First Prince

Immediately after that a group of people appeared.

They were led by a middle-aged man with a golden beard and a fierce face. His hand carried a huge pillar, it seemed to be able to withstand the falling sky.

Leo who looked like he had just received treatment was standing on his left side. Edgar and Basile were there too.

However, on his right side was a young man who looked to be almost in his 30s.

What was interesting about the young man was the robe he was wearing, it had golden lines that formed an imperial symbol.

On his forehead, there was the inscription "Divine", and it emitted a reddish-gold light.

"He is the first prince, why is he here?" People were even more shocked when they saw the young man.

"Look at his forehead, it seems that he has succeeded in awakening the divine bloodline."

"Yes, although he is worse than the crown prince who had awakened the divine bloodline when he was 10 years old, he is still very extraordinary, he has great potential to become a paragon."

"Oh, and the eastern lion king, he seems stronger than the last time I saw him."

"Let's see how this brat survives now, if he can still create miracles." said an elder.

"Huh," his junior snorted.

"I will fart into the sky if he can survive this time, he is just a spiritual warrior, with no one to protect him, even I can easily dismember his body."


The eastern lion king and the first prince finally landed on the roof.

Alexavier who saw their arrival quickly greeted them.

He saluted the eastern lion king before addressing the first prince.

"Odil, congratulations on your success, looks like I'm no longer a match for you."

Odil smiled confidently, but he quickly shook his head.

"Alexavier, don't pretend to be low-key, I've already lost twice to you, although now I've become much stronger, but I believe you're also different from before." "I don't think any of us can claim to be better than the other."

"It's something hard to say, hahaha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

They laughed, it seemed they were very familiar with each other.

The elders who saw them nodded in praise.

"Actually they are just lacking in cultivation talent, as for anything else, they are definitely the best."

"The future is uncertain, maybe they will get an amazing opportunity that helps them improve their talent so that they become better than peak geniuses like Fairy and crown prince."


"For sure they are not like someone who can only brag," a junior added.

They then turned their gazes towards Adolf, however, they found the latter closing his eyes as if he was sleeping.

The faces of Alexavier and the first prince turned green when they saw him.

No matter what, they were famous geniuses, sleeping while they were standing in front of him was definitely an act of too much.

Does he think he's supreme? Even supremes never sleep in front of people.

"This brat really knows how to anger humans."

"Hmph," the eastern lion king snorted.

"Son, you have caused death to my clan members, only that makes you deserve a thousand deaths."

The first prince then added, "You have also caused the death of my imperial knight, it is a great crime that does not require a trial for punishment. I have the right to execute you here."

Who killed them was obvious, many people were watching, but they blamed it all on Adolf.

The divine lion clan had to think twice before daring to blame Miya.

And the eastern divine empire, even though it is the inheritance of the three supremes, they still have to think twice about starting a conflict with an ancient clan like the Acherron family.

After they spoke, only then did Adolf open his eyes.

His eyes looked sleepy and he acted as if he was the emperor gazing at the commoners.

"Are you guys done talking?" he asked.

"Then I'll give you two choices, if you want to live, get out of my sight immediately. If you want to die, keep provoking this young master."


In the distance, there is an ark that is not too big, it also looks simple. However, the people inside the ark didn't look simple at all. They consist of men and women with extraordinary appearances. The young man leading them looked even more stunning, he was like the sun among the stars, his beautiful face even fascinated men.

A middle-aged man standing by his side said, "Young master, that brat is indeed as arrogant as people say. He may not be afraid to mock the heavens."

"Yeah," the young man nodded in agreement. He smiled faintly.