Eating immortal fruit

"You idiots, this young master hasn't even made a move yet, but they dared to try to take it first," said Adolf. He was the only one who didn't show any expression seeing their deaths.

"Amitabha, young master, you must not be cold to their deaths," replied the old monk.

His temperament changed 180 degrees due to the deaths of dozens of saint kings.

Adolf didn't respond, he just sneered.

He then pushed his own wheelchair towards the tree. Miya, Snow, and even the little monkey didn't follow him.

"He is also moving, is he not afraid of death?"

The juniors who disliked Adolf sneered as they saw what he was doing.

"But he has already created many miracles." The neutral junior tried to defend Adolf.

It's not that they like it, they just want to see more magic. For those who knew their future was finite, they needed nothing more than excitement and commotion.

"Hmph," the juniors who disliked Adolf snorted.

"This tree is a completely different existence from those beasts, even if he can control them, it doesn't mean he can control this tree." "Have you guys forgotten? Even the supremes disappeared without a trace here."

"Yes, unless his ancestors planted this tree, there's no way he could do anything to this tree when even the supremes couldn't do anything."

"Look, he's still fine."

Adolf got closer to the tree, but until now, nothing happened to him, the tree really didn't attack him.

"Was it really planted by his ancestors?" The elders wondered.

"That's ridiculous! When was this tree planted? Even the supreme sects at that time were almost completely wiped out, how could his ancestor plant this tree?"

"But the fact is that we are all descended from the people of that era."


Adolf was getting closer to the tree, but he suddenly stopped.

After that, he stomped his wand on the ground.


Suddenly the sound of metal clashing was heard from the ground.

With the stick, Adolf then dug the soil. Immediately after that a very ancient looking iron box appeared.

"It's still here, it seems like everyone doesn't get smart when I'm not around," he said.

Everyone who came to the place was probably glued to the longevity tree so they never checked the other areas.

Adolf shook his head. He then stored the iron box into his storage ring.

The people who saw it looked at each other in bewilderment, the iron box also didn't look special at all so they were at a loss as to what reaction to show.

While they were still confused, Adolf started to approach the tree once more.

As he arrived one meter from the tree, one of the branches of the tree suddenly swung down towards him.

Seeing that, the juniors who hated Adolf immediately rejoiced.

"I told you, he's going to die," they said.

But quickly their mouths opened wide. The branch suddenly stopped right beside Adolf

Several other branches then sprouted from the branch and they tied up Adolf's wheelchair.

After that, they pulled the wheelchair up to the tree.

"Is there something wrong with my eyes?"

People rubbed their eyes until their eyes turned red. Even so, the scene before them did not change at all.

"That tree really helped him personally, this is really unreasonable."

Their eyes widened even more as they watched the branch lead him to the immortal fruit.

"Will the immortal fruit be given to him?"

As soon as Adolf arrived in front of the immortal fruit, he casually stretched out his hand and took it.

A golden light enveloped his hand as he held the fruit, but it didn't affect him at all.


He then pulled the fruit so that it separated from the branch.

The fruit's aura was actually very similar to his immortal energy. But if you compare the two, it's definitely inferior to his immortal aura. It only contained the dao of life, unlike his immortal aura which had more dao.

"Well, apart from being able to overcome some of the problems in my body, it will also drastically increase my cultivation with the energy it contains, cultivating it for millions of years is not wasted at all."

He stared at the stunned people for a while before throwing the fruit into his mouth.

The elders who saw his actions almost fell down in shock.


Suddenly an extremely loud bang resounded from within his body, it was so loud that it could be heard throughout the entire continent.

However, after that, nothing happened to Adolf's body. No divine light radiated from his body.

"Wait, his cultivation has changed."

People with sharp senses quickly realized Adolf's cultivation.

It had now reached the peak of spiritual golden.

Such a rapid increase in cultivation was almost non-existent in history, but it wasn't all that amazing either. The problem is that it is only the peak of the golden spiritual. For those elders who have saint cultivation, those with golden spiritual realm cultivation are just bigger ants, they will not look at them for more than a second.

"Is that the only effect of the immortal fruit?" Ask the juniors.

Although they were annoyed to see Adolf eating the fruit, they at least wanted to see the peerless miracle.

"No, strength is not the essence of the fruit, the point is; he may have obtained an infinite lifespan. It is like the fruit of longevity, it does not increase one's strength, but increases one's lifespan." The elders answered.

"So he won't age now even if he lives from era to era."

"Yeah, maybe."

"Shit, isn't that too much of a waste of a priceless treasure. That fruit should have been eaten by a peerless expert."



Adolf squirmed.

"Now that I have reached the pinnacle of the immortal path, next is the second stage."

He then stood up. He was able to stand steadily although occasionally he still needed a cane to support his body. In the end, he still needed a month to recover naturally.

Of course, with his current cultivation, he could fly through the air, so he could still stand without a stick as long as he flew through the air.

He glanced outside the forest for a while before looking at the tree again.

"After breaking through, exercising is indeed the best thing to do." He nodded.