Chapter 3


"Katie, wake up sweetie, there is someone here to see us." I watch as Katie slowly opens her eyes, squinting due to the sunlight that drifts in between the slats of the blinds covering the windows to the room. She turns toward me, and I nod toward the intruder who has entered the room.

"Good morning, my name is Connie Nobles, and I am here this morning to assist in completing the paperwork for the birth certificate and social security card. Is this a good time?" The elderly woman smiles warmly at us.

Katie returns her warm smile, "Yes, it's fine." Mrs. Nobles begins requesting the information for the parental section of the birth certificate, and I notice that Katie is looking over at me. I can see the concern on my girl's face, and I know the questions that are running through her mind. I know she is wondering whether I want to be listed as the father on the birth certificate. My guilt consumes me again when I am reminded that she has no knowledge of the fact that I am the actual father. Before she can voice her questions or concerns, I provide my information to Mrs. Nobles. When I look over at Katie again, I see the relief and admiration in her eyes, emotions that I remind myself I don't deserve.

"Now, what's the baby's name?" Mrs. Nobles asks over the rim of her glasses.

I quickly look over at Katie and see that she is looking at me in horror. We have not discussed baby names at all during her pregnancy. I begin thinking of the circumstances that brought Katie and I together, and the people who were there as our relationship was growing. I think of Wayne, and how supportive he was of our relationship. I think of Troy, and the desolation he felt with the knowledge he carried. I smile fondly as I look down at our son then over at Katie. "How about Adrian Michael Maulden?"

Katie smiles warmly at me and nods her head in agreement. "Is Adrian a family name?" I can tell she is curious what the names mean to me.

"No, it is a dear friend's middle name." Little Adrian has fallen asleep in my arms and I carefully carry him over and lay him in the hospital bassinette.

Suddenly the door flies open, Hayley bounding in, reminding me of the first time I met her, however this time she is carrying a car seat. "I thought you might need this. I spoke with the doctor on the way up here and he says he will be releasing you both soon." I can see how eager Hayley is, she is practically buzzing with excitement. "So, have you decided what we're calling the little guy yet?"

I proudly announce, "Adrian Michael Maulden."

Hayley raises an eyebrow, looking over at Katie then back at me again, "Maulden?"

"It's a good name." I fake offense, smiling over at her.

"Poor kid!" Hayley winks at me, playing along.


Hayley's announcement that the doctor will be releasing us soon is welcomed news. I am so ready to get out of this hospital and back home. Avery and I have a lot to talk about in moving forward in our relationship and raising Adrian. I am feeling giddy when the doctor finally arrives with the discharge papers. Hayley picks up Adrian and looks down at him, "Come on kid, Aunt Lee Lee is busting you out." Avery heads out to get his vehicle to meet us at the entrance. Hayley carries Adrian while I take the required wheelchair ride out of the hospital. We get the car seat situated in Avery's car and get Adrian correctly strapped in, then we finally head home; Hayley following closely behind us.

There truly is no place like home. Although I have only been gone overnight, I am so relieved to finally be back. As we are pulling up in the driveway, I see two other vehicles. "Must be the welcoming committee." Avery jokes. As we get closer to the house, I see Rick, Wayne and Troy all waiting outside for us. There are the congratulatory utterances, followed by hugs and requests to get inside so they can all see the baby. I can tell there is still friction between Avery and Troy, but they do appear to be attempting to put on a front for me. Once we all invade my home, Hayley asks Avery and I to join her in the nursery because she has some ideas, she wants to run by us. After allowing Troy to take Adrian, I drag myself into the room, somewhat annoyed that Hayley wants to do this now, when I just got home. My annoyance is quickly replaced with surprise and awe. The nursery has been completely finished. I am truly astonished with all the work that was put in to getting the room ready for Adrian.

"How? Who?" I look over at Hayley, tears forming in my eyes.

"We all got together and took care of this for you." Wayne proudly informs me.

"You have had so much on you; you didn't need to come home and worry about this." Hayley takes me into her arms in a friendly hug.

"I love the baseball theme." Avery is grinning as he shakes hands with Wayne and Rick.

"I really love this glider rocker." I sigh as I take a seat in the comfortable chair.

