A Shocking Death

After Adolf spoke, the monkey snorted at them. Its big eyes stared at them with bulging eyes.

Even the first prince and Alexavier who had the saint king cultivation were intimidated by its gaze.

Now they could no longer argue that the monkeys did help Adolf.

"Son, don't think about doing that, the consequences of killing us are not something you can bear," said the first prince.

"Yeah, do you think two beast generals can protect you," Edgar added.

"My master is a paragon, his strength is not something you can imagine, the beast generals are nothing compared to him."

"Is that so?" Adolf asked, tilting his head.

"Yes, yes, yes..." Edgar nodded quickly.

However, Adolf suddenly responded by throwing a cigar butt in his face.


Edgar's face instantly turned black like a pig.

Bang... Bang...

The first prince and Alexavier suddenly released their power, they seemed to have planned something beforehand.

They then flew in different directions.


"Huh, where do you want to go, stay here."

A hoarse voice suddenly resounded out of nowhere.

After that, two giant palms appeared respectively in front of Alexavier and the first prince, they then hit both of them simultaneously.

Bam... Bam...

The two of them were thrown back to where they came from, and they even fell like kites whose strings were broken.

By the time they landed on the ground, they were already looking a mess. No more light of genius could be seen from them. Their dust-covered bodies made them look like beggars.

No one knew who attacked them, but there was no doubt that that person was extremely powerful.

"Does he have any other supporters?" People wonder.

"Those two palms should be from an ancient saint."

"But why didn't the man show himself?"

"Maybe he's not a supporter of Adolf, but someone else who has a grudge with the two of them. He wants to borrow Adolf's hand to kill them."

"Who knows, but it also makes sense!"

After all, if Adolf really had a background, why didn't he say so considering how arrogant he was with his weak strength.

"Huh, too weak," Adolf said with a snort as he looked at the first prince and Alexavier.

As for Leo and the others, they couldn't even move their bodies with their strength.

Adolf then turned his gaze to the sky.

"I'll take care of this first," he said.

He looked at the monkey and said, "monkey, leave the pillar to me."

Being called out by him, the monkey who always wore a fierce expression suddenly smiled so that people almost coughed up blood in shock.

Under the eyes of the people, the pillar rapidly shrunk to the size of a stick. It then fell into the hands of Adolf.

People wonder what happened because the pillar is still spiritually tied to the eastern lion king.


Suddenly a painful cough echoed in the sky, people then saw blood falling from the sky.


A loud roar resounded, after which a golden light filled the sky, people knew that it came from the power of the golden monkey.

Immediately after that they saw a headless figure fall from the sky.

The moment they saw that, they immediately took a breath of cold air.

"The eastern lion king has been killed," they said.

"How is that possible, even if the monkey is stronger, it shouldn't be able to kill the eastern lion king so quickly."

"This is not possible."

The most shocked of course Leo. His legs were shaking and his mouth was wide open. After that, he fell unconscious.

The only one who didn't care was Adolf, he was now busy playing the stick in his hand.

The spiritual bond between the stick and the eastern lion king was forcibly severed so the latter received a counterattack, the moment that happened, the monkey attacked him with its full strength. Even if he had two lives, he wouldn't necessarily be able to survive.