Heavenly tribulation wine

"He really killed him. Is he crazy?"

"Sonny may just be a stupid guy, but he also has a background, his grandfather is already a sect elder and he's even close to one of the great elders."

"If they knew, they would definitely not be silent. This is intolerable humiliation, even Fairy wouldn't be able to protect him."

"Brat, how dare you do this." Sonny's friends started to come forward, they pulled out their weapons and were ready to fight.

But before they could act, dozens of lightning bolts suddenly fell from above, they didn't hit them but landed right in front of them. Even so, their bodies instantly froze because they could feel the death from those lightning bolts.

People then looked at the youth who came down from the second floor along with the group of waiters carrying plates.

The youth or Gray Acherron only casually snapped his fingers, but the power he released made even the older generation wary.

"Fighting is not allowed here, if you want to fight, please leave," he said.

But Sonny's friends who are angry can't just stand still.

One of them pointed at Adolf and Sonny's corpse, "but you guys didn't stop him."

Gray looked at Sonny's corpse and he shook his head. "This is the result of a bet," he said.

He then looked at the few waiters behind him, "clean up the corpse, but don't forget to put it in the coffin."

However, right after he said that, Adolf suddenly used his hand to grab Sonny's corpse. After that, he threw it outside the restaurant.

Because Miya's aura was still in his hands, so he could easily throw the corpse away.


Sonny's already angry friends became even angrier, their hands and mouths shaking as they pointed at Adolf.

"Kid, you are only a mortal but you act so ruthlessly, aren't you worried that the heavens will send heavenly thunderbolts to exterminate you."

Adolf looked at the person who spoke and casually shrugged his shoulders, "Where, where is that so-called heavenly thunderbolts? I really want to see it annihilate me."


Right after he spoke, the sound of Thunder sounded once again in the sky, this time even louder that several ancestors jumped from their seats.

Adolf smiled, "well, it turned out to just send the sound of Thunder."


Of course, everyone thought it was just a coincidence.

The only ones who found it strange were Miya and Gray. The former had a guess towards his identity while the latter had a power related to heavenly lightning, he felt a slight strangeness from the sound of that thunder.

After finding no way to deal with Adolf, Sonny's friends finally choose to leave, seeing Adolf only frustrates them. They have lost their appetite.

"Son, wait for the great elder to come, no one will be able to save you at that time," they shouted before carrying Sonny's corpse away.

Once they are gone, people go back to eating. The death of the humans was shocking, but it wouldn't affect their mood.

Adolf turned his wheelchair over to the table, he then looked at Miya who looked at him doubtfully.

"What's wrong girl?" he asked while showing his white teeth.

"No," the girl shook her head.

"Well, let's eat first, we'll continue later."

Gray also arrived in front of their table, the waiters behind him quickly put the plates they brought to their table.

Plates for them of course different from other plates.

On each plate there is a whole fried duck. There is also chili sauce, rice, and side dishes consisting of green vegetables,

Adolf's attention was drawn to the duck and the side dish.

He said, "blue-winged ducks, they only exist in the Black Swan Princess Garden. And these vegetables, they must be vegetables in the center of the Giant Forest." He then looked at Gray and continued, "your clan must have sacrificed some people to steal them in those places."

Gray was immediately surprised.

"You really know?" He couldn't help but speak unintentionally.

The moment he realized the words that had been said, he immediately cleared his throat in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I was too surprised."

Miya and Snow looked at Gray and Adolf in surprise.

The two places that Adolf had called were not random places, everyone in the Supreme Immortal World ranked them as the most dangerous places.

"Ha-ha-ha, with such good food, I'm sure you've also prepared some really great wine," said Adolf.

"That's for sure," Gray replied.

A bottle of wine then appeared in his hand, it was pitch black like a starless night.

Even though the bottle was tightly closed, just looking at the black wine in the bottle made one's body feel light.

"Ha-ha-ha," Adolf laughed again. "It's definitely the heavenly tribulation wine. Yeah, only wine like this deserves me."


Hearing Adolf's words, the elders looked at each other once more.

"Heavenly tribulation wine? Isn't that the wine that the ancestor of the giant monkey clan distilled, there are very few of them, they usually only give it to the supreme as a congratulation."

"It is said that the wine has an unimaginably delicious taste, it also makes everyone who drinks it lightly intoxicated. Once drunk, the person who drinks the wine will gain heavenly enlightenment."

"Is this very precious wine going to be drunk by this mortal youth? This is really a waste."

"But how did he know all this?"