"That was my idea." Troy boasts, walking over and handing Adrian to me. I begin rocking, feeling blessed as I look up at each of the wonderful people in my life. I cannot believe that they decorated and furnished the nursery for me. It means the world to me that they all worked together and got this done overnight.

"So, what did you end up naming the little fellow?" Wayne inquires, a goofy grin on his face as he looks down at Adrian.

"Adrian Michael Maulden." I watch as Troy and Wayne look over at each other, appearing to be shocked by the announcement. As they both look over at Avery, I can see the emotion in both of their eyes.

"I named him after my two best friends, who have truly been there for me through it all." Avery hugs both of his friends, satisfying my curiosity of the meaning behind the name, which I am suddenly extremely proud of. I get up from the rocker and walk over and place Adrian in his new crib, and we all quietly leave the room. Hayley, of course, makes sure the baby monitor is turned on.

Wayne brought a welcome home meal for us, nothing fancy, just meats he had specially prepared and thin sliced for making sandwiches, along with fresh baked bread. I was famished after picking at the hospital food that had been made available to me, so I was delighted in what Wayne had done for us. We all sat down together around the table, enjoying the wonderful food, but more importantly, the fellowship. Once we had our fill, Wayne cleans the kitchen, putting the leftovers away for us to enjoy later. Slowly, each of our friends depart, and once the last guest has left, I wearily head to the bedroom, thankful to be climbing into my own bed. I notice that Avery is extremely quiet and deep in thought. He joins me in bed, pulling me into his arms. I want to ask him what is bothering him and assure him that everything is going to be alright, but his warmth surrounds me, and I succumb to sleep.

I can hear the cries coming from the baby monitor, causing me to jump up from my slumber. I look over to where Avery had been earlier, but the bed is empty. Just as I am about to leave the bed, I hear Avery tending to Adrian through the baby monitor.

"Well, hello there my little guy." Avery speaks softly to Adrian, which causes him to immediately stop crying. "Let's go ahead and get you changed." He continues speaking softly as he changes Adrian, then I hear him positioning himself into the glider. He is softly singing to Adrian, who seems to be content with it for a few minutes. Eventually, Adrian grows fussy and Avery whispers, "I know, my growing boy is hungry. Let's go find mommy now."

I can't help but smile to myself as I sit up in the bed and wait on their arrival. Avery walks into the room, carrying our precious son, who is squirming around, throwing himself a pretty good little fit. Avery places him into my awaiting arms, and after I nurse him, he quickly falls asleep. I reposition him, laying his head on my shoulder so that I can burp him, hoping he doesn't spit up in our bed. Avery and I sit in silence, and once Adrian lets out a silent burp, Avery offers to take him back to his crib. I watch as Avery is taking in the sight of him, like he is memorizing every little part of him, as he disappears from the room. The monitor silently indicates when they enter the nursery, and I can hear the rustling of the crib when Avery is laying Adrian down. The silence that follows is interrupted by Avery's solemn voice, "I sure hope your mom can forgive me. I don't ever want to imagine a moment without you both in my life." My heart starts racing, what has he done that he needs me to forgive him? What could he have possibly done that would have him believe that I wouldn't want him to be a part of his son's life?

Avery returns to the room, and I can't help but take in his appearance. He seems so defeated, his shoulders slumped, his eyes filled with unshed tears. I sit up in the bed, looking desperately up at him, but his eyes won't meet mine. He crawls into bed next to me, sighing deeply, but this time, instead of pulling me into his arms, his turns away from me. I can feel the distance growing between us. "Avery, is everything alright?"

He looks over at me, "Yea, I'm just tired." He rolls back over, his back to me, and all I can think about is how I know he just lied to me. There is so much I want to talk to Avery about, especially now that Adrian is home. I thought he would want to move in with me and help me raise our son. Our son. Is that what the problem is? He initiated having his name listed as the father on Adrian's birth certificate, but is he upset because he isn't really his son? Is he regretting all this? He whispered to Adrian that he didn't want to imagine life without him, so surely, he doesn't regret his decision to be here with us. I watch as Avery sleeps, consumed with my fears of his drifting away from me.