A bloody, merciless war IV

The long, most-awaited battle has begun. The two powerful creatures with different ambitions and beliefs were given a chance to prove themselves and show the entire pack who deserve to sit to the throne.

At the right corner of the battlefield, the alpha and his men remained resilient and positive. They were all hoping that it would be the end of the enemies' reign and cruelty.

Once the alpha wins, the entire pack would celebrate and would have a paradise-like environment.

However, the enemies were determined to take the throne away from crowned alpha king. Blare Dobinson was strong as the alpha. Since his brother became the successor, he started to wish for the throne.

At that moment, Blue narrowed his eyes and looked deeply into Blare's eyes. He was wondering where Brian went in the middle of chaos.

He should have witnessed his father's cruelty towards his own nephew. Brian would never accept the fact that his father was a murderer.