War against the alpha

The rumors quickly spread every second and reached the people on different places. It was worthless to other people, but for Martina, it was the horrible thing she had ever experienced.

As time went by, the number of reporters decreased gradually. It was an advantage to Martina who wanted to face Brian as soon as possible.

For the longest time, she stayed in her room, waiting until nightfall. She didn't want to go outside and deal with the media.

Martina lay down on bed after walking around the entire room. She was thinking about the source and master mind behind this nonsense rumor.

"I will never forgive that jerk!" She murmured and closed her fists out of anger.

Brian was the only suspect in her mind. She felt that he fooled her around and took everything for granted.

She couldn't stand being with Brian even for a few minutes. His presence made her irritable.