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brave new world


I felt his leg stab through my body like absolute zero. My eyes widened as he gripped right around my heart, but suddenly I felt a warm feeling grab my hand. Right where Amnael's leg intersected my body came a streak of stray light. It spilled a figure that stood next to me. It looked just like I do now. It...it was Danny Aldoun's spirit.

Danny looked from me to the giant ant from where he spouted, and the back to me.

"What...are you?" Amnael asked, lightening his grip slightly. Then recognition passed in his voice. "You...You're Daniel."

Danny didn't answer Amnael, he walked a few steps behind me and bent down in front of Ellie. I had to strain to see what he was doing, but it was too far. I had seen when he made it to Evan. He made a sort of swirling motion with his index finger and I saw a white substance leave through his nostrils into Danny's finger. He passed over to Anna and did the same thing.

"Oh, Daniel you've done such a fine job of retrieving the rest of his soul back together. I almost would have for—" He stopped as Danny walked over to me and pressed the substance into my face, letting it fill my nostrils and go down my throat.

"What are you doing?!"

Danny looked back to me and walked closer, placing a hand on both of our chests. "I forgive you." He dissipated into smoke and rejoined with Amnael.

Suddenly my chest felt even colder than before, but I wasn't the only one feeling its effects. Amnael was shaking as the smoky appendage lunged right through my chest was turning a different color. I yanked back once and felt it snap inside of me.

Amnael let out a harsh scream that invaded all corners of my mind. "I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU."

I tried to stand up but was yanked down by another one of his legs. I landed chest first and his scream matched mine as I did. I realized that he still felt the leg that remained in my chest. It didn't vanish to nothingness even though it had been separated from his body. I had an idea and only one chance to make it work.

I flipped over onto my back and grabbed the leg still stuck in my chest and I squeezed it. What followed was a large roar and Amnael flinching in pain. I flashed a grin and stood to my feet.

"I found a way to keep you at bay. A piece of you..." I grabbed harder down on the leg and pushed it further into my chest. It left no entry wound, but slid in just the same. "...is now in me. But it's a part you can't control, can you? But you can feel it, even when I do..." I held my breath for a second as my heart continued beating. I felt light headed as the palpitations began. My heart had grabbed a hold of the leg and was squeezing it in-between beats. "...this. You still feel it."

Each beat caused visible seizures with the creature. He bent down until his abdomen hit the ground. "Y-YOU HURT YOURSELF EACH...TIME."

"If it means I can get a...agk!" I held my hand close to my chest, "...hold over you then it is more than worth it."


I laugh, "My mother told me I wasn't no good boy." I look up at him. "You made this mess yourself by entering my body the first time. You created this monster. And now you're going to pay for it."


"If you die then a large hole will be left in your family plans, right? So that means you'll do anything to survive, including obeying my every..."



"YOU WILL NOT COMMAND..." There was an even louder scream. It sounded like it was made of pure terror. "I...I S-SUBMIT."

I smiled a dark look at him. "Excellent. I make the rules now. There's no way in hell I'm letting you back into my body to get your leg back, so you can kiss that idea good-bye." I looked around, and got an idea. "Her," I pointed to Ellie. "You're going into her body, and you're going to help me get out of this shit hole. It's going to sink anytime now, and we're not going to be here when that happens."


"Now," I said, and squeezed.

"Y-YES." And Amnael did as said. Ellie's eyes opened and her naturally blue eyes faded to a reddish-gold shade.

"Excellent. Now come on, let's get going." I nod my head. "We've got to fix this stupid leg up." I pointed down, and then looked back up to Ellie. "Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that part. You're going to be carrying me, but save one of her hands free. I have use for that on the way up. It's the least you can do for an apology."

I could see the apprehensive look on Ellie's face, and to be honest it turned me on. Things had become okay and it was all thanks to Danny. I don't think he expected it to turn this way when he forgave me, but you know what? He's dead now. His opinions don't matter.

I have been lead like a dog my entire life—led just for the sole purpose of some fucked up alien creatures to do research? Nah, I thought that what I was doing was the right thing, but I sacrificed all of my life to do it. Now I am finally in control, and I'm going to enjoy myself with it. I think the greatest joy of all will be putting an end to Amnael's pretentious Dad who is so keen on making my life a living hell. Don't you worry buddy, I'm coming for you and anybody else who gets in my way.


Amnael was able to fix the elevator with no issue. We dumped the bodies out into the hallway first, of course. Got to have at least some courtesy for the dead.

"Can I put you down while we ride the elevator up?" Ellie asked.

I nodded, and then grinned as the doors closed. The elevator rose up to the main lobby, but I took my time getting out. I was on the top of the world when I walked to the front doors heading outside. I shoved them open and pounced with the largest smile in our brave new world.

Amnael, still sitting in the elevator, was shaking. I...never...experienced anything like this...before. Then stood up shakily and followed William out of the lobby.