outrage on her face even if she was badly hurt.

"Don't worry about me. I deserved everything! F-from being too selfish, thinking that I'm alone and shattered inside! I thought no one could understand what I feel but you were there, Dalia! You were there but I never appreciated your efforts!"

Tears trickled into her cheeks as she tried to reach Dalia's wet face. Martina only wanted to ask for forgiveness and clear all misunderstandings while she has still the chance to relish Dalia's efforts.

Martina embraced herself at that moment of suffering. She endured the pain, the laughter of other people who found it funny instead of calling for help.

They thought she was only making a scene to catch the people's attention. Some of them called her attention-seeker because no one wanted to be by her side forever.

"Tsk! Let's go! It's not that big deal because she deserves it!"

"You're right! She's nothing but a leech who always wraps her arms around her boss!"

It stung like a bee's bite. Those words simply harmed Martina who wasn't aware of her actions. She was not a leech. She wasn't an attention-seeker like what people talked about.

And as time went by, the two of them were left along the street. No one came to help Martina as it surprised and disappoint Dalia.

The crowded street turned empty like an abandoned castle. The sound of the engines, the muttering bystanders suddenly disappeared from their sight.

Martina chuckled as she caressed her foot. The longer it was left untreated, the more it became severe.

She sighed, turning her gaze on Dalia who couldn't find any words to say. "N-no one came to help us! I'd called 191 but no one picked up the goddamn phone!"

"I'm nobody. I know no one would come for me." Martina replied. She took a deep breath and tried to stand but she ended up on the ground.

The area was too peaceful as the cold wind blew up aggressively. It was out of the blue until Martina smelled a familiar and hypnotizing scent. She was certain that it was the alpha's scent.

Under the bright sky, Martina accidentally saw a man's shadow from a distance. She blinked her eyes countless times but the next thing she felt, her eyes were heavy and Martina fell to the ground, hoping that it was the man she had been waiting for.