Acherron Family

The restaurant had quite a large space, and it was filled with people, the tables in the restaurant weren't enough to accommodate all of them so some of the people had to sit on the floor.

The second floor cannot be entered because that is where the chefs cook. While the third floor is said to be a special place for VIPs.

Not just anyone can eat there, not even supreme geniuses like Fairy Moon can enter there, only supreme experts whose strength is at the peak of the world can.

The arrival of Adolf and the purple moon sect disciples naturally caught the attention of the people in the restaurant, but they didn't overreact when they saw them.

In terms of background, they might not be able to compare to the purple moon sect disciples, some of them were even just rogue cultivators, but in terms of strength, they could be said to be the elites of the desolate continent. Their personal strength was no weaker than the ordinary disciples of the major sects.

Even so, they still gave an area to the disciples.

Most of the gazes were on Adolf and Miya, the restaurant however had quite a number of windows, so they could still see things outside the restaurant. In fact, they also know the things that happen in the lake, with their strength, they can still keep an eye on the lake from there.

A dining table is provided in the disciples' area.

While they could ignore the other disciples, they didn't dare to ignore Fairy even if they were given a lion's heart.

With the cultivation of the sovereign realm, she can basically suppress most of the people there. But what scares people even more is her talent and future.

What if she manages to become supreme in the future? Even if she didn't, she would definitely become a top expert.

Snow then pushed Adolf's wheelchair onto the dining table. It had four seats, so Snow removed one of the chairs and replaced it with Adolf's wheelchair.

Adolf, on the other hand, looked at the disciples once again and said, "Order whatever you want, eat as much as you want, don't hold back."

After that, he looked at Miya and Snow, "Sit down, this must be your first time eating at this restaurant, you should eat more."

"I hope you really have the money to pay," Snow replied in a low voice.

Miya smiled wryly, nor was she sure if Adolf really had the money to treat them all. It wasn't that she doubted him, but even if he really was that legendary immortal, he was currently at his lowest point.

In her heart she was calculating whether the amount of wealth she had was enough to pay them all.

Adolf looked at her and slightly pressed the hand he was holding causing her to come out of her thoughts. He said, "girl, you can doubt me, but you can't doubt my wealth. I've never heard of anyone claiming to be richer than me."


"You shameless mortal, who would say they are richer than mortals."

Even the people in the restaurant who had seen more things couldn't stand Adolf's arrogance, so they started scolding him.

"Yeah, if he can show his wealth, I will walk with my head from now on," said a junior who was eating at the restaurant with his ancestor.

But today his luck might be a little unlucky because Adolf looked at him right after he spoke.

"Are you sure?" Adolf asked.

The junior was also a genius with little background, being questioned by Adolf made him angry.

"What, do you think I'm scared?" He sneered.

"As long as you show your wealth right now, even if you want to break my hand, I don't mind."

"Huh, I'm not interested in those trash hands, but your head is fine."

"You..." The junior became angry.

He dared to bet his hand, but his head, he somehow suddenly hesitated.

The ancestor sitting beside him also showed an angry expression.

"Brat, tell me who your ancestor is, I will definitely break his leg now," he said.

"You two are cowardly young and old, it's a waste of my time talking to you guys."

He then turned his gaze to the male waiter who had come to his table.

The waiter was quite young with black hair and eyes, he was probably Adolf's age. But unlike Adolf, he looked elegant with his calm demeanor.

Although the others showed anger at Adolf, he still behaved like a servant serving guests.

"What would you like to order, young ladies and gentlemen?" He asked politely while looking at Adolf, Snow, and Miya.

In the end, his gaze stopped on Adolf because he was in the middle.

Adolf who was also looking at him nodded several times. "You are quite good, as expected of the younger generation of the Acherron family, no wonder your family has survived until now despite never producing a supreme."

The always calm youth couldn't help but be surprised when he heard Adolf's words.

The juniors paid no heed to Adolf's words, but the elders and ancestors looked at each other.

"This young man is a member of the Acherron family, this is very unexpected, it has been a long time since their member appeared."

When an old ancestor spoke seriously, only then did the juniors ask.

"Who are they?"

The ancestors quietly explained to their juniors, "They are an ancient clan that has existed for a long time. You know, the Invincible Supreme is still famous today because of his power that is recognized by all supremes and his success in ending the era of darkness, but this clan was famous even before the era of the Invincible Supreme. In the era of darkness, which is full of bloodshed, they are a faction that even the supreme does not want to conflict with. They are said to possess a divine bloodline that allows them to summon the power of heavenly lightning."

"Heavenly lightning? How can they be controlled by humans? Aren't only Supremes able to do that."

"That's why they are so feared, this restaurant for example, has made a lot of money, you think no one wants it, but who dares to take meat from a tiger's mouth?"

"However, how can these mortals recognize members of the Acherron family, I heard those who can recognize them are allowed to eat as much as they want in this restaurant."


"What? How is that possible?"


"How do you recognize me, young master?" asked the young man.

Adolf casually replied, "I was just casually guessing, and it turned out to be true. You see, my eyes can tell the difference between trash and jade, it's impossible for a jade to work as a maid here unless they are members of the Acherron family."


"You must be joking, young master!"

"I never joke," Adolf replied. "So can I order whatever I want for free?"

"Yes, it's a rule made by our ancestors, even if we go bankrupt, we have to obey it."

"That's good, then prepare the best food and wine for these disciples."

"Please wait, young master!"

After saying that, he immediately went to the second floor.

Adolf then looked at Sonny who looked like he wanted to cry.

"Well, isn't it about time you chop off your head, if you don't dare to do it yourself, I can help you."

He smiled like a child about to watch a show, but those who knew who he was would tremble in fear if they saw his smile.