Soul Path, The World Is My Soul

Adolf remained indifferent even though he was the one who had killed the two paragons.

After that, he immediately flew down where Miya and Snow were.

The two girls looked at him with complicated expressions, they didn't know what to say.

The old monk calmed down a bit, he said, "Young master, I will also die if I fight with you now."

"Any time you will still die if you fight with me," replied Adolf.


"Ehmmm, ehmmm, young master."

"I know what you want."

Adolf took out some fruit and threw them at the old monk.

"You have helped me before, as I promised, I will give you a satisfactory reward."

After saying that, he took out the iron box he took earlier.

Looking at the iron box, the old monk's eyes shone brightly. But he quickly pretended.

"Young master, these fruits are enough," he said.

His words did not cause Adolf to stop, he then opened the iron box.

Inside the iron box there was a book that looked brand new. The cover of the book consists of gold, white, and black colors. The papers also have three colors.

On the gold side of the book was written the word "Buddha", on the white "God", and on the black "Devil".

The book looked like an ordinary book, but the words Buddha, God, and Devil on the cover gave the illusion as if there were Buddhas, Gods, and Devils in there.

"This?" The old monk was stunned.

Miya and Snow had bewildered expressions, they thought the book was extraordinary, but they couldn't figure out what book it was.

Adolf opened the gold-colored paper from the book.

After that, an extremely bright golden light shone from the paper so that the sunlight looked like darkness.

On the paper, there was an picture of a buddha sitting amidst countless corpses. Unlike a normal buddha, the buddha in the picture showed an indifferent expression to the corpse.

When the old monk saw the picture, he seemed to be sinking into the illusion.

After that, his eyes closed and he fell to the ground.

Adolf closed the book as soon as the monk fell.

He then put the book back in the iron box and closed it before putting it in the storage ring.

"Let's go, we're done here," he said to Miya and Snow.

He adjusted the position of his wand before taking a step.

Miya and Snow looked at his storage ring, but they didn't ask anything, they quickly followed him. Before taking a step, Snow looked at the monk who now seemed to be asleep and asked Adolf, "what about this monk?"

"Don't mind him, at least he won't die," replied Adolf.

Right after Adolf spoke, the little monkey jumped onto his shoulder.

It looked at the monk and showed a disgusted expression as if it saw dirt. It seemed displeased with the monk's presence in the forest.

When Adolf went out of the forest, the beasts of the forest no longer followed him, but each of them saluted him as he passed them.

Not long after, he, Miya, and Snow finally arrived at the outer area of ​​the forest. However, there was no one else there, even the small town became very quiet, people seemed to be running away from there.

After all, it was right beside the forest, Adolf could still control the forest from there.

Miya looked at the forest she had just left before looking at Adolf, she said, "Young master, the power you used earlier was indeed the power of this forest, but your unharmed body is purely your body's strength, right?"

Hearing her words, Adolf smiled faintly.

"You're smart," he said.

"But how can your body withstand those attacks?" asked Snow.

Miya also looked at him doubtfully.

They had indeed seen his body's strength before, but those attacks were completely different, they were paragon attacks. Was his body so strong that even the attacks of the paragons couldn't injure him?

Thinking about it scared the two girls. If his body was already that strong with his current cultivation base, then who could injure him in this world?

Adolf smiled once more before replying, "It's not impossible for a golden spiritual to have a combat power equal to that of a paragon or even stronger, my body's vitality just happens to reach such a point."


As they were stunned, Adolf stared at the sun that was almost setting.

Inwardly he said, 'second stage; Soul Path, the world is my soul.'