Tundra Arrive on the Grandfather Triola Place

After a long battle and ended with the defeat of Triola's grandfather, Triola's grandfather who closed his eyes still had hope and confidence in all of them, and Triola's grandfather believed that they would all become great people and also have great abilities. will make them someone who can be relied on, as well as Tundra believes and believes and Tundra always supports whatever Grandpa Triola does, because of that he supports Grandpa Triola to raise these poor children and also educate them so that they can become someone big and also great later on.

Tundra, who was muttering in his heart, felt an unusual feeling, he was on his way to Triola's grandfather's place, because Tundra felt something was bothering his mind, he was sure there was something wrong with the people closest to him, he was sure that something happened to Triola's grandfather, in his journey he still has hope, he hopes nothing happens to Triola's grandfather, because he is very worried about Triola's grandfather, and he really wants nothing to happen to Triola's grandfather, but it's as if he doesn't know what's going on with Triola's grandfather, Tundra also very quickly headed to Triola's grandfather's place, he rushed as fast as possible to Triola's grandfather's place, and he knew something must be going on, but he didn't know what it was at all, he was still running and trying to find out what was going on with Triola's grandpa's current state, at a speed he had, he was constantly trying to speed up his pace.

And as he got closer to Triola's grandfather's place, when he was almost close to Triola's grandfather he saw a lot of people from the empire because he didn't want to be found out that he was also Triola's grandfather's disciple, Tundra immediately turned around, he was increasingly convinced that something was strange, because suddenly people from the empire and also from the kingdom came with so many troops, making him feel even sadder and his heart completely broken, for now, he hoped that Triola's grandfather would be fine, he went around to the other direction, so as not to be caught and he continued to speed up, because he felt that it was not too late, there was still hope in Tundra's heart at this time.

Tundra rushed at his full speed, without looking anywhere else, he continued to focus and headed to where Triola's grandfather was because he was sure that nothing would happen to Triola's grandfather, but Tundra didn't know at all that Triola's grandfather had just died and exhaled. After taking his last breath, he had to immediately go to Triola's grandfather's place because he was the only adult student, while the others were still children in the basement, because when people arrived – People from Triola's grandfather's empire felt that something was wrong and something bad would happen, and that's why Triola's grandfather told all the children to go to the dungeon because that was the safest place. and it was also convenient to be able to hide, and that way everyone could safely go underground.

Tundra who also felt something knew something was wrong with the feelings he felt, he rushed very quickly and he was sure that something would happen, Tundra immediately headed to Triola's grandfather and immediately looked for Triola's grandfather, but in the middle of his journey, he was intercepted and saw from a distance there were a lot of people from the empire and also a lot of people from the kingdom came, and Tundra saw all of them where everything seemed to be in a hurry and also very in a hurry, making Tundra have to turn his path and turn to where he should be, and Tundra immediately goes to where he should be, Tundra who is indeed the only student who is older than him. the other thing is that he is the only one who has the power to heal, and with his strength, even the worst wound can be healed again.

But this time Tundra won't be able to heal Triola's grandfather again because Triola's grandfather has died and also can't come back to life again, Tundra who is still at his speed immediately rushes to go to where he should be doing, and he too immediately goes to the place where he has to and will return to Triola's grandfather's place, because before that Tundra was assigned by Triola's grandfather to take Froxy to a place where Froxy can be trained properly and also get her strength.

Tundra who was still on his way with his speed immediately headed to Triola's grandfather's place, and also got everything and also Tundra did have a healing ability of the highest level and he could serve the kingdom or empire or also be among the gods, and he immediately headed to the place he wanted right away because he had to hurry and immediately go to the place he should be occupying now.

Tundra at full speed, he thought he would easily go to Triola's grandfather, but, the people who were before Tundra when Tundra was about to turn around, they chased Tundra and Tundra saw they were behind there, Tundra who swiftly ran and jumped over several trees, then Tundra cursed on the tallest tree so that the people of the kingdom could not see it.

Tundra then continued his journey and arrived at the place where he was at Triola's grandfather, the journey was quite far and also tiring experienced by Tundra where he also experienced the pursuit of people from the kingdom and also the empire darkness.

After making an escape that was chased by the people of the kingdom and also the empire, where it made Tundra very hampered from being able to get to Triola's grandfather's residence, where Triola's grandfather had previously fought against criminals who which are people who are looking for underage children to kill.

They killed the children because they believed in a prophecy that said that there would be someone who would become the leader of the three nations and that person was born in the current generation, and the emperor of darkness who now believed in it and that's why he turned to the human kingdom with which they were allies and exterminated anyone born at this time.

Then while exterminating the children who were born, Froxy's parents were lucky to be able to save her and take her to be delivered to Triola's grandfather's house, where Triola's grandfather himself had already taken care of a lot of children in his place, and he liked to help and educate and raise children in his place, Grandpa Triola was indeed very agile, disciplined and also brave he was gallantly able to protect the inheritance that was left behind, namely the young leaves that would later be will become beautiful flowers, and he can protect them until the end of his life, there is no regret in his heart and he can do all the best things he can until the end of his breath, grandfather Triola only until now, and he couldn't continue his life anymore.

Blood came out of his mouth, and he lay on the ground, lying to his death with a barrage of attacks carried out directly by the troops from the empire as well as the human kingdom, Triola's old grandfather, his age at that time was no longer there. being young again makes him unable to do the best he can and he is also able to give maximum results where he can give something the best he can, and at the end of his life, he is proud of all the achievements he has made. he did it because this was a story that made him live in a pleasure of struggle that made him a very great person.

His name is known throughout the country, but the emperor of darkness and also the king of humans did not expect that Triola's grandfather was educating and raising the children they were looking for, and furiously they ordered many troops to destroy Triola's grandfather's residence, did not accept this treatment, Triola's grandfather defended himself, but he was no longer young and it was also time for him to go to his death now.

Tundra, who had finished delivering Froxy, went back to Triola's grandfather's house, where he had taken Froxy to a legendary place which in that place would make Froxy stronger and make her someone who could be relied on later, and Foxy herself believes that she can bring the world to a brighter direction.

Tundra, who is a protégé of Triola's grandfather, immediately headed to where Triola's grandfather is currently and he immediately headed to where Triola's grandfather was and he quickly got to where Triola's grandfather was now, but in the middle of the journey. he was also prevented by hordes of troops from rudeness and also the kingdom which made him stop in place and also turn his path, but he was still being chased until finally, he managed to escape the pursuit, after arriving at Triola's grandfather he was even knowing that it turned out that Triola's grandfather had died, he saw the piles of Triola's grandfather's house which were shattered into pieces without the slightest residue, where he became very sad.

He hopes that Triola's grandfather is still in good condition, he hopes that Triola's grandfather is still alive and can be with him accompanying his every training and together with him and the other children so that he is sure that he is able and also able to be together with him.

But what happened was just the opposite, Triola's grandfather who had left and could not come back to life again made Tundra's heart hit when he cleaned his house and building and also made him realize that this was all the work of the kingdom, making he was furious and made his heart determined to repay him one day.

The only person he considers his parents to have died and left him at this time, where he finally becomes so sad and doesn't know what to do anymore, which self is also someone who He was educated and raised by Triola's grandfather, but this time he was unable to repay his services, until the end of Triola's grandfather he was just a person who had a lot of debt of gratitude, did not accept everything that existed at this time, he too determined to destroy the empire as well as the kingdom with his own hands.

Then in the training ground Froxy who just got into a legendary place where here everyone can get their special powers and make them able to release powers that will allow them to give them something special, Froxy who just entered inside, suddenly her heart remembered Triola's grandfather and became sad, Froxy felt something where she felt like she had lost the person who cared for her since she was little she became so sad when she went inside, Froxy thought maybe it was just because they just separated just a few moments, later when he finished his training he was sure he would meet Triola's grandfather again, that's what Froxy thought, right.