A mother's greatest wish

Mary Green welcomed Blue Dobinson wholeheartedly.  Knowing that he was a CEO of one successful company in the country. 

She had no idea that it was fake and old. He forgot to make a new one as he didn't know it was needed at this moment. 

As a mother, she knew what best for her daughter. Dating a rich and good-looking man would be perfect and nothing to worry about. 

The moment they went inside, Mary told him where Martina's room. She then quickly walked towards the kitchen and prepared a bowl of lukewarm water and a wet towel. 

She couldn't believe that Martina met such a wealthy guy. She thought Martina didn't want to live a beautiful life with everything she wanted. 

But time changed her clever decision. Aside from being an alpha, Blue learned how to run a business and used his ancestors' land in exchange of money. 

For an ordinary family, it was called as real jackpot.