Chapter 12


Today is the day! Not the wedding day, but the bridal shower/bachelorette party, and do I need to cut loose! My office manager offered to keep Adrian for me overnight so that I could focus on pulling today off. The bridal shower is planned for 3 pm to be followed by the bachelorette party beginning at 6 pm and going until we decide to stop. Kevin and I are meeting at the club at noon to get everything set up. The bridal shower will take place downstairs, while the bachelorette party will take place in the VIP area, so we can keep this area out of sight during the bridal shower. Wayne will meet us at the club around 2 pm to bring the food for both events. Although Kevin plans to stay and help for the bridal shower, he will be leaving his club to me before 6 pm, so he can go and join the guys.

Whipping into Cabaret's parking lot at noon, Kevin is already there leaning up against his jeep. He walks over toward me to help me carry in all the decorations and gifts I have. We decide to start in the VIP area to decorate for the bachelorette party.

"There sure is a lot of penis décor and adult toys." Kevin is looking awkwardly over some of the items, occasionally lifting one to check it out better.

"It's a bachelorette party, Kev." I giggle at how uncomfortable Kevin looks. "Besides, I know you will be seeing a lot of va-jay-jays at the bachelor party, us girls aren't dumb."

Kevin gives me a goofy grin and helps me hang up the banner that reads 'same penis forever'. "So, you girls planning on having strippers?"

"Are you guys?" I lift an eyebrow at him, challenging him to answer my question first.

Kevin clears his throat and reaches up to help me hang the second banner that reads 'last fling before the ring'. "Just promise me you won't let things get too far out of hand. This place is how I make my living."

I mockingly act shocked. "Kevin! You act like we are a bunch of girls gone wild!"

Kevin lifts the corner of his mouth, lifting a brow at me. "You know, us guys aren't dumb either."

We finish decorating the VIP area and head back to the lower-level bar area, where Kevin helps me rearrange tables and cover them with tablecloths. Hayley has always loved Mardi Gras, so I themed the bridal shower décor and activities on that. There are masks integrated into the centerpieces and beads will be given for prizes for different activities, and the lady with the most beads at the end of the night will win a big prize. I plan to have crazy activities during the bachelorette party too for winning the beads.

Around 2 pm, Wayne arrives with the food. I plan to keep the food on the bar area downstairs, to prevent any messes in the VIP section. Kevin shows Wayne where the kitchen is in the back, and I watch as he brings in tray after tray of food. Buffalo wings, chicken tenders sliced deli meats, fruit and veggie platters, seafood, cheese and olives, different breads and dips, just to name a few. He did delight in showing me the penis shaped cookies he made, which he said was such a joy with his cooking staff to make and decorate.

"So, how wild will things be getting here tonight?" Wayne jokes, lifting his eyebrows up and down.

"I am sure not as wild as things will be where you're at." I give him a devilish grin.

"I don't know, there is a lot of dick upstairs." Kevin jokes, nodding toward the VIP section.

"Really?" Wayne laughs, rubbing his hands together, as he turns and takes the stairs two at a time to check out the area. "Damn Katie, you have a kinky side." Wayne shouts out as he holds up a few of the adult toys. "Will you girls be using these tonight?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I give him a sinful smile.

With a sincere and sedated look on his face, he replies, "Yes, I would."

I shrug my shoulders and turn away from him, getting back to decorating.

"Maybe we should move the bachelor party here, sounds like the entertainment may be worth watching." Wayne chuckles as he comes back down the stairs.

"I doubt that. Avery has told me that Leo has quite a spectacle planned for tonight, although he wouldn't give up the details." I shrug again.

"You know I won't let things get too out of hand." Wayne gives me a sincere look, as if understanding my insecurities. I don't know why I am letting thoughts of their bachelor party bother me. Maybe it is stemming from the fact that Avery and I have never discussed our interests sexually. Sure, we are intimate, but after learning that he had been involved in a role play in his past, I can't help but wonder if he wishes things were more exciting.

"Just don't let him drink too much." Wayne gives me a knowing look. Avery doesn't have a good track record for making good choices when he has had too much to drink.

"You know I won't." Wayne walks over and gives me a hug, "Need to head back so I can help get things ready for tonight." Pulling away and holding me at arms link, "If you need anything, call, okay?"

"Okay." I watch as Wayne saunters out of the club, looking back over at Kevin, "You ready to finish up?"

"Been waiting on you." He teases, as he grabs some of the final decorations for us to put in place.

Hayley arrives with some of her coworkers from the hospital that she invited. She squeals in delight and runs toward me, pulling me into a hug. As she pulls away, her tear-filled eyes tell me I did good. Looking from me to Kevin, "Thank you both so much, I love it!"

"Wait till you see the upstairs." Kevin gives her a mischievous grin and winks at her.

"I can't wait!" She is bouncing around; her excitement is obvious. As the final guests arrive, I get the shower started by pouring champagne and giving a heartwarming speech about Hayley, which we all toast to. I follow this up by explaining the games, including the requirements for earning the Mardi Gras beads, and how the person with the most beads by the end of the night will win the grand prize. Apparently, the hospital staff is quite competitive, which should make for an interesting night. After playing some of the traditional bridal shower games, Kevin begins bringing out the refreshments we picked for the bridal shower, keeping the rest in the back for the bachelorette party. We eat, laughing over the winners of the games thus far, Kevin sharing his interpretation of events, to the delight of the group. From there, we have her open her gifts, and she is excited to have received mainly gift cards, some household items, and a very sexy set of lingerie. Kevin pulls the alcohol out onto the bar that he allotted for us, bringing out the remaining food, then excusing himself to head over to Rick's bachelor party.

Once Kevin leaves, we transition into our bachelorette party. We start with a few drinking games, earning the winners more beads. I lead everyone up to the VIP section a little before the entertainment is due to arrive. Hayley squeals over the décor, as well as the adult toys, shoving some of them playfully into her purse. I head back downstairs as the entertainment arrives. They give me their music choice, and I lead two very handsome young men dressed in hospital scrubs up the stairs with me. The girls scream, knowing what is about to happen, especially as the first few chords of 'Ride My Pony' by Ginuwine starts blaring through the speakers. Everyone is enjoying the eye candy, dancing and grinding along with them as they slowly strip down to their skimpy little bottoms. They offer the bride-to-be an up-close and personal experience, which has us all whooping and hollering. I bring alcohol up to the VIP section, and the strippers join us in shots, while we continue to dance.


I was not prepared for the plans in store for us when I first arrived at the casino bar for Rick's bachelor party. The area has been transformed for the event. Leo must have taken every idea from every bachelor party movie and brought it to life. The guys are all grinning as I take in the sight before me. In the far corner, there is a mud wrestling area set up. There are stripper poles mounted in different areas of the bar, with scantily dressed women already adorning them. There is a stage area set up where you can play paint drums, and of course, Troy closed the casino area to the public for the private event. There are more people present for this event than I expected, making me wonder if Troy invited some of the patrons to join in this celebration.

Once Kevin arrives, Leo approaches us with a tray of shots, saluting Rick as we down them. We head over to the mud wrestling area, where Rick is informed that he will be wrestling a voluptuous young lady who appears before us in a bikini. He seems overly excited at this prospect, undressing down to his boxers then entering the ring. Leo rings the bell and Rick quickly lifts the girl, plunging her into the mud, then straddling her. She isn't quick to relent, slipping out from underneath him. The guys start chastising Rick over his apparent erection, which the young lady clearly takes advantage of, shimming her body up against him, causing him to groan. Then, out of nowhere, she swipes his legs out from underneath him, causing him to land on his back in the mud. She quickly throws herself on top of him, grinding up against him until Leo counts him out. She leaps up and performs a celebratory dance to the cat calls from all the guys. Rick's face is covered in an enormous grin, leaning towards us, "That was the best loss I have ever experienced." This causes raucous laughter, followed by another round of shots.

We congregate back to the bar, where Leo pours us another round of shots, then the groups divide up into smaller groups around the stripper poles. Our core group is gathered around a pole with a blonde gyrating against it. We watch her performance, the others picking on Rick about being tied down to the same girl for the rest of his life. He seems unaffected by their teasing, his eyes are becoming hooded, clearly the shots are beginning to affect him. I can relate, the idea of being tied down to one woman seems more like a blessing than the curse they are trying to insinuate. Once the blonde's pole dance is done, we head into the casino, where the group of us are encouraged to try our luck. The only tables open are the blackjack, poker and roulette wheel. Of course, the slot machines are available to us as well. The tables are being manned by topless women, which seems a bit ridiculous to me, even for a bachelor party. Leo brings our core group another round of shots, before leading us to a poker table. We play a round of poker, five-card draw, which we focus more on smack talking each other than the actual game.

Leo brings us back into the bar area, where some of the guys and the strippers are playing the paint drums, florescent paint glowing in the black light. We head back over to the bar area, where Leo fixes us another round of shots, this time making them doubles. My vision is beginning to blur, my eyes are starting to burn, and I can hear Wayne mumbling how we need to slow down before our judgment become a bit too impaired. I agree, and we move over to another seating area, where Leo motions for some of the girls to join us. Before too long, the girls are performing lap dances for each of us, and with our heightened senses due to the alcohol, this seems like a bad idea. I am looking up at the brunette straddling my lap, feeling all sorts of guilty, when I look over at Rick. His face is pale and sweat covered, and his eyes seem to lack focus as he grabs at his left arm, his breath suddenly coming in spurts. I push the brunette off my lap, leaping up and heading into Rick's direction. I motion for the blonde in his lap to move, and I squat down in front of him and ask if he is alright. The room is tilting slightly, causing me to grab ahold of his knee to balance myself. Rick shakes his head; his breathing is erratic. Leo is suddenly at my side; he seems a bit more sober than the rest of us. He pulls out his cell phone and calls 9-1-1. He sounds like he is in a well, but I can clearly make out the words heart attack, which brings everything into focus quickly. Rick is clutching at his chest at this point, the alarm sobering me up. Then, I watch in horror, as Rick slumps in his seat and slides to the floor. Everything seems to be happening in slow motion, as Leo is performing chest compressions and I am blowing rescue breathes, focusing on the count of the compressions. I notice Wayne, Kevin and Troy are pacing the floor in front of us, clear concern on their faces. Then, finally, the EMT's arrive.