Call Her Father

Su Ruan chatted for a while with Long Fei and finally hang up the phone call feeling a little better.

As she looked at the photograph again, her feeling was not as terrible as before.

Taking a deep breath, Su Ruan decided to give her father a call and tell him the truth that she has been hiding from him. She waited for a few seconds before her father picked up the phone.

"Hello, Su Ruan?" Su Yu's puzzled voice was heard on the other line.

Su Ruan glanced at the clock and understood her father's surprised tone. She rarely called her father around this time.

"Mmm… Dad."

There was a brief pause before Su Yu spoke again. This time, he sounded a little anxious. "Is something going on? Are you alright?"

Su Ruan laughed. Even though she was a little unhappy a few minutes ago, hearing her father's concerned tone made her feel a little better.

At least, she will always know that her father was worried about her.